Gone Missing

Cause You're My Destiny

Luhan 's pov

"Yah jagi, if you don't come back, I swear I will get all the policemen in France looking for you."
I mutter, pouting and sulking like a 5 year old. I was in the middle of a daebak dream, when my girlfriend Lee SeoHyrin calls me. Thinking there was a hurricane of some sort I actually woke up. (Under normal circumstances I sleep like the dead, according to Chen)
Imagine how grumpy a person can get for:
1. waking up for no important reason
2. waking up from a wonderful dream where i was eating all the KFC i wanted for free.


I had really good reasons to sulk and pout at Seo.

" Yah jagi...... jebal don't go. I will have nightmares if you leave me alone in this scary room all by myself!!" I say cutely and do my best aegyo. She can't resist me. She just can't.

"I promise I will come back," she laughed , leaving. "Don't get so paranoid, Luhan."
I rolled my eyes at that. My aegyo usually works on her.
"Jagi, please. Its nearly midnight, you must be crazy if you wanna walk back there again just cos you left a necklace...... "
She shook her head firmly, hand still resting atop the doorknob.

"Jagi....." I pleaded again, lying back down on the bed and pulling my eyemask on.  My girlfriend is the only person more stubborn than me. And so the door slammed shut, leaving me alone in the dark. I heave a sigh.

Oh well. She'd be back soon.

*        *         *


your  pov



   Luhan doesn't understand, he never will. To him it's just a necklace I carelessly left behind. To me it's a locket, a memory- a faint and distance memory, a gift-the last gift, from my late mother. The last of my family members died early this year. Now Luhan is my only family left. Words can't explain how precious he is to me. Too precious until I hid my shameful past from him. Our relationship wasn't built on lies, no, but it had many secrets. He didn't know I came from a broken, troubled family. He didn't know my father was a drug addict and died of drug overdose. My sister committed suicide after my dad, whom she was the closest to, died. My uncle with anger issues murdered my aunt. A father. A sister. An aunt. Gone in a blink of an eye. My aunt and uncle's only son whom I used to play with, got involved with gangsters. So it was just me and mom left. Then cancer took her away and now it's only me.
      I jogged farther from the lights of our cozy hotel, into the shadows of the night, and closer to my locket. The soft chirping of crickets filled the eerie silence of the night.
Just earlier today Luhan and I walked along River Seine. I must have dropped the locket along the bridge...or the sidewalk, maybe?

     A few minutes later I reached the row of benches facing River Seine -where Luhan and I sat and cuddled. Somehow I had the nagging feeling I was being followed. It was creepily dark, the streetlights all shut off . Luhan was right.....it was pretty late. I could have searched for my locket tomorrow, right...?

      Something gleamed a few steps ahead of me. My locket! I quickly bent down to pick it up.

 A deep, subtle, mechanical sound made me freeze, my heart beating rapidly. Not being able to see anything in the pitch black dark made me freak out more. The sound got closer, louder. Without thinking, I burst into a sprint. I needed to get out of here, fast. Only then I realised the sound was the roar of a midnight black sportscar without any headlights zooming by, stopping by me.
And I was dragged abruptly into it.

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taetaebaekkookiebaoz #1
Chapter 3: woooow I wanna read more now afte reading this haha it's good update soon pls haha
hyunniemia #2
Chapter 1: hi dongsaeng~~~ seriously im looking forward for this story.. its quite interesting for the beginning of story~~~ hwaiting ^_^