A Chance Meeting

With Love


So much work to do lately I thought

It never seems to end but it wasn’t so bad I enjoyed performing especially dancing on stage it was fun sometimes it was hard to stop.

I smiled when I thought of the time I didn’t know we had stopped and my hyungs had to pull me away I was so embarrassed but it didn’t really matter I had been lost in the moment. Those are the times I love the most.

“Taemin ssi” Key Hyung brought me back to the present

“you should really go to bed now it’s late”

I looked up at him and smiled always the umma I thought.

“hello did you hear me?”

“yes hyung I heard you and I will soon promise first I wanna finish watching this movie”

“Taemin ssi we have a busy day tomorrow if you stay up you’ll get bags under your eyes”

“you mean like yours” I asked innocently Key quickly checked his face in the mirror “yah” he said after noticing I was tricking him. I laughed

“I’m serious” he said “go to bed now”

“You’re such an umma Key hyung” I said teasingly.

He sighed “just hurry up and go to bed ok?”

“okay” I said turning back to the TV although I hadn’t really been paying attention to it so I was a little confused as to what was going on.

I heard him leave the room.

Once he was gone I turned the volume up a little bit in hopes of the sound blocking out any stressful thoughts.

“Turn that down I’m trying to sleep” I heard Onew Hyung yell.

I turned it down just a little bit and finally focused myself back on the movie it was half way through but it didn’t matter it was still interesting. As the movie was ending I started to feel sleepy I finally gave in and drifted to sleep.

“Taemin ssi wake up we’re gonna be late!”

I swatted at Key Hyung’s hand trying to get him to stop shaking me.

“I’m not kidding get up”

“just I little more time Hyung”

“we don’t have anymore time”

“sure we do it’s only …” I glanced at my watch

“it’s almost 8:00” I gasped getting up quickly.

“yeah and we’re due at the studio at 8:30”

I quickly ran to shower and change almost bumping into Minho Hyung on the way

“ah watch out” he yelled

“sorry Hyung”

“How late did you stay up?” Key called to me as I was stepping out of the shower

“I don’t know” I said

I came out noticing it was only us three in the dorm.

“Where’s Onew and Jonghyun hyung?” I asked

“they already left” Minho said finishing off his breakfast

I quickly grabbed some toast which Key hyung had obviously made and put on my shoes and jacket.

As quickly as we could we all walked out the door although Minho hyung seemed the least worried. He’s always the calm type about this kinda stuff.

He never seems to worry about anything. We climbed into the waiting van. As soon as we were seated the driver took off for the studio.



I was trying to act calm in hopes of keeping the others calm as well but it didn’t seem to be helping. As we sat in the van I noticed Key Hyung was fidgeting a little I guess he was really worried. I looked over at Taemin despite his previous frantic running around he was now fast asleep. He must have really stayed up late I thought.

I looked out the window and sighed.

Another day begins I thought.

We pulled up to the studio and I quickly got out of the van I noticed a car that had pulled along the side walk right in front of us two girls got out of it in rather of a hurry. “Come on” Key said

I turned to see him shaking Taemin

“get up” he said “we’re here”

I went to help him soon we had Taemin awake but he was walking a little slow so he was behind us. We entered the building and went to wait for the elevator as always it was busy.

I stood there I noticed Key was beside me but Taemin was nowhere to be seen I looked and saw him standing there looking down at a girl who was on the floor one of the same girls I saw getting out of the car out front. What is he doing I thought I continued to look on and watch. What was going on.


We arrived at the studio late of course it was always hard for us to get anywhere on time. We had stayed up late watching a movie on TV so of course we woke up late.

I turned at looked at the building I thought I saw some familiar guys going into the building but I wasn’t sure. I looked up at it the building was so tall. I couldn’t wait to get inside.

“come on” I said to Katie “let’s go”

“wait I gotta finish putting on my make up go on ahead”

“you sure?”

“yeah go in and tell them I’m coming maybe if at least one of us is in there we won’t be in trouble”

“alright” I said I turned and ran into the building.

As I entered I was instantly distracted by the design of the building.

