Up & Down (Part 1)

With Love


Once they left I looked at Joy she was staring off after them.

I finally let myself relax letting out a breath being around him made me excited and nervous at the same time, I then noticed the feeling of something in my hand and I finally remembered that Jonghyun had gave me something.

I slowly opened my hand inside was a piece of paper folded up.

I held it in front of me examining it.

I then slowly unfolded it.

Why was it folded so many times I thought as I continued to unfold it over and over again.

When I looked at the now unfolded paper.

I couldn’t help but stare in disbelief.

Written on it was a phone number with the words:

“Call me sometime


I smiled to myself.

Now I knew why it was folded so many time either he didn’t want anybody else to see it, or

he was nervous.

Maybe both.

I was now looking forward to tomorrow even more.



The next morning I could still feel his hand as if he had just let it brush up against mine moments ago.

I thought back to the moment and a tingle went down my spine just like it had the day before.

I had gotten up even early today I was so excited that the night before I could barely sleep, now my mind was wandering as I sat waiting for Katie to finish getting ready.

I had decided to dress up today picking out a cute top and a skirt, usually I hated wearing them but I was now glad I had packed a few. I decided to let my hair down today and let it do what it wanted and like usually it had formed it’s own pretty waves around my shoulders, I couldn’t help but wonder if he would like it.

I continued sitting there glancing at the clock Katie’s so slow this morning I thought or maybe I had just been too fast in getting ready. I thought back to her reaction when she found me already ready and it made me laugh.

That morning I had scared her and she had jumped when she saw me.

“you’re up already?” she asked?

“yep” I said with a big smile

“hurry and go get ready” I told her

“Ok who are you and what have you done with Joy?” she said placing her hand on my forehead.

I pushed her hand away and laughed “quit being silly and go get ready”

She slowly grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom all the while glance back at me like she wasn’t sure if she was really awake or not.

My mind kept wondering back to Taemin, his smile, his voice, everything about him made me smile.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Katie.

“alright ready?”

I looked up at her and just smiled

Of course I thought.

When it comes to Taemin I’m always ready.




I had spend the night tossing and turning again but this time for a different reason.

This time it was because I was excited.

And now I could feel that excitement building inside me even more now that we were waiting for them to arrive.

I stood leaning against the van glancing at my watch every few minutes.

The excitement was beginning to be overshadowed by anxiousness and nervousness as the time grew nearer.

We actually had gotten here earlier than we were supposed to but that was all because both Jonghyun and me had rushed everyone else. The one the least happiest about going was Onew Hyung he was still grumpy even more so that we were spending our day off taking care of someone else.

“Why do I have to go?” he asked.

“because you’re the leader” Jonghyun Hyung had said.

Onew had just glared at Jonghyun and rolled back over in the bed.

“just let me stay here and sleep” he had said. I was fine with it but for some reason Jonghyun wasn’t.

He wouldn’t leave him alone until he had gotten up and was ready to leave. Now Onew Hyung sat in the car asleep along with Minho and Key Hyung.

I looked over had Jonghyun Hyung who had been pacing for the last 5 minutes maybe longer I wasn’t sure.

“Hyung” I said to him.

“aren’t you tired of doing that yet?”

He stopped and looked at me.

“what time do you have?” he asked.

His question surprised because he too was wearing a watch but I looked at mine again anyways probably for the hundredth time.

“8:25, why?”

“the same as mine mmmm where are they….”

It seems I wasn’t the only one who was anxious, I continued watching my Hyung who was displaying something other than his usual cool character.

I looked at my watch again now 8:26 why was time moving so slow and would they make it here before or after these were the thoughts running through my head when I heard the sound of a car pulling up.

I looked to see a taxi pulling to a stop at the curb. The doors slowly opened.

Katie was the first one to get out. Jonghyun Hyung quickly went over to her a big smile on his face.

I looked back to the car Joy was getting out but she seemed to be having some trouble and fell back into the seat I ran over to the car and offered her my hand. She gasped in firmly and I helped her out of the car and when I looked at her fully up and down I couldn’t help stare.

She was dressed up unlike the day before when she had only worn a t-shirt and jeans. Today she wore a cute pink top and a black skirt that went to just above her knees. He hair which I had only seen tied back was now down and beautifully laying in waves on her shoulders.

She looked beautiful I thought I couldn’t speak I could only stare.

“that’s the third time” she said finally speaking and surprising me.

“huh?” I managed

“that’s the third time you’ve helped me get up” she said with a laugh

“I guess I need to stop doing that”

“doing what?”

“falling down I’m doing it an awfully lot lately”

I laughed.

“yeah but I don’t mind helping you up”

“it doesn’t bother you?”

I shook my head and her smile seemed a little brighter than before.

“you ready” Jonghyun hyung called from over my shoulder, but I had barely heard him, I was still looking at Joy.

I only nodded.

“Yah Taemin” he called even louder. I finally tore my gaze from her and looked at Jonghyun.

“I said yes”

“it looked more like a nod but I wasn’t sure maybe I thought maybe you’re eyes were just bugging too far out of your head causing it wobble”

I knew what he meant and it upset me that he was making fun of me right now what was he trying to do? Show off?

I kept looking at him and he took the hint.

“erm… alright then let’s go” he said clearing throat.

He and Katie walked to the van and he helped her in before getting in himself.

“ready?” I said turning to Joy. She nodded. When we got to the van I held her hand as she got in I realized I kinda felt like I was going on a date except all my hyungs were here.

Darn I thought how wonderful would it have been if it had just been the two of us.



They had finally arrived I had heard the car pull up but I had restrained my self from looking out the window.

When they got in Katie sat beside Jonghyun.

I realized it only left two other spaces to sit seeing as how Key Hyung was driving and Onew Hyung was in the passenger seat.

Great I thought she was going to be back here and I began to hope that Taemin would be the one directly beside me but that hope was soon dashed when Joy got in first and sat beside me. I could feel her arm gently bump mine I tried my best to lean away as far as possible but to no avail all I ended up doing was straining my self so I decided to relax and ignoring the feeling of her beside me.

Taemin finally got in and Jonghyun who was beside the door the closed it.

“alright driver” he said in a bossy tone “let’s go”

“yah watch it” Key said turning around and giving Jonghyun a you better behave look before turning back and starting the car.

Jonghyun sank down in the seat a little as if he was sorry he did that kinda funny seeing as how he was older but Key hyung had that effect on people that when he told you to do something you better do it.

I looked out the window trying to avoid looking at Joy and watched as we pulled away from the studio.

I jumped when Joy spoke beside me.

“so where are we going?” she asked

“you’ll see” I heard Taemin say.

“can I have a hint?” she asked he must have shook his head because then she said

“why not?”

“it’s a surprise a hint might ruin it” I was trying to block out their conversation but when Taemin said that an idea came to mind

“I’ll give you a hint” I said not looking at her

“really? What is it?”

“Hyung don’t” Taemin said but I ignored him now smiling thinking I could just ruin the surprise.

But I found myself giving a hint that was so confusing that if I hadn’t know what it was

I wouldn’t have been able to figure it out myself.

I guess I was still having trouble with actually being mean to her.

“There’s something there you get on and when you do you go up and down”



Sorry that there’s really not much here I finally got my thoughts going so I promise I’ll post part 2 soon.

Plz plz comment I really wanna know what my readers are thinking. The lack of comments has been making me sad L

Why did Jonghyun want Onew to come along so bad?

Is Minho really going to continue trying to be mean to Joy?

What could the hint possible be referring to?

Where exactly is it they’re going?

Subscribe to find out and don’t forget to comment. ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)