Chapter 5

I Don't Fall For Leader

Minji sighed and closed her text book, which she had been looking and reading for the past hours. Minji looked at her clock and read 6:45 pm on it before sighing more. 


"45 more minutes until the boys come pick me up..." Minji said before walking out of her room to the living room, seeing her mom and Minsu. "Omma, I will be going out with the boys and be out late" Minji tolded Mrs. Choi. 


"Just don't come home too late, you have school tomorrow" Minji nodded before going back up to her room. "Club.. what should I wear? Should I wear regular clothes? I must be crazy! Who wear casual clothes to club?" Minji talked to herself before wearing casual clothes and packed her black dress in her bag. 


After a while, the boys arrived to pick Minji up with Kyungmi. "Minji you're wearing that to the club?" Jackson asked, looking at Minji's clothes. "Yah! What's wrong with my friend's clothes? You expect her to wear those short dress?" Jin Young said.


"Minji, you're not wearing it inside right?" Kyungmi asked Minji. Minji smirked. "Ani," they all sighed in relief except for Jackson who is frowning. "but I brought it with me to change" Minji pulled out her black fress from her bag.


"Yah! You're really going to wear it!?" Jin Young yelled with his dialect. "Wae!? Can't I?" Minji yelled back, before rolling her eyes at Jin Young. "I mean, why are you wearing such short thing" Jin Young said calmly. 


Minji just ignored Jin Young and sat still in her seat. "Mark, can you please drive faster, someone is impatient here" Minji said, with her tone of voice to let Mark, who is driving notices. 


Mark just nodded and obey. Mark pulled up by the curb before everybody going out of the car. "Ah, Minji if you're changing, you can change upstar in my room and leave your stuff there" Jackson said before joining the people in the club. 


Kyungmi camed along with Minji to change. "Yah, you're really wearing that?" Kyungmi asked. "Kyungmi, I'm really stressed now, just let me removed all of these stress first" Minji said before entering Jackson's room. 


Minji sighed once she entered and lock the door. "I just want some time to help me, why can't anybody understand what I'm feeling?" Minji said before changing. 


The black dress was a little bit below Minji's , showing her long and slim legs, with her bare shoulder. Minji also slipped onto her black heels before heading out with out Kyungmi.


"Oo, the alcohol" Minji cringed at the strong smell. "Where's the other guys?" Minji tried to search for the guys. "Guess I'll be on my own then.." Minji replied before sitting onto one of the stools. 


Minji started ordering some random cocktails. "Oh my, why is it so strong? but it still taste good" Minji sipping onto her glass. 


"Where's Minji?" Jin Young asked Kyungmi once he found her. "She came out already and I can't find her at all" Kyungmi yelled into Jin Young over the loud music. 


Jin Yung's face became pissed and Kyungmi's worried. "Now where the hell are the boys" Jin Young said angrily and start searching for the boys. 


After a couple shots and sitting alone, a guy approached Minji with a drink in his hand. "What's a pretty girl doing alone here?" the guy asked, sitting onto the stool next to Minji. 


Minji ignored the guy and continued on drinking her drinks. "Wow, I guess you're the hard type to approach" he laughed to himself. "I'm Kim Tae Hyung, or called me V" the guy said and put out his right hand. 


"Choi Minji" Minji said and shooked her hand with his before going back to her drink. "I see, why are you here alone?" Tae Hyung asked. "I'm here with my friends, but I couldn't find them" 


Tae Hyung nodded. "Me too, but I'm here to get sometime alone because I just got dumped" he laughed. "You got dumped and now you're here to hit on me?" Minji asked with a question look. 


"No. You looked lonely so I was just thinking you may want some accompany" Minji smiled a little. "Me too. It doesn't really called dumped but it feels like it" Minji sipped onto her drinks. 


"Excused me, another drink please" she called the bartender. "One for me too" Tae Hyung added. Minji looked at Tae Hyung confused as the two drinks was placed on the table in front of them. 


"Well, hey dumped buddy, nice meeting you. If we have time next time, we can share our story to each other but now I have to go" Tae Hyung grabbed his drinks and then left. 


Minji is now all alone again. She admited he was quite a good company and she won't denied it. After so many shots, Minji started to feel dizzy and her vision blurried. 


"Eyhh y lady, drink this drinks, it's more tastier" a random took Minji's drink before replacing his with her's. Minji who didn't care and tried the new drink she have just received. 


It sure is more tastier, but it added more headache and dizziness to Minji. Minji stood up from her seats, wanting to go home. But before Minji could even step a step foreward, she fell onto the guy, who caught her into his arm. 


"Let go! What did you give me?" Minji harshly pushed the guy away. The guys chuckled. Minji wobbled a couple steps as the guy pulled Minji to him again. "I said let me go!" Minji yelled out drunkly and pushed him again causng him to fall onto the ground. 


"Where do you think you're going? Why would I let something free-free and y go?" the guy said before grabbing Minji harshly. Minji grew scared even though she is drunk, she still know who she is and where she is. 


"Let go! No!" Minji yelled as the guy start dragging her out. "Let go of me! Jae Bum-ah!" Minji cried, trying to break free. The guy then throw Minji over his shoulder as Minji continued on yelled and called for Jae Bum's name. 


"What's going on here?" Jackson came to the scene as everybody and the music stops. "Just that my girlfriend is drunk" the guy replied. "Really?" Jackson scoffed and the guy nodded. 


"I don't remember my friend having a boyfriend like you and she's even calling out for help and mostly my friend's name" Minji finally recognized Jackson's voice. "Jackson help me!" Minji screamed still drunk. 


"You see, let go of my friend or I'm calling some people to drag you out" the guy had a sour expression onto his face. He then hand Minji over to Jackson. Jackson quickly handed the drunk Minji over to Mark's arm before dragging the guy out of the club. 


"Minji, are you okay?" Jinyoung, Kyungmi, BamBam, Yugyeom, and Youngjae ranned over to Mark. Minji cried drunkly. "Where's Jae Bum?" Minji asked crying. "JB hyung?" BamBam asked. 


"Minji are you drunk?" Jinyoung asked whiling lightly tap Minji's hot cheeks. "Hyung, I think Minji's drunk" Yugyeom said. "I am not! Call Jae Bum here right now!" Minji struggled.


"Minji, stop it or you'll fall" Mark said, still holding onto Minji. "JB-ah..." Minji called weekly before falling unconcious. "Minji!" Mark called the unconcious body. 


"Aish this girl" Jinyoung hissed. "Hyung, take her up to Jackson's hyung's room" Youngjae suggested. They nodded and head up to the room. 







Promised that JB is coming back soon! <3 

Maybe the next chapter? xD 

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I did not proof read this, so sorry if there's any mistakes.



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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 13: Its so cute.
Chapter 13: That is soo cute hehehe.
Chapter 10: Is the young guy JB? Please update ASAP.
darkdakriss #4
Chapter 10: please update soon (:
Chapter 8: Chapter7: It's okay, I understand you. I know that you are stressing. I hope that you will feel better soon:) But please dont forget that I am support you and just take your time.
misheri #6
Chapter 8: I understand I'm in eighth grade too but mine hasn't started yet
U shud always try to be happy
I mean what's not to be happy about? You are amazingly talented at writing and your story is amazing ~~~
Don't worry it will get harder but u gotta push through good luck
Chapter 8: I understand you. I'm in 10th grade and there's so much things to do and it's really stressful... I hope you come back soon and continue the story. Fighting!
Chapter 7: Plz update
Chapter 4!!!