Just Breath (JinKook)

12 Days of Bangtan

Jungkook stared at the words he had just scribbled down on the page. Actually, scribbled wasn’t quiet right; he had spent the past hour trying to figure out what to say. The sinking feeling in his stomach began as soon as he picked up a pen and it hadn’t left since. This was all so new to him. He read the words over once more, folded the paper, and placed it gently in an envelope. Finally, this was it – it was perfect. Jungkook held the envelope tightly against his chest. His heart was pounding. He had become so used to this feeling by now that is wasn’t even uncomfortable.

With the envelope in hand, Jungkook stood up and grabbed a coat from the closet before he headed out. When he got outside, a rush of cold air hit his bare skin and made him shiver. Small specks of white lightly touched him then disappeared in the blink of an eye. Jungkook shoved the paper under his coat, carefully guarding it from harm. He continued down the street with a blank look on his face which stood out amongst the excited and cheerful smiles that passed him. The streets were busy with people but the weather was beginning to compel some of them to start for home. Haste was building in every step as the cold overcame Jungkook’s body and he could feel the warmth leaving him, as if every exhale took a degree of heat from his body. But Jungkook knew where he was going; the sight of a local book shop calmed him – almost there.

Warmth surrounded him as he stepped into his destination. He checked his coat to make sure the envelope was still with him and it was. Jungkook took a deep breath before he walked further into the building. While going up the stairs, he counted each step. The elevator would have been faster and he knew that. He was stalling. A few more steps landed him on the third floor. This was the one, he thought, and turned into the hall. Doors passed him slowly but his eyes avoided them; he knew which one he wanted without even looking. His quiet steps stopped and he looked up. His mind commanded him to open the door but he froze.

This was crazy. He was crazy. Jungkook pulled the envelope out; it burned in his hand. The sinking feeling in his stomach returned and he felt anxious. Maybe this was a bad idea – a horrible one that his common sense should have urged him against from the start – but he knew common sense couldn’t help him anymore. Logic became obsolete when it came to things like this. Books told him so, movies told him so, and the very little experience he had confirmed it. His hand shook.

“Breathe,” he whispered almost inaudibly, “just breathe.”

Jungkook took a deep breath and opened the door. He stared at the person sitting on the floor.

“Jungkookie, what are you doing here?”

“Seokjin hyung,” Jungkook smiled shyly.

“I’m practicing my lines,” Seokjin informed, standing to his feet, “did you come to practice too? Maybe we can sing together and get a better feel for the song.”

“Actually, I just came to drop this off for you,” Jungkook looked down and held the envelope out in both hands. Seokjin took it and stared down at the bright red paper curiously.

“What is it,” he looked up and noticed Jungkook was gone. He shrugged, “how strange.”

Sitting back down, Seokjin opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. He narrowed his eyes, and unfolded it to reveal a slightly lengthy handwritten letter on snowflake stationary very similar to the one Jungkook had left on his bed earlier this morning. Maybe it was a fan letter, he thought – but he never got one delivered to him by Jungkook, it didn’t even have an address on it. Seokjin looked at the words, the handwriting and signature at the bottom cleared everything up; this was obviously from Jungkook.  He read the letter carefully. His eyes began to widen as he continued from line to line. Shock set in and he rushed out the door to go find Jungkook; if he hurried, he could probably catch up to him. As soon as he stepped out into the hallway, he was taken back. There, right outside the door, Jungkook stood, leaning against the wall with his eyes fixated on the floor.

“So?” He asked quietly.

“So,” Seokjin lifted Jungkook’s chin and captured his lips in a soft kiss. Jungkook was taken by surprise but he closed his eyes and kissed back. Their lips pressed together gently for a second before Seokjin pulled back, “does that answer your question?”

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Seokjin, his head coming to rest on his broad shoulders. Seokjin held him tightly. Relief washed over Jungkook. It was so easy; all he had to do was just breathe. 


~A/N: JinKook as requested by JONGKAILOVE. This wasn't as fluffy as I was hoping but I hope you liked it anyway.

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Cda1110 #1
Chapter 4: I want morreee
Chapter 2: My cuties yoonmin awww...
Chapter 2: ohmygod yoonmin is so cute xkwnbxkwnxjwkdn my heart ㅠㅠㅠ
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 4: arghhhh jinkook arghhhh so cute aaaaakkk
Chapter 12: Awww, so cute! I like grumpy Namjoon
Chapter 13: sweet bonus chapter :D