Strawberry Milk (Taegi)

BTStories Collection

Not again.
It was horrible, it was terrible.

My dear sweet,
You are as sugary as milk,
You are as silky as meat,
I love you like mint

Yoongi had no idea where they came from, but every morning he found a bottle of strawberry milk with the most horrendous poetry ever.

You + I are like a pie
I may be bad at maths
But we make good derives
You are the tangent to my graph

First of all, he hated strawberries. Secondly, he was lactose intolerant.

We were always meant to be together
Love has no borders
Love has no frontier
You are my infinity, lover

Every day it was different, every day it was worst than before. Furthermore, whoever wrote those weird ‘poems’ had the worst handwriting ever. He sometimes had to infer what the author tried to express, even if that was ‘if we were flowers, we would be flowers together’.

I’ll be your twin city
I’ll be your secret Santa
I’ll make you smile
I’ll make you cake

Some didn’t rhyme, some didn’t make sense. Some were just plain random and weird.

You are my sunshine
Even if you are grey
You are all mine
What do you say?

He didn’t even know if they were meant for him, or if they were meant to be poems. He just knew that every morning they would be there, and they would keep on appearing.

I’ll be your A B C
If you are my Do Re MI
We can be 1 2 3
We will be you and me

The most cringe worthy thing of all, is that they were all signed with:

Your Secret Admirer

And a little heart that looked more like a Mickey Mouse than a heart.

But the worst of all was that every day he looked forward to his doses of sugary weird poetry and every night he had serious stomach-aches due to him drinking the disgusting milk.

But the thing he hated the most, even more than the fact that he was constantly popping in and out of the nurses office, was that he was not able to answer the little notes.


“Hey, why do you always buy strawberry milk? Isn’t it revolting?” Hoseok hurled himself to the nearest chair. Taehyung was, like every morning, writing a small letter that he didn’t want to show him.

“Yeah, I don’t particularly like it, but it’s not for me. And the person usually drinks it with a small smile, so I am assuming he likes it.”

When he finally finished writing his ‘secret card’ he pasted it into the pink container with the milk, and quickly, in a well-rehearsed motion, placed it on Yoongi’s locker.

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Chapter 2: i love
Chapter 6: ohman this was great!
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 9: thats hilarious xD
Chapter 9: whoaaaa... DAEBAK
this is really good but its like whAAaATttT
idk how to describe it, but i DO know that this is really deep this is basically perfection
sorry if I'm being confusing...
catnip_love #5
Chapter 7: My favorite one was the one that said, "I'll make you cake"
Had me laughing so hard. It seemed so totally random.
Gosh! V, you are sweetly adorable!
Chapter 4: TaeKook!!! Kyeopta!!!
Chapter 7: Adorbs and well written like always <3
Ryuxiu #8
Chapter 7: So short.. but I like it
Chapter 2: I love the free hug... this story made me go awww~