
The Red Bullet
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    "What's going on? What am I? Who was that? Am I some kind of monster?" Snigdha looks at her own arms that were once metal spikes. "I had kitchen knives for hands! That's not normal! Or is it!? Please tell me that's not normal!" Snigdha throws her hands on V's shoulders and he's too stunned to even respond. Suddenly, Dr. Kim appears from behind to shut Snigdha down again. She falls to the floor with a heavy thud, next to Fei.

    "Dad! What happened!? Did you activate Snigdha!?" He points at the lifeless bodies at his feet.

    "Yes, I did. I'm terribly sorry, but I was afraid that you were in danger." Dr. Kim explains.

    "Fei, is she... Is she going to be alright?" Suga walks over and asks, inspecting the damage that was done.

    "I'm... Not sure." Dr. Kim admits. "There's a lot of damage to her central processor. Even if we repair her, there's no telling if she'll even be the same person she once was."

    "Well, you have to try!" Suga yells and RapMon pulls him to the side to calm him down.

    Jing approaches hesitantly with both hands covering . She's almost afraid to see them and immediately turns away when she does, weeping into Jungkook's shoulder. "Everything's going to be ok." He says as he pets her hair, soothingly.

    Hours later... Both Snigdha and Fei are laying on a cold, hard metal table as the over head lights warms their faces. V and his father look at them with perplexed faces. "How could this have happened? I built them so well, they couldn't have both caught viruses so easily. I don't understand what went wrong."

    "It's not your fault, dad." V pats him on the back. "It's all DK agency that's trying to tear us down, but we won't let them, we've got to stay positive!"

    "You're right. We can fix this. We're geniuses." Dr. Kim smiles as he grabs his tools.

    "Albeit a bit crazy, but then again, who isn't?" V laughs.

    "That's my boy." He ruffles his son's hair and soon they get to work.


    Snigdha is the first to emerge from the lab, as she slowly walks into the living room where the others are sitting around anxiously awaiting for the results. Jimin is the first to stand and run up to her, while Iseul silently watches from the doorway. "Well?" He asks. "What do you remember?"

    "It's all a bit fuzzy, but I think I remember pretty much everything." She tells him.

    "Do you remember me?" Iseul walks up to her and stares at her with cold eyes.

    "I do..." She returns the icy glare and the room is silent for a few moments, before Snigdha breaks into a smile. "You're Iseul! Jin's little sister and my best friend!" She throws her arms around Iseul and pulls her into a hug. Everyone looks at the scene a little shocked. Iseul slowly returns the hug.

    "I had no idea you two were so close." Jin mutters.

    "Of course! We've got so much in common, besides the similar facial structure." Snigdha tells him. "We're practically sisters!"

    "Hm!" Iseul nods happily, with an arm around Snigdha's shoulders. "We couldn't be closer."

    RapMon glances at Suga, but the boy seems to be in too much distress to think about anything else. Soon V and Dr. Kim exit the lab. "Ah, Dr. Kim! How is she!?" Suga jumps up and asks.

    "Well..." V looks down, before speaking. "I think you should see for yourself." Suga runs into the lab while the others follow closely behind.

    "Fei!" He shouts when he reaches the table, just as Fei is detaching herself from the excess wires and heart monitor. She turns to look at him,  her expression emotionless and her eyes a dull color.

    "Greetings, Min Yoongi." She bows as she speaks, her voice a monotonous tone. "What service can I provide for you this evening?"

    "Do you... Remember me?" He asks, his eyes pleading for a sign, any sign, that the Fei he knows is still there.

    "Of course I remember you." She states. "My memory files were not corrupted or damaged in any way during the attack."

    "No, I mean... Do you... Remember me? Do you know who I am?" He enunciates slowly.

    She blinks a few times, before responding. "Your name is Min Yoongi. You were born March 9. You are 21 years old. Your special skill is supervision, you're in charge of-!" Suga cuts her off.

    "No! That's not what I mean!" He pounds his fists on the table. "Do you remember... How you feel about me?" He finally asks, but his voice is quiet and hushed.

    "Feel?" She blinks a few times again. "I am sorry, Yoongi, but my primary function is to protect and serve BTS. I am incapable of feeling."

