Rules & Guidelines

Bacon and Eggs
bacon & eggs


Baekhyun/Chanyeol Exchange Rules and Guidelines

Highlights of The Rules

- Word Min: 2k

- Anonymity is sacred, so please don't reveal yourself before the "Big Reveals"

- We do NOT operate through LJ PMs. It’s a lot easier for us to interact with participants through email, so please check the email you sign up with regularly.


Highlights of The Timeline

- Sign Ups: November 27 - December 27

- Assignments Sent: January 3, 2015

- Assignments Due: April 27, 2015

- Posting: May 6, 2015 - ends


- All work should be a stand-alone and MUST not be part of another series or a sequel.

- Do not discuss your prompts or assignments, either the one you gave or the one you got, in public (Twitter, Tumblr, Weibo, LJ, etc.).

- Please subscribe to receive updates!


- November 27 - December 27, for a total of a month

- Please fill out the sign-up form as thoroughly as possible, because it will be for your own benefit. We will not reassign people, so please fill this out carefully! We will not chase people down to get missing information.

- Sign-up form guidelines are at the bottom.


- Baekhyun/Chanyeol must be the main pairing in all entries.

- Remember to always mind what your recipient does not want in their gift fic. Read your assignment carefully!

- If you have any questions about your assignment, contact the mods, not the recipient! THIS IS ANONYMOUS.

- Entries must be original and be able to stand on their own, not a continuation of something already posted.

- All entries must be rated and given warnings appropriately.


- Please do not submit your fic until you are completely satisfied with it. Once a fic is submitted, no revisions will be permitted except for minor changes such as typo corrections or header changes.

- Submit all work to baekyeolexchange[at]gmail[dot]com

- Mods have the right to remove any disparaging or derogatory content about your work on your Author's Note. You have worked hard, so appreciate your work a bit more!

- If you have a beta-reader, do not list your beta by name in your Author's Note (initial is alright). For the sake of anonymity, we will go back and post it in after reveals.

Fic Requirements

- Please submit in a Word .doc or .docx or .txt format

- The minimum word count is 2,000 words - Include all html tags in your entry

- We will proofread fics for spelling and grammar


- Please include this header in both your email and in your entry.


Author: Recipient: Title: Word Counts: Side Pairing(s) Rating: Warnings: Disclaimer:The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended. Summary: Author's Note:



Check In 1 - February 27, 2015

Check In 2 - March 27, 2015

Submissions Due - April 27, 2015

Check-Ins: Really Important!!

Check ins will be conducted through email on a personal basis.

Check In 1: Show us your progress and tell us how much (%) of your fic you think is finished. If someone doesn't respond to this check in, we will email them one more time, and if we hear no response for over a week, they will most likely be replaced by a pinch hitter.

Check In 2: This is a month before deadline, and again, participants will be asked to give estimated percentage finished. If they need an extension, they ask now. If they do not check in, they will be dropped and replaced with a pinch hitter regardless of how much they wrote for check in one (we will only contact them by email once before dropping them). If you check in with us and we think you are not likely to finish by your posting date, we might have to replace you with a pinch hitter.


- Granted on a case-by-case basis (email mods at baekyeolexchange[at]gmail[dot]com)

- Please inform us ASAP if you need to drop out so we can find a pinch hitter for your recipient!

- We reserve the right to drop participants at anytime if we believe they will not finish their fic.

- We reserve the right to remove them from the exchange if we think they are flaking (not taking things seriously, dropping off).

- Participants will be dropped if they do not check in to either Check In post and we have emailed them one time to ask why they did not respond to the Check In post.

SAD BUT TRUE: We are not tyrants, and we do believe in second chances. However, we do not like to feel disrespected. So if a participant has failed to submit an assignment in round one AND now in round two, we will not be too eager to have this person in this exchange again, since they seem to leave us hanging a lot. Therefore, we will probably not allow that person to sign up for any future rounds of this exchange.


- We will post all entries anonymously until reveals in our Masterlist

- Don’t post your entry anywhere else on the Internet until after reveals


- Feel free to contact us with questions or concerns on Twitter

- The mod’s e-mail is baekyeolexchange[at]gmail[dot]com

- Do not PM us on LJ, or we will not get it

- OR, you can leave questions as a comment to this post, and we will answer them publicly for everyone’s benefit

Sign-Up Form

In the sign up form, please list

- Your pen name

- An email address that is working and that you consistently check.

Explanation for the sign-up form:

For the Fic You're Going to Give:


- List any other characters/pairings you're okay with writing, e.g. Tao/Sehun, Sehun/Kai, Suho/Chen, etc. Optional: If Baekhyun and Chanyeol are not yet a pairing, you can state past relationship preferences here as well. e.g. past Baekhyun/Chen, Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, etc. PLEASE SPELL OUT ALL CHARACTERS' NAMES. Do not just give initials.

- List characters you absolutely will not write.

- List things you like to write. These things can include personal preferences in areas like genre, pairings, era, character’s ages, kinks, scenarios, etc. The more you give us, the easier it will be to match you.

- List things you will not write, such as genres, eras, scenarios, kinks, personal preferences, etc. This is so we don’t match you with someone who loves all (or most) of the things you dislike. Please try to be as flexible as possible with these!

- List up as many as you can your writing strength, and please be honest when you do so. This is for your own benefit.

For the Gift You Will Receive:


- List any other characters/pairings you’d like to read in your gift e.g. Sehun/Kai, Xiumin/Luhan, Joonmyeon/Jongdae, etc. Optional: If Baekhyun and Chanyeol are not yet a pairing, you can state past relationship preferences here as well. e.g. past Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, Chanyeol/Jongdae, etc. PLEASE SPELL OUT ALL CHARACTERS' NAMES. Do not just give initials.

- List characters you absolutely will not read.

- List things you like to read. These things can include personal preferences in areas like genre, pairings, era, character’s ages, kinks, scenarios, etc. The more you give us, the easier it will be to match you.

- List things you will not read, such as genres, eras, scenarios, kinks, personal preferences, etc. This is so we don’t match you with someone who loves all (or most) of the things you dislike.

- Provide three prompts you would like to read in your gift. Note: Your writer is not obligated to use the prompt word for word, but it may provide a jumping off point for them. Please don't go overboard with specifics. Spark your writer’s imagination, but don’t direct their muse!


Squicks/Triggers, as defined for this exchange: These things give you a range of reactions when encountering them in fic, including leaving you feeling ill, haunting you for hours or days, making you want to stop reading the fic altogether, or generally affecting you in such a negative way as to leave you distraught or traumatized- These are NOT things you can just ignore and skip over with no harm done.

(You can read more here)

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Sign up is closed with 73 participants!


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