You Left Me Again

4 Years After You Left

"Bom... I'm so sorry..." Dara apologized for the seventeenth time. The two were at a small coffee shop just around the corner. Bom was playing with her cup of hot chocolate. Outside, the sun was setting and cool breeze swayed the tree branches back and forth.  

"How'd you find out?" Bom mumbled. 
"Chaerin told us... Bom, you should've told me," Dara looked at her apologetically. 
"Will that have changed anything?" Bom snarled softly.
"B-B-Bom..." Dara stuttered. She wasn't expecting her to reply like that. "You know... When you left, I regretted what I did a lot. I was going to give Ji Yong up and look for you..."
"Then why didn't you?" Bom asked. 
"I saw Ji Yong slowly going crazy and I got mad. How did you effect him so much? Why did he love you so much? He was only looking for you. He only wanted you. So, I made you the bad person of the story, I made everyone turn against you because I thought that eventually, Ji Yong would too," Dara looked down at her hands. "I wanted him to hate you and love me. But even after four years... Four damn years... He was still looking for you. Even though he went through so much pain, it was always you."  
Tears fell down Bom's eyes at the thought of Ji Yong and how much she hurt him. "I thought that time would heal everything..." 
Dara put her hand on top of Bom's. "That's what I thought too. But Ji Yong... He's not going to let you go, Bom. Please don't let go of him. I know you hate me, but please... Come back to us for Ji Yong," she pleaded. Bom sighed and took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Bom... Where were you for four years?" 
Bom bit her lower lip, deciding whether or not to tell her the truth. "I was in America," she admitted. 
Dara nodded. "That makes a lot of sense..." 
"Dara-yah... Do you still hate me?" Bom asked hesitantly. "Does everyone still hate me?"   
"I think I'm the one that has to ask you," Dara sighed and reached out for Bom's hands again. "I'm really sorry. I just... I was blind. Something came over me and... I really hate myself. I really do. I'm so sorry... Please come back to us...  Come back to him," she cried. 
Bom was touched by Dara's sincere apology, but she didn't want to go back. She couldn't go back. It was too late. "Dara... I don't know. Give me some time to think about it." 
"Let's not hurt him anymore..." Dara whispered. 
Bom looked at the floor as she spoke. "I know Dara, I know..." She didn't want to hurt him anymore. I'm tired though, Ji Yong... I'm sorry, she thought. "Dara, I have to meet someone now. It was nice seeing you." Bom picked up her purse and got up to leave. 
"Please come back, Bom..." 
Without saying anything, she left the cafe. Dara's words crawled in her mind. Did I really hurt him that much? Bom sighed and got into her car and started the engine. She was heading to Han River to clear her mind. 
With a beer in one hand and her purse in another, she took a seat. With the lovely lights shining bright, she saw a couple taking pictures. Bom sighed and looked through her purse. "The picture! Where did I put it?" The picture of her and Ji Yong wasn't there. She dug through her purse, looked through her wallet, shoved her hands inside her pockets. It wasn't there. Tears escaped Bom's eyes. "Our picture..." 


As Ji Yong walked out of the YG Building, he found a picture laying on the floor. Carelessly, he picked it up and took a glance at it. Ji Yong's eyes widened when he realized it was a picture of him and Bom, all crumbled and messed up. The smell of her lingered on it. He looked at the back of the picture. Although it was smudged and fading away, he was able to make out the words: Me and Ji Yongie~ Her handwriting, her scent, their picture. 

"I knew it. I knew you were here, Bom." Soon, Ji Yong started to run. He didn't have an exact destination in mind, but kept running as if his feet would take him to where Bom was. Please Bom. Please be here. Please don't leave me this time, he thought. Ji Yong ran as fast as he could. "We'll make it through together," he said to the photo as he gently touched her cheeks. Tears built up in his eyes. Everything became blurry, but he kept running. 

The cold breeze of the night was hitting his face as he ran. Ji Yong ended up where they spent most of their time together. Han River. "Bom! Bom!" he called out. He searched everywhere, but there were no signs of her. He sighed as he turned back.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw a girl gulping down beer. "But, Bom doesn't drink..." Ji Yong muttered. He went up closely to see the girl more carefully. He gasped when he recognized the figure. Ji Yong ran up to her and hugged her waist. 

Bom screamed. "Who are you? Get off me! You ert! Get off!" 

"I missed you so much, noona..." he whispered into her ears as he cried softly. "Where have you been..." 

A gasp escaped . "Ji Yong-ah..." Tears fell down her cheeks as well.

He buried his face in her hair and took in her scent. "Four years, noona... I wanted to die. I thought that was the only way to get rid of the pain. But every time I took out the pills or grabbed the knife... The thought of you coming back kept me alive. I had to stay alive in order to see you... That's what made me put down the knife, throw away the pills, and live through it," he whispered between his sobs. 

Bom was shaking as she tried to hold in the tears. She turned to Ji Yong and wiped his tears. "Please don't cry..."  

"Why did you leave? You could've told me... We could've gone through it all together. You didn't have to go through all of that alone, noona..." Ji Yong carressed her cheeks and then gently her stomach. "We could've protected her together..." 

Bom's heart tightened. "At the time, I thought that was the best for us. I thought that it would just hurt me and my career. Not you..." she replied.  

"I love you, noona..." he whispered and brought her into his arms. "Can you come back now? Can we start over? Please..." Ji Yong pleaded softly. 

Bom lifted her face from his shoulders and looked into his eyes. He looked like he was in so much pain. "Sorry Ji Yong. I can't," she bit her lower lip. "I'm not going back..." 


"I can't Ji Yong!" she screamed. "Please..."

"Noona, we can start over. We'll make a new beginning..."

"No Ji Yong. I'm sorry." Bom got up and grabbed her purse. Ji Yong grabbed her wrist, but she shrugged off his grip. "I'm sorry, Ji Yong. But I won't ever be able to forget what we had to go through. The pain, the suffering... I just can't go back." With that said, she left and bit her lips to hold in her tears. 

Ji Yong cried for a while. She left. Again.

"Well I got to see her," he whispered. "I guess it's time to say goodbye..." He got up and walked toward the water. "If you're not coming back to me, there's no point in living. I love you so much, noona..." Ji Yong got into the freezing cold river. Soon, everything turned black as he sunk into the water.

Deeper and deeper. 


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farrahuf #1
Chapter 6: I really love this story :) and also I really love GBOM couple <3
this is amaazing
Chapter 6: i'm so touch.............great story...,i really hope that they would have their mini ji yong.GBOM happily ever after..!!!!
Awwwww what a beautiful fanfic with such a happy ending...I'm so happy gbom got back together and marry with a happy family!!! I love it!
BB21owez #5
Ahhhh... this last scene / conversations of Bom's daughter & Bom rly touches my heart. It's owez hard 4 any parent 2 bury & say gudbye 2 his / her kid. Gud writing. thumps up!
Aww! Mini Jiyong?! Cute!!<br />
Ahh.. Died one more time, just by imagining his face! Hohoho!<br />
<br />
Next story! Gogogo!
MrsGDragon #7
The best Gbom fanfic everrr ♥
ZozBombshell #8
Haha Jiyong: "how about we make a mini Jiyog?" hahaha.
seungriism #9
Cute story!!!~mini jiyong awwww
Yes Mini-JiYong please :)<br />
I loved it ; the whole thing