    "No! You are! I know you are!" He begins shaking her by the shoulders. "You can feel! You can feel as much as any human I've ever met. You can feel pain, fear and sadness. You can feel surprise, joy and happiness. And..." He begins to tear up. "And love... You can feel love. At least, you used to..."

    "Suga..." RapMon taps him on the shoulder and shakes his head. "I don't think that's going to work."

    "Then what do I do?" He pleads. "How do I get her back?"

    "We'll just have to wait and hope for the best." RapMon tells him. "Come on. We've got a lot of work to do." He turns to the others and coughs to get their attention before speaking. "Now that Snigdha and Fei are fully functioning, we have the access codes and the plans to take down DK agency. I think it's time to start preparing for the invasion. I expect all of you to take the next few days to train, plan and strategize for the next phase of battle, which is to attack DK agency head on while CL's team attacks from the inside."

    "V, Suga, and Fei will be on weaponry, while Jimin, Jungkook and Snigdha train the troops, and finally Iseul, J-Hope and RapMon are in charge of strategy planning." Jin informs them.

    "What about me?" Jing pulls on his sleeve, and he leans down so he can speak with her at eye-level. "You and I will be in charge of evacuating the nearby area so that no innocent citizens get hurt."

    "Ah, I can do that!" Her eyes light up at being given the chance to help. "I mean." She composes herself and puts on a strong face. "I won't let you down." She salutes and Jungkook laughs a bit.

    "Alright. Everyone got their assignments? Good, get to work!" RapMon shouts and everyone scatters.


    Later that night, Iseul finds Jing training with her weapon, aiming and firing it at a target attached to a tree. "What are you doing?" She asks suddely, startling Jing who accidentally fires above her target, scaring the nearby birds that squawk and fly away.

    "Oops! Sorry, birds!" Jing shouts, before turning to Iseul. "So sorry, am I disturbing you?"

    "Oh, no not at all, I just got curious that's all. What are you doing anyway?" She looks curiously at the gun on Jing's arm. "You're on civilian duty so why are you practicing firing your weapon?"

    "Ah, well, I just..." Jing blushes at a loss for words. "I was hoping that I could help fight once all of the people have evacuated." She admits shyly. "I want to show them that I can be useful."

    "Oh, that's cute." Iseul laughs, which makes Jing look at her confused. "You don't know?" Iseul covers , as if she said something she didn't mean to.

    "Know what?" Jing asks.

    "They only put you on civilian duty to get you out of the way. I mean, let's be honest here, you're clearly not the fighting type. They didn't want to hurt your feelings, but it's obvious that you'd just get in the way and hold them back." Iseul tells her, with a sympathetic tone.

    "Is that... Is that true?" Jing looks at the ground, somewhat in disbelief.

    "I didn't want to be the one to tell you, but Jungkook told them not to involve you in the fight because he's worried about you." She continues.

    "Jungkook? He said that?" Jing looks up.

    "Yeah, and I know that it's none of my business, but doesn't it bother you, how he treats you?" Iseul asks.

    "Bother me? No, he's always taken very good care of me." She blushes slightly at the thought of how Jungkook treated her when they first met.

    "You're just a toy to Jungkook. He doesn't really like you, he just likes having someone to take care of. Haven't you noticed that he doesn't treat you like a girlfriend, he treats you more like a pet." Iseul tells her.

    "N-no..." Jing shakes her head, not believing her. "Jungkook takes care of me, because he likes me."

    "Well, he wouldn't be so protective of you, if you proved you could protect yourself." Iseul motions to her gun and Jing raises it to look at it. "Those adjustments that Dr. Kim made just restrain your potential. If you let me get rid of that annoying stabilizer, then you could really show Jungkook just how powerful you are."

    "B-but, Dr. Kim said that the stabilizer was for my own safety." Jing takes a step back.  

    "Doesn't that just show how right I am? Even V's dad thinks that you can't handle your own power." Iseul smirks. "Well, I'm not forcing you. I'm just saying, I'm sure Jungkook would be really impressed if you were able to prove him wrong about how weak you are." She begins to walk away.

    Jing looks down at her arm and at the stabilizer that shows that she only has two shots left. "Wait..." She says, causing Iseul to turn around. "You can remove it... The stabilizer?" She asks.

