So Close, Yet So Far

With Love


Day 2 was about to begin but my thoughts were still on the unexpected meeting from the day before.

How was it possible that I had actually met him, it’s all I had been able to think about.

I heard shuffling footsteps I looked up to see Katie coming out of the bathroom.

Ever since I had told her what happened yesterday she had been acting strange. Last night she went into the bathroom with her phone I heard her talking but I couldn't understand what was being said.

When she came out she had a devilish smile on her face like she was up to something.

“What was that about?” I had asked her.

She just looked at me and smiled even bigger.


“Nothing?” I asked watching her walk to the kitchen.

“Yeah nothing at all” she got out a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave.

“if it was nothing why did you have to talk to them in the bathroom, why couldn’t I hear what you were talking about?”

“Don’t worry about it” she said “Just go to bed early tonight so we can get to work on time in the morning ok?”

She took out her popped popcorn and went and sat down on the couch and the TV. I sat down next to her, I did my best to get her to talk about it but she wouldn’t say anything more than “It was personal” so I decided to let it go for the moment but now I found myself wondering again.

As I looked at her now she looked back and seemed to know what I was thinking.

“I’m not going to tell you so you might as well stop staring at me like that”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re about to interrogate me”

I sighed

“Right now it doesn’t matter ok”

I looked up at her she was now sitting next to me drying her hair with a towel.

“You’ll find later” she said before getting up and going back into the bathroom.

I sat there now even more confused. I’ll find out later? What was that supposed to mean?

I looked at the clock 7:30 how in the world was I up this early? I went to finish getting ready we would have to leave soon.

And I hoped the later she was talking about would come soon.

It was driving me crazy all this wondering.



I had managed to get up early today. It wasn’t easy seeing as how I had stayed up most of the night tossing and turning.

Wondering whether or not I’d see her again.

Onew or Jonghyun occasionally calling to me to tell me to stop moving so much cause I was keeping them awake. Key Hyung had tried to talk to me but I didn’t feel like talking about it to tell the truth I was a little embarrassed that I kept thinking about a girl I barely knew.

We were now in the Van on the way to the studio.

Soon I heard Minho Hyung drawing me out of my thoughts

“Taemin ssi” he said

I looked over at him and he was smiling.

“you looking forward to today?”


“Today’s gonna be exciting” he said.

I looked at him confused. He just smiled and looked out his window.

I continued to stare at him but he showed no signs of telling me what he meant.

Now that I think about it, he was acting kinda strange last night too. Sneaking off with the phone, what had he been up to?

Then again it is Minho Hyung he did strange things sometimes.

I looked back out the window wondering what would be so exciting about today.

And soon found myself thinking about “her” again.


I sat in the van now smiling about what I had just said to Taemin he had no idea about what I had planned and thinking about it just made me more excited I couldn’t wait.

I had talked to the people at the office last night and had discovered the girl and her friend had been hired as interns and that they were due in at 8:30 in the morning on floor 4.

When we arrived I was doing my best to remain calm I had to if I wanted my plan to work. The elevator opened we stepped inside and Jonghyun Hyung pressed number 6.

I waited the timing had to be perfect I needed to focus. I couldn’t let the others know about my plan they might refuse the idea.

Floor 2.…3.……….4.…….

Why was it taking so long.

Finally we reached floor 6

I had positioned my myself so I was right behind Taemin. I had to make sure we were the last two out so the others couldn’t stop us.

The Doors opened and Onew, Jonghyun, and Key stepped out as Taemin was stepping out I quickly grabbed the back of his shirt pulling him back in.

“Yah Hyung what are you doing?” he yelled causing the others to turn and look at us.

“Will be right up” I called to them “Go on don’t worry hyungs” they looked back confused and before they could react I hit the number 4 and the doors closed I finally let go of Taemin who was trying his best to get loose.

“Hyung what is going on? Where are we going?”

“I told you today was going to be exciting didn’t I?” I said smiling at him.

He looked at me as if might be scared.

“Hyung what has gotten into you if we play hooky we’re going to get in trouble”

I just continued smiling.

The doors opened to floor 4 I grabbed his arm and began pulling him down the hallway.

“Hyung stop” he said pulling against me. “everyone’s looking at us” I ignored him and kept pulling him.

I couldn’t wait to see his face when we found them. What a good Hyung I am I thought my smile widening.

Taemin continued pulling but soon gave up and followed easily but I didn’t let go just to make sure.

“Whatever this is Hyung it better be good”

Don’t worry I thought it will be.


“I can’t believe even after we got up early we’re still late”

“sorry” Joy said she had taken her time and here we were running behind.

We entered the building I looked at the elevator and there they were SHINee had gotten on the elevator. Last night I learned from one of our new coworkers that SHINee was to arrive around 8:30 and that information didn’t fail me. I grabbed Joy’s arm and started running towards the elevator it had closed before we reached it.

When we stopped Joy pulled her arm away. “Ow what was that for?” she asked rubbing her arm.

