7. Runaway #2

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chapter seven; runaway #2.   it's been a while since i have even heard from you   and i should just tell you to leave 'cause i know exactly where it leads but i watch us go 'round and 'round each time      


Seulgi gritted her teeth in annoyance as she read through the article on her iPhone. She and the rest of Red Velvet were on the plane that would take them to Hong Kong, and as much as she hated reading articles from pretentious journalists, she had to find a way to kill time until the plane took off.

An average person would probably play a game, or do something enjoyable, but Seulgi had woken up in a sore mood in that particular Monday morning, mostly due lack of sleep. In the night before, she had, for the first time, sent a message to Mino. Ever since their little adventure, they had not seen each other anymore, not even a single message was exchanged during this period of over three long weeks (wait, who's counting?).

He had sent her absolutely nothing, and being as stubborn as she was, she had sent nothing back.

Until the night before.

Seulgi was never much of a conversation starter. Back in high school and her trainee days, she made little to no effort in getting close to some guy. But that's when she realized that Mino was not just 'some guy'. He probably had many girls wanting his attention, just inside the YG building alone. Perhaps she had been just a challenge to him, something that seemed unreachable at first. He had bothered her with constant messages in the beginning, but now that she already gave in to his wishes, he probably got bored and moved on to the next target. Or perhaps she was over thinking about him and his whereabouts way too much.

Either way, Seulgi refused to be just another girl to him, no matter in which context. She may not be much of a bold person, but she was not that forgettable.

After stressful minutes of internal conflict, she had decided to sent something casual and indifferent, as if she had barely noticed his absence on her notifications.

―(Hey! Are you still alive?)

No longer than two minutes after she had sent it, he had replied back.

―(Hi! Yeah! Just hella busy and jet lagged)

And that was it. No 'how are you' nor his usual 'what's up'.

That's when a train of thought started to invade her mind. Perhaps he truly was busy.

His group was going to perform on MAMA, after all, heaven knows how many last preparations were being made. The thought of performing at the biggest Asian music awards just made her mood even worse, especially being where she was, reading an article saying that her group was simply a 'plan b' from SM. Her dignity had never been so shattered.

They were not going to Hong Kong to perform nor even attend MAMA, just the after party. As awkward as it seemed, initially they did not plan on going, however, Tiffany from Girls' Generation had been the one who suggested it, saying that interacting with other idols might do them some good, and the company had surprisingly agreed. How ironic.

And now, two days later, here she was, watching the awards on their hotel room's television. Tiffany had stopped by to say a quick farewell before leaving with Ailee, who was also staying in the same hotel, and their respective teams. The channel had just finished airing the Red Carpet Arrivals, as the presenter animatedly announced that the show was about to begin.

Irene and Joy were busy doing their hair while Wendy was fuming in anger as she kept complaining about how they should be there instead, not watching from afar. Seulgi decided to stay quiet on the matter. It's not like they had released an album, just two singles, which did not even gained enough recognition. In all honesty that she could gather to admit to herself, they did not deserve to be there.

Perhaps they did not deserve to be trapped in a hotel room, but performing at MAMA was not something she felt that they had truly earned, so she couldn't complain. Seulgi sympathized with Wendy's frustration, though. At the end of the day, she did want to be there, as well.

And that's when he invaded her thoughts.

Once again.

The more she compared herself to Mino, the more she realized how ahead he was of her in pretty much everything. His group, his achievements, everything seemed to be on another level.

She huffed in frustration, which made Wendy look at her.

"You agree with me, right, Seulgi? I mean..." Wendy's gaze landed back on the TV screen. "Look at that guy! He's still a trainee!" She got up and shook Seulgi's shoulders as an emphasis. "A trainee, Seulgi! And he's probably more known than all of us!"

"I get it! Good for him!" Seulgi rolled her eyes and tugged Wendy away.

"Good for him? I'm actually concerned about that kid." Irene took a bottle of water from the mini-bar then took a sip. "Why does he keep growling? It's making me uneasy."

"Isn't that Bobby? I remember watching him on 'Show Me The Money'! He's cool." Joy casually said as she kept doing her hair, unaware of the astonished looks she was receiving.

"Joy, what the-"

"Oh!" Wendy interrupted Irene as she let out an excited squeal. "Dok2 is so hot!" For someone who was furiously complaining just a few seconds ago, Wendy surely had a drastic mood swing.

"Ew!" Irene twisted her face in disgust.

"What, have you seen his instagram? He's rich! A girl's gotta eat." Wendy shrugged her shoulders as if her statement had been logical enough. "It's not easy being a SM idol recently."

"Hush, Wendy. Just because we're not in there, it doesn't mean we're at the rock bottom." Irene scolded. "Next year will be better, you'll see."

"Either that or I'm moving to YG." Wendy let out a cry as two pillows hit her straight in the face.

"Look! Best New Artist is going to be announced!" Joy quickly joined them on the fluffy carpet floor.

"Who cares? We're not even nomina-" Seulgi and Irene placed their hands on Wendy's mouth as they kept their eyes on the TV screen.

Seulgi could almost feel her heart on as she waited for the announcement to be made, muting the rational side of her head wanting to know why was she feeling so nervous over his group. She doubted he would care if he was on her place, but it didn't matter at the moment.