    "Of course. I can do that, and so much more." Iseul smiles.

    A few minutes later, Iseul helps set the target for Jing and then runs a safe distance away. She gives Jing a thumbs up as she nods and turns to the target. Gathering her energy into the gun, the red light begins to glow and she fires. A strong beam of light hits the tree with a loud explosion, but the kick back knocks Jing backwards and she lands on her side.

    "Ow..." Iseul runs over to help her up.

    "Are you ok?" She asks, as Jing struggles to stand.

    "Ah, I think I hurt my ankle." Jing steps lightly on her foot and winces when she feels a sharp pain.

    "I'm sure it's just a sprain." Iseul tells her. "But did you see how powerful that attack was just now?"

    "Maybe it's too powerful, what if someone gets hurt?" Jing looks back at the burning tree with concern.

    "That's what the whole civilian evacuation thing is for." Iseul says, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You have got to stop worrying about other people so much and focus on what you want."

    "Well... If you think so..." Jing nods hesitantly.

    "Now get going and show them what you can do." Iseul pats her on the back, before running off.


     "Are you limping?" Jungkook asks when he notices Jing stepping lightly on her foot.

    "I'm fine." She tells him.

    "You're hurt." He states, his voice full of concern.

    "I can take care of myself." She says, "Yes, I'm hurt but there's not much I can do about it. I've got things to do and places to be."

    "Sure, but you can always count on me to help you out." Jungkook smiles as he scoops her up into his arms and carries her bridal style.

    "Y-yah! Put me down!" She cries. Normally she would be shy and embarrassed, but all she could think about was how little kids used to pick up their pet cats and carry them around the house, laughing and screaming. Then something came over her. She became angry. "Jungkook, if you don't put me down now, I'm going to get mad." She mutters somewhat under breath.

    Jungkook notices the change in her behavior and gently sets her down. "What's wrong?" He asks.

    "I'm tired of you always treating me like a child." She tells him. "I know I'm not as strong as Fei or Snigdha or Iseul, but I've been through a lot and I think I'm strong enough to handle things on my own. I don't need you to be so protective of me."

    "Jing, I just... I just want to take care of you, that's all." He reaches out to touch her, but she moves away from him.

    "I'm not some poor little stray that you need to take care of all the time." She glares at him.

    "Wh-what? I know that, I just... I care about you, a lot. Is it wrong that I want to protect you?" Jungkook asks.

    "I never asked for your protection." She says quietly and walks away.

    "Jing..." Jungkook watches her as she goes, suddenly confused about the whole thing. "What just happened?" He scratches his head in frustration.


    "Ah, Iseul! There you are! Where have you been?" RapMon asks when he sees her walk into his office.

    "Oh, sorry, leader!" She bows. "I had to help Jing with something. Have you and J-Hope already started with the planning?"

    "I wish." RapMon sighs, sounding a little annoyed. "He's late too." At that moment J-Hope walks by with earbuds in and dancing to whatever music he's listening to. "Yah!" RapMon shouts to be heard above the music.

    "Oh." J-Hope takes out his earbuds. "What's up?"

    "What's up? That's all you have to say!? Our strategy meeting was half an hour ago. At least Iseul has an excuse, what's yours?" he points a pencil at him accusingly.

    "Oh, was that tonight?" J-Hope's eyes widen in surprise. "Sorry, I completely forgot."

    "You forgot!? Come on, guys this is really important! Do you at least have the blueprints from the last time we staked out the building?" RapMon asks.

    "Ah, I must have left those back in my dorm room. I'll go get them!" J-Hope shouts, before putting his earbuds back in and running out of the building.

    "Ugh! It's like working with children." RapMon sighs.

    "Y'know..." Iseul starts, sitting on the edge of RapMon's desk. "They'd probably listen to you more if you took on a more commanding role."

    "I'm already leader." RapMon tells her.

    "That's not what I meant." She smiles at him. "They don't listen as well, because you treat them too much like friends when you should be treating them like soldiers."

    "But they are my friends." He looks at her confused. 

    "Maybe inside of school and at BIG HIT, but here..." She taps on his desk with her index finger. "You're their leader, their commander and they should treat you with the respect that you deserve."