I couldn’t believe I was actually here the place was huge I walked around staring at everything I looked up even the ceiling was huge as I was lost in the vastness of the place I bumped into someone the bump though small knocked me to the ground “Ow” I cried out when I hit the floor. I immediately apologized knowing it was my fault “Sorry” I said I looked up to see who I had bumped into I stopped my breath caught in my throat unable to say anything I was looking at the beautiful face of none other than lee Taemin SHINee‘s Manake. I couldn’t think my mind went blank here he was my favorite idol and I had bumped into him. Once I finally registered this I again apologized and began to ramble “I’m sorry are you okay? did I hurt you? I know I should have been looking where I was going I should have been paying attention I ….” “Shouldn’t I be the one saying those things” he said cutting me off.

“what?” I managed to utter.

“you’re the one on the floor after all” He smiled that smile that melted the hearts of many girls.

He then offered his hand to me at first I didn’t know what to do I just stared at it.

He leaned his hand further down still smiling finally I realized he was trying to help me up I grabbed his hand feeling it’s warmth how I wished he was holding my hand because he was mine. He pulled me to my feet still smiling.

I gasped being closer to him I realized how much more beautiful he really was. I quickly looked down afraid to look in his eyes.

“are you okay?” he asked

“Yes” I whispered barely to get my voice out

“that’s good wouldn’t want a pretty girl like you to get hurt” I looked up to see him still smiling I returned the smile as best as I could feeling even more nervous as I looked at him.

I then realized what he just said or maybe what I just thought he said it, did he really just say I was pretty no I must have been imagining it right?

“Taemin ssi come on” I heard someone call “coming” he called back

“maybe I’ll see you again until then be careful alright?” I nodded still not able to speak.

He waved and then walked away in the direction that he had just been called to. I waved back feeling slightly strange.

Was that a dream I thought as I watched him disappear. Was I dreaming?

I hoped not I hoped that every second of it had been real.


I finished my make up and quickly followed after Joy into the building there I found her standing there staring off into space.

“what are you doing?” I asked making her jump

“I….” she trailed off “come on we’re already late”

I dragged her to the elevator we stood there waiting for it to come back down.

I turned and looked and her she still seemed far away.

“what happened” I said looking up at the elevator numbers again waiting for them to descend

She still kept quiet.

I waved my hand in front of her face. Nothing.

The elevator dinged as it opened.

I pulled her in and pressed the number 4

“I saw him”

I was surprised when she finally spoke.

“what?” I asked she wasn’t making any sense.

“I saw him he smiled at me”

“saw who?” I pressed but once again she was silently.

The elevator doors opened I pulled her out “snap out of it” I said “we’re fixing to meet our boss for the summer and you’re not making any sense come on I can’t do this on my own”

I stopped when I realized I was now shaking her and everyone was staring at me.

I looked at her and calmly asked “who did you see?’

She finally spoke and when she did I too went into a state of shock.

“Lee Taemin, I saw Lee Taemin”


Wow I thought she really was pretty. My mind kept flashing back to her blonde wavy hair that was just past her shoulders those blue eyes I had seen when she came face to face with me for a few seconds. I was trying to shake the images of her out of my head. But why was she staring at me like that I thought. Mmmm maybe she knew who I was nah impossible right I mean she would have said something wouldn’t she have. If she knew I was Lee Taemin from SHINee wouldn’t she have been screaming like all those other fan girls I run into?

I’m thinking about this too much my head is starting to hurt I thought “Taemin ssi”

I came out of my thoughts to see Minho hyung staring at me with a worried look on his face.

“are you alright” he asked

“yeah I’m fine just thinking too much”

“bout what”

“never mind it doesn’t matter”

“if you’re sure, but you might wanna snap out of it soon if you don’t wanna be in trouble you know we gotta practice soon”

“don’t worry hyung I will” I said not sounding too confident.

We stepped out of the elevator and continued walking to the practice room.

Then another thought occurred to me I never even got her name.

Before stepping into the practice room and putting away my thoughts for practice.

I thought I hope I get to see her again.

I’d like to at least know her name. 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)