General Info

Bacon and Eggs
bacon & eggs
bacon & eggs is an exchange that focused on pairing Baekhyun/Chanyeol.
All stories must have Baekhyun/Chanyeol as the primary pairing. The stories can be angst, mystery, drama, romance, fluff, horror, , or even nail-biting danger! No time period, universe, rating level, or location is off limits ;D
And in case you don't know, the exchange works by pairing up authors randomly (and anonymously). Writers will be assigned three prompts to choose from! And if you want to write two (or even more!) fics instead of one based on the prompts given, that’s completely fine! It will make your recipient (and us mods) happy! Please make sure to pay attention what your recipient doesn't want, though ;)
Although this exchange was created for fun, there are still rules to be obeyed! Please don't skip these, as these rules are really important.
1. The word minimum requirement is 2000 words, so please don’t send anything below it! You have 3 months to write, we're sure you can do it!
2. Do not discuss your prompts or assignments, either the one you gave or the one you got, in public (Twitter, Tumblr, Weibo, LJ, etc.). Please be patient until reveals are up, guys. That's the fun part of an exchange!
3. Do not sign up if you're unsure about your schedule! Please keep in mind that this is an exchange and someone will be very, very sad if you drop out somewhere along the way.
4. All work should be a stand-alone and MUST not be part of another series or a sequel.
5. Have your work beta-read is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged. Please contact the mods if you need a beta-reader, we'll be happy to help you!
6. Your story must include all necessary coding (italic, bold, underline, strike, break between paragraphs, etc.) and appropriate warnings.
7. Please make sure there are no faulty html and misspelling in your story. So don't forget to proofread before you submit and/or have your friends / sister / brother / boyfriend / anyone proofread it for you!
8. Under no circumstances is flaming tolerated at bacon & eggs. One warning is given; if flaming persists the mods will ban you from the exchange. [If you feel you've been flamed by a fellow participant or a commenter in the exchange, please immediately contact the mods. The mods reserve the right to screen comments made to exchange entries that include unsolicited beta or "concrit" advice. Comments are loved, but please keep in mind that bacon & eggs is a fanwork exchange of Baekhyun/Chanyeol and not a writing workshop.]
9. There will be no extensions given unless under a very serious case!
10. Don't drop out without notice or after the drop-out deadline! There will be a penalty if you do so. The drop-out deadline is April 10, 2015. And if at any point you feel unable to continue post drop-out date or if you are having problems in getting your submission finished in time, please contact us sooner rather than later. We will do our best to help.
Please pay a close attention to these dates!
Sign up begin: November 27, 2014
Sign up end: December 27, 2014
Assignments sent: January 3, 2015
1st Check-in: February 27, 2015
2nd Check-in: March 27, 2015
Drop out deadline: April 10, 2015 (so we'll be able to find a pinch-hitter!)
Final deadline: April 27, 2015
Posting begin: May 6, 2015
Posting end: depends on how many stories are being posted
Reveals: a week after posting ends
We know there might be some unforeseen circumstances during the period of the exchange, so if you're unable to meet any of the deadlines, we encourage you to contact the mods right away. We'll be here to help! :D
If you have questions regarding this exchange please direct it to baekyeolexchange[at]gmail[dot]com or you can always reach us at our twitter, @baeconandeggs. You can leave a comment on this post as well!
If you're interested to join, click on this link to the sign up post on our LiveJournal. You have until December 27, 12 a.m. KST to sign up! :)
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Sign up is closed with 73 participants!


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