I paid no attention and was watching the numbers it kept going up and then it stopped at floor 6. It started back down but then stopped for a moment at floor 4. Someone else must have gotten on I thought.

“Hurry” I whispered

“Huh?’ Joy said I ignored her.

Soon the doors opened I pulled Joy in and hit the number 6.

“Yah she cried what are you doing our floor is 4” she reached to hit the button but I smacked her hand away “Ow what are you doing?” she asked I looked at her and smiled “that later I was talking about you’re about to find out what it is” she stopped trying to argue and just stood there I knew her curiosity would keep her from protesting any further.

The doors opened and I pulled her out and looked around no one in sight where could they have gone I thought. I ran down the hallway Joy slowly following me, I checked every where no sign of them. Finally I saw a man walking down an adjoining hallway I ran over to him and quietly so Joy wouldn’t hear I asked if he saw where SHINee went, he told me he saw them arrive but then they got back on the elevator.

I went back to Joy who was now standing still. “well?” she asked “what is it that we’re here to see?”

“Shh” I said trying to think where they could’ve gone then I remember the elevator had stopped at floor 4 before coming back down. They had no reason to go there I thought but it’s my only lead. I grabbed Joy’s arm again and pulled her back in the elevator and pressed 4.

“So you were just messing with me then?” she asked I looked at her and shook my head.

“then what was the purpose of going to the wrong floor?”

“just be patient ok I’m trying here”

“trying to do what?”

“you’ll see”

The doors opened again I looked around, no one . I pulled her and went down the left hallway first we had to check everywhere.

“wait” she said “that’s not…” but before she could protest anymore I turned and looked at her she stopped talking and followed me.



We had reached the area where they should be but I didn’t see them anywhere.

“stay here” I said to Taemin he sighed and rolled his eyes I went over to one of the workers and asked him where the new girls were he said they hadn’t arrived yet even though he was sure they had gotten on the elevator. I looked back at Taemin who was waiting impatiently I thanked the worker and then grabbed Taemin’s arm and pulled him back down the hallway.

“Hyung what are we doing now?”

“Just be patient ok?”

We went down the right hallway from the elevator maybe they were here but were in a different part on this floor.

When we got about halfway down Taemin stopped me.

“Hyung” he said “do I really need to follow you?”

“ye now come on”

“can’t I just stay here and wait?”

“what?” I said

“well you seem to be looking for something or someone can’t I just stay here while you check then if you find it or them come back and get me?”

I looked at him. I wasn’t sure what do to what if he ran away while I was looking it would ruin everything.

He seemed to sense what I was thinking.

“Hyung I won’t run away ,promise. I just don’t feel like running around everywhere”

I thought about it for a second then decided it was probably best.

“alright I said as long as you promise I’ll be right back stay right here don’t move” I started walking away but as I did so I kept glancing back making sure he was still there. Once I was convinced he wasn’t gonna move I continued searching.

Hopefully I would find them before Taemin got tired of waiting.


We continued walking I kept looking in different rooms finding nothing.

Soon I could tell Joy was getting impatient.

“whatever you’re looking for isn’t here let’s go we’re already late”

“just a little longer “ I persisted

After a few more minutes Joy stopped me.

“that’s it’s I’m going back you can keep looking if you want but I’m done”

She turned and began walking away I grabbed her arm.

“please” I said “it’ll be worth it”

“no” she said pulling her arm away. Then before I could grab her again she took off running down the hallway toward our offices.



I know I promised I’d wait but this is taking forever and if we don’t go back we’re going to get in trouble.

I didn’t know what had gotten into Minho Hyung but if I couldn’t convince him maybe the others could.

I turned and started walking back to the elevator. I can just get someone else to come and get him I thought.

I kept my eyes on the ground and sighed if this was Minho’s idea of a joke it wasn’t funny I wasn’t in the mood I’m going to get him back later.

I then heard running footsteps and someone yelling

“wait Joy come back”

And before I could react I felt someone run into me.



“Please” Katie said

“It’ll be worth it”

“No” I said pulling my arm away from her.

And before she could grab me again I took off in a run if I didn’t she would have pulled me back.

I was done with this game of hide n seek with the invisible man.

If I got her to keep following me I could get her to our office and hopefully she wouldn’t wanna make a fool out of herself and stop trying to drag me into whatever crazy idea she had going on.

As I ran she called out to me

“Wait Joy come back”

I glanced over my shoulder seeing her starting to slow a little from being tired but I completely forgot about her following me when I felt myself run into someone.

I heard a gasp of breath from them as I fell backwards and landed on the ground


I was afraid to look up I had done it again I was so embarrassed

Finally I got the courage to look up.

It was deja vu as I found myself staring up at Lee Taemin all over again.



So Katie and Minho’s plans didn’t exactly work out but that doesn’t mean things didn’t go right

Does it? Lol

What will happen now?

Will Joy and Taemin finally get to officially meet?

What will happen when Katie and Minho get there?

And Where are the other SHINee boys?

Stayed tuned to find out ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)