Getting To Know Each Other

You're My Savior [HIATUS]


They were all having a good time joking around and just talking to each other before Luhan spoke up. "So, Minyoung, what's it like becoming an idol before your brother? How did you feel when they scouted you?" Sehun rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at Luhan, making Minyoung laugh softly. She thought these boys were really handsome and sweet... They all had such different personalities that complemented each other. It made this group unique.

"I was honestly shocked when someone came up to me and asked me if I was interested in becoming a kpop idol... I didn't really know what to say at the time so the person who scouted me gave me her card and told me to contact her after she wrote my name down. It was a lot of work to debut but it was all worth it. I really enjoy performing on stage~" She grinned happily, shocking everyone. They didn't expect her to talk so much, but they're glad she opened up more. Sehun smiled softly at his little sister, glad she opened up quickly to the boys since it would've taken longer if it had been anyone else.

Chanyeol on he other hand couldn't help but smile widely as he heard her talk. He couldn't help but stare at her as she smiled and talked about how she was scouted. The giant felt mesmerized by her smile and he only looked away when Baekhyun waved his hand in front of his face. Chanyeol sheepishly smiled and tried to look at everyone else as they spoke but he found himself staring at Minyoung.

'God.. How can a 16 year old girl be so breathtakingly beautiful?' was all Chanyeol was thinking.

Sehun noticed Chanyeol's staring but only thought he was staring because Minyoung was talking. Once again, he shrugged it off and thought nothing more of it. Baekhyun, however, couldn't help but have this feeling that Chanyeol was acting really strange and fidgety today. He wondered if it could be because of Minyoung.. But then again, everyone here was quite excited to have Minyoung over so he shook the thought off as well.


After eating the take-out they ordered and getting to know each other some more through stories, Chanyeol volunteered to give Minyoung a tour of the house. Minyoung gladly accepted the offer and walked around with Chanyeol, smiling as explained where things were and who shared rooms with who.

"Ah.. So this is your room?" She tilted her head and followed Chanyeol inside, looking around. Chanyeol only nodded with a smile before sitting on his bed.

"Yep.. This is it." He sighed out and looked around as well.

Minyoung noticed the guitar next to his bed and pointed at it.

"Do you play...?" She asked softly and sat next to Chanyeol on his bed when he patted the space next to him.

"Ah.. Yeah~ Do you want to hear me play a little?" He asked hesitantly but smiled as she nodded. He quickly picked up his guitar and started to play the song he was playing before she came to the dorm.

Minyoung watched with a soft smile on her face. She had always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but never really put her mind to it since she focused on the piano, the flute, and the violin. The small girl clapped when Chanyeol was finished, giggling slightly as Chanyeol started to blush.

"Wah that was good~ I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar!" She stared at the guitar, wondering what it would be like to hold it.

Chanyeol tilted his head slightly at the comment and hummed, handing the guitar over to her carefully.

"Here! I could teach you how to play!" He spoke without thinking and watched her hold it awkwardly. The giant laughed and helped her hold it correctly before sitting behind her to teach her some simple chords and how to strum the guitar. Minyoung looked up at Chanyeol only to notice their faces were less than 5 inches away from each other, making her blush a bright pink. Chanyeol noticed how close they were and blushed a bright red, the butterflies in his stomach starting to flutter again. He surely didn't think this would happen when he offered to teach Minyoung how to play the guitar.



[ A/N: Hey everyone~ So uhm I'm sorry for not updating in a while T.T I just lost my motivation to write or do anything this past month but I'm slowly getting back into it! But have you guys seen GOT7's comeback?! Holy cheesus they did NOT disappoint me whatsoever! ^^ Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes if there were any.. T.T Also! I just wanted to thank Pokey123 so much for subscribing to this story ^^ You don't know how happy I was to see that notification that told me I had a subscriber!]




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