Up & Down (Part 2)

With Love


I could hear the conversation in the back of the van. I was smiling to myself about how cute they sounded together.

But that smile faded away when I heard Minho.

“I’ll give you a hint”

“Hyung don’t” Taemin protested

“really? What is it?” I heard Joy ask

No I thought glancing in the rearview mirror to see if he was looking at me, he wasn’t, don’t ruin it you’re only going to make Taemin mad.

“There’s something there you get on and when you do you go up and down” Minho’s voice came out harsh like he was angry but not angry at Joy no I knew the anger was at himself.

Without realizing I had been holding it I had breathed out a sigh of relief.

I knew I needed to talk to him before he actually did something stupid, but the truth of the matter was I didn’t know exactly what needed to be said there was no clear solution.

I was stuck, and I knew it no matter how hard I tried nothing came to mind.

Every conversation I could think of always ended up the same. Minho being angry with me and me with him.

But if I don’t do something we’d be torn apart Taemin and Minho would hate each other and their fighting would eventually tear the rest of us apart as well.

I didn’t want that I wanted us to always be the family we have been up until now I wanted Taemin to be happy but for that to happen did it mean that Minho had to get hurt?

I sighed again my eyes focusing on the road in front of us we were almost there, but I kept wondering what disaster lay in front of us knowing that Minho was planning something and Jonghyun would be too busy to care Onew too tired to probably even leave the van and Taemin too innocent to understand how hurtful his hyung could really be.

At that moment I was truly at a loss I also should have been paying more attention to the road than my thoughts and conversations in the backseat.

A car came out of nowhere and was headed straight for us I grabbed the wheel turning it hard away from the car. I felt us spinning around and around.

Onew had woken up beside me and was yelling what I didn’t know I was too busy trying to regain control of the van.

My hands tighten on the wheel till my knuckles were white.

I could feel the blood rushing from my face my heart beating faster than it should the squealing of the tires feeling my ears.

I was pressing hard on the breaks praying they’d work.

I finally felt us starting to slow but was it fast enough the van was getting closer and closer to a pole on the side of the street it was rushing to meet us.

I closed my eyes my breathing now heavy.

What have I done I thought, what have I done?

Just as I I feared the worst I felt the van come to a stop I opened my eyes we were inches away from the pole I stared at it as if I was dreaming as if I stared long enough I’d wake up.

I was breathing even harder now gasping for each breath.

I sat there I don’t know how long like that just trying to breath again. Trying my best to slow my fast beating heart and to relax my hands they didn’t want to let go of the steering wheel and they were starting to hurt now I told myself over and over relax, relax we’ve stopped just let go.

I finally managed to pry my hands off one at a time slowly finally feeling the blood going back into my numb hands which were know prickling all over I stared at them for a few minutes trying to understand what had just happened not really believing what I almost caused.

Once I could focus again my next thoughts were what about everyone else it was too quiet and I felt fear creeping up inside of me and I had to force myself to look.

I turned first to look beside me at Onew who was gripping the seat tightly his fingernails digging into the arms of the seat, his face pale as snow.

I dared to glance behind me at the other.

Jonghyun was covering Katie with his arms trying to protect her from the impact.

I looked back to Minho, Joy, and Taemin. Both Minho and Taemin were covering Joy as well as each other.

Everyone seemed fine but it took awhile for them all to notice that we had stopped and were safe.

They were just starting to relax.

I had been holding my breath when I was checking everyone but I hadn’t noticed until now.

I released it once again gasping for breath.

I was startled by a sudden sound of a voice beside me

“Key…” I heard the voice whisper, I turned to look at Onew his grip had lessened on the seat but he still looked just as pale.

I reached over placing my hand on his.

“it’s alright, we’re alright now” I said

But I thought about what was to come the accident was over but the fear of separation wasn’t.

I wondered were we really alright?



I know the title of these last two chapters hasn’t seem to really make any sense but it’s more of how the mood has been changing from the happiness of some to the sadness and fear of others.(just thought I should explain that)

I had fully intended for them to go somewhere but when I started to write for Key he completely took over the second half to this chapter and yes I do intend for them to get where they were going just have patience I’ll get them there. ^_^ Despite Taemin being my favorite member I find that I enjoy writing for Key I don’t know why but I do I’m planning for him to have his own little side story in this, but let’s just hope he let’s me.

Btw sry this chap isn’t that long.

Still wondering where their going?

How does Key plan on keeping everyone together?

What about Jonghyun dragging Onew along what’s the reason?

Will Taemin realize his Hyung has feelings for Joy too?

Subscribe to find out and plz write and let me know what you think I really want some reviews am I doing well? Or do I need to work on it some more plz your thoughts are important. 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)