First Flight

With Love


SM had sent us our plane tickets and had already arranged our stay. Even though it would only be for the summer I was excited to think we’re going to South Korea. I could hardly contain my excitement.

My first thoughts were if I was going to be able to meet SHINee.

I knew that it wasn’t very likely I mean how often would I run into them they would probably be so busy with their own schedules. Plus we would have our on work.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t hear Katie come into the room.

“are you gonna pack that? Or you just hold on to it for a while?”

I jumped and looked at her confused.

She pointed at my hands.

I looked down realizing I was still holding onto some clothes that I had been packing.

“Packing it” I said finally laying it in my suitcase.

“What you thinking about?” she asked

I had started to drift away again when she said that and came back to reality again.

“Not much just wondering what it’s gonna be like”

“What the flight or the internship?”

“a little of both I guess”

“well either way you might wanna pack a little faster our flight is in a couple hours”

“you already finished?”

“yep didn’t take too long then again I’m not day dreaming” she laughed

“Oh come on you know you’re thinking bout whether or not you’ll meet Jonghyun I know you are”

“maybe” she said with a smile.

“So do think it’ll be possible?” she asked “I mean to even see them?” she was leaning against the dresser now with a serious look on her face.

“I don’t know depends on whether not we’re lucky enough to cross paths I guess”

At that she frowned a little Both her and I wanted more than anything to meet them even if it was just once.

“well hurry up I don’t wanna miss the flight just cause you didn’t finish packing” she said obviously putting previous thoughts out of her head.

She walked into the adjoining room and I sat there staring into space again.

Finally I shook my head trying to shake the wondering thoughts away.

“get it together Joy you’ve got work to do” I said encouraging my self to focus.

I quickly finished packing now all that was left was to get to the airport.


“Hurry” I said as we quickly ran across the lobby making our way to where we were to board the plane.

“I can’t believe we’re still late” I said looking back at Joy as she was trying her best to drag her bags behind her.

“I didn’t mean to forget my phone” She said sounding out of breath

I turned grabbing one of her bigger suitcases and began to help her drag it

“why do you have to carry so much?” I asked “and of all the things you could have forgotten it had to be your phone”

“Sorry I didn’t mean to it just slipped my mind” I sighed knowing that arguing now would be of no use.

Finally I could see our boarding area just ahead of us the sign above said 5 minutes left for boarding

I began going even faster we just had to make it this was the chance of a lifetime.

We reached the attendant who smiled warmly at us.

“we made …. it “ I said slightly out of breath.

I showed our tickets and she smiled again motioning for us to go on in.

We entered the long hallway to the plane as we crossed the threshold I began to feel a little nervous.

A male attendant helped us with out bags then lead us to our seats I was pleasantly surprised to find that we were in first class.

I sat down and looked around this was my first time on a plane so I was curious about everything.

I heard Joy settle in beside me she was taking deep breaths trying to calm her breathing.

“you alright” I asked

“I’m fine”

“you sure”

“yeah” she said breathing deeply again

“you’re not having an asthma attack are you?”

“no just a little out of breath”

Joy had asthma so she had to be careful bout certain things so she wouldn’t have an asthma attack.

“you remember your inhaler?”

“yeah it’s in my pocket, don’t worry if I need it I’ll use it”

Joy then looked out the window I let her have the window seat I didn’t wanna look down.

“wow” she said “to think we’ll be in the air soon”

That just made me even more nervous.

“look” she said pointing out the window

“no thanks” I said “I prefer to not to”

“suit yourself”

And she kept looking out curiously.

Soon the silence was broken by the flight attendant over the intercom

Ladies and gentleman please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off.

I fasten my belt and soon started to feel the plane moving I dared a glance out the window everything began moving by.

I soon felt the plane take off as nervous as I was I thought it’ll be all worth it maybe I will get to meet Jonghyun.

I looked over at Joy all nervousness left when I saw how much worse off she was than me. All curiosity had left her she was no longer looking out the window instead she was gripping her seat. She looked pale and sick. I hoped she’d feel better soon throwing up would not be a good thing.

I took out some medicine I had just in case of this and handed it to her.

“thanks” she said taking it

I smiled at her. Maybe it won’t be too bad after all I thought.


I felt fine until take off I started feeling a little sick it was my first time on a plane so I guess that made me nervous and the nervousness turned into nausea.

I felt Katie nudging something at me. I looked to see some medicine for nausea

“thanks” I said taking it I could always count on her to be prepared even if I wasn’t.

I took the medicine closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.



I’ve actually been on a plane before so sorry if any of that wasn’t right. I tried lol.

And I know where’s SHINee right? Well I had to get the characters from point A to B they couldn’t just be like tada we’re here could they? Lol don’t worry the chapter will Have SHINee and after that the story really begins.I'm also working on a poster for the story so hopefully soon one will be up. ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)