    "You're right." RapMon sets down his pencil harshly and walks out of his office with a very determined look on his face. He walks to the edge of the railing above the others and shouts into a mic which projects his voice over an intercom system. "Attention soldiers!" He announces. "Don't make any plans over the next few days because you will be spending all of your extra hours training and preparing for the war. I expect everyone to put in a hundred and ten percent, no make that two hundred precent, of their energy into making sure that nothing goes wrong during the invasion."

    "Isn't that a little excessive?" Jin asks. "We don't want to tire them out before the battle."

    "They wouldn't get tired if they trained more." RapMon states, pushing the mic into his hands and walking back into his office.

    A few minutes later, RapMon and Iseul meet with the others outside of his office. Everyone has a very concerned look on their face, except for RapMon, who seems annoyed that no one is working at the moment. "What is this meeting for?" He asks, sounding impatient. "I need to get back to work as soon as possible."

    "Look..." Jin starts. "We can tell that you're stressed about the upcoming invasion, but that's no reason to take out your anger on the others. We can't overwork our troops."

    "Oh, and I'm sure that you'd prefer it if everyone just sat down with a warm blanket and a hot bowl of soup. We can't let them get soft! We need them to be fully prepared for battle!" RapMon glares at Jin. "And all of you should be working! We can't waste anytime! Why aren't you moving?" He shouts, getting increasingly louder.

    "RapMon..." Suga stands up, a bit hesitantly. "We took a vote and... We think it's best that you take a break, just for a few days and let Jin take over for now."

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Kawaiiworld #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!! I need the next chapters!!!! This is so good!!!
pandaKuku #2
Chapter 11: Ok .... the story end.... though ma curiousness still continue...=_= which she end up with....
Nice story author... :D
Arashika #3
Chapter 11: I was quite impressed by this story!

Just would like to point out that there's a few small inconsistencies in your story- although it might just be me not reading carefully enough.

For instance: wasn't Fei still in her robotic mode with no emotion other than her duty? When did she get back the majority of her emotions? I know she was still uncertain about her love for Yoongi until the end, but when did she get the ability to laugh and tease back?

Another thing: when Snigdha finds out about Iseul, her ear bud breaks doesn't it? Then later, Iseul contacts Snigdha in an attempt to warn her- but they couldn't have made contact at this point because Snigdha's ear bud was not only broken but stuffed in her pocket.

There's also an instance early on when they dont know Snigdha is an imposter yet, but Yoongi calls her Snigdha instead of Iseul in the hospital after he gets shot.

Also- if Fei can distinguish robots from humans, how come DK couldn't do the same with Snigdha at the beginning?

But these are honestly pretty small things, which can pretty much all be fixed with a line or two, nothing really major. Overall, this entire story is amazing! While the premise is a little unbelievable (I think they'd be able to tell the difference because of the way they act, I didn't see Snigdha getting any training on how to imitate Iseul's habits or speech patterns or anything), the plot is quite intricate, and the twists thrown in were quite unexpected. I never expected Snigdha to be a robot to be honest. I also didn't expect Jing to not only betray them but then turn back around and save them again! All in all, a great job on this story.

I also really enjoyed the way you incorporated their MVs, that was really cool :D

(I would like to say that sometimes the boys were a little OOC for me, but then again characters are open to people's interpretation :P)

Anyways, great job, keep writing! Hope to see more from you in the future :D
Chapter 11: Aww cute ending, well dang I wasn't expecting really V and Iseul to be together, but hey! It's adorable just kind of wished there were more jimin and Snigdha moments, That would've been super cute... maybe a bonus chapter? Like maybe your co-author Exoticdreams could write it if you can't??
Sigrid123 #6
Chapter 9: Woah. Plot twist.
Soo... Is Jing the bad one then?-? No, it can't be. Did they brianwash her or something?
btsislife #7
Chapter 9: Well damn... WTH? Jing, since when was she the bad one? That was Iseul's job, Jing you can't steal! XD
hmm I wonder what the story is behind Jing's betrayal. Definitely wasn't expecting that, she was always so sweet, it gave me a tooth ache! Excited to read the next chapter!! :)
But lets not forget that this story becomes better with each chapter ;-; Love it!!
Hope you'll update soon, author nim!!