As the name 'WINNER' was announced, Seulgi unwittingly let out a breath of relief as she couldn't contain the happy expression that took over her face. She her lips in an attempt to hide the bright smile, but it was already too late. Wendy had been discreetly watching her the whole time.

"How unpredictable." Irene ironically said.

"Yeah..." Wendy murmured, her eyes still fixed on Seulgi, who was unconsciously still smiling from ear to ear. "Tell me about it..."



"Tiffany said she's already on her way, that probably means she's with Nichkhun." Irene said as she entered the car that would take them to MAMA's after party.

Joy, who seemed to be the only who had paid attention to her words, hummed in agreement. Wendy was busy looking at something on her phone while Seulgi seemed bothered with something. How weird, Irene thought.

"Wow, that Mino guy truly stole the show tonight." Wendy conveniently said as she kept shooting looks towards Seulgi. "Listen to this! 'Crazy chemistry between IU and Mino from WINNER'!" Wendy laughed in exaggerated excitement. "Don't they look so good together?" She almost shoved the phone on Seulgi's face, showing a picture of IU and Mino performing.

Has Wendy ever been this annoying? Seulgi felt the corner of twitch in annoyance before trying her best to smile and nod her head in false agreement.

"I thought he was dating CL from 2NE1." Joy seemed unsure as she looked at Wendy's phone screen.

"Oh?" Wendy looked at her in curiosity. "Where did you get that?"

Seulgi pretended to be busy looking at her own phone, but her eyes widened in shock at the new information as she discretely looked towards Joy.

"Or was it Sandara? I'm not sure." Joy shrugged her shoulders as she frowned. "I guess it was just some gossip I heard back in August when we were promoting 'Happiness'."

"So it seems like he knows his way with girls, uh?"

"Why are you so interested in this guy, Wendy? Are you over Dok2, already? I'm sure he's going to be heartbroken." Irene teased as she silently giggled to herself.

"What? I'm just curious to know more about this popular fellow. Right, Seulgi? You're curious too, no?" Wendy jokingly hit her elbow on Seulgi's arm, but received no answer in return, which did not go unnoticed as she narrowed her eyes at the latter's sulking face. It did not even seem like Seulgi was listening to any of them.

But she was.

Actually, the more Mino showed up on the TV screen, the more Seulgi's excitement vanished, and suddenly, the ill thoughts were back.

He was charismatic, successful, had 'crazy chemistry' with IU, probably dated half of 2NE1, and whatnot. Who was she compared to him?

Honestly, Song Minho, is there anything you can't do?


(i say, "i heard that you've been out and about with some other girl" he says, "what you heard is true but i can't stop thinking about you" and i said, "i've been there too, a few times")  


"Whatever you do, don't leave my side!" Wendy linked arms with Seulgi as they walked around the crowded club. Most groups and guests already seemed to be there as the music was already playing and the alcohol being freely served. "Not until I find Dok2, at least."

"Wendy!" Seulgi scolded. "Since when you're such a gold digger?" She only received a scandalous laugh in response.

After greeting EXO and congratulating them for whatever they had won, Irene and Joy decided to stay nearby them. Seulgi had also wanted to stay around familiar faces, but Wendy had dragged her away before she could utter a single word. Irene, though, had been quick enough to warn Seulgi to keep an eye on Wendy. Oh, great.

Unlike Seulgi, Wendy was a social butterfly. She had already greeted over ten different people, without even knowing their names, while clutching firmly Seulgi's arm in one hand and a drink in another. As much as she had promised Irene that she would keep an eye on Wendy, Seulgi just wanted to get away.

"Oh my God!" Wendy started to jump in an attempt to get a better view at something. "Is that Illionaire on the stage over there? I found my man!"

Before Seulgi could be dragged forward by Wendy, she quickly made up her mind.

"You go ahead, I'll be right back! Go get Dok2's heart, Wendy! Fighting!" Seulgi exaggeratedly cheered as she started to back away and blend in the crowd as fast as she could.

Once Wendy was finally out of sight, Seulgi sighed in relief. She usually didn't mind being close to Wendy and her hyperactive self, but she had been way too clingy recently. Perhaps she do needed a man. Poor Dok2.

After walking around in circles in an attempt to find a familiar face or anyone from SM, Seulgi gave up and walked towards another area of the environment, where there were couches , the music was not as loud and it was less dark to see. The place was just as crowded, but at least she could manage to call Irene or Joy and find where they were.

After a few unanswered rings, Seulgi huffed in irritation and took a look around as she heard loud voices. There was a particular noisy group gathered together, obviously wanting to attract everyone's attention as they kept clinking their cups and loudly cracked inside jokes between themselves. She recognized the loudest one standing up as Block B's leader, and as much as Mino may have mentioned him back in that night they were together, she couldn't remember his name. He looked like bad news.

As she felt the device vibrate in her hands, she quickly looked back at it, thinking it would be one of the girls, perhaps even Wendy, calling to know where she was. She felt a strange sensation hit her as it notified to be a new message.

―(Go to your left)

Seulgi narrowed her eyes in curiosity as she looked at her left, noticing there was a corridor with dim lights. What now?

She didn't want to blindly do what he said. He spends three weeks without giving her a sign of life and now he was telling her what to do. However, she did not want to stay there alone looking like a lost puppy, so she did not have much of a choice.

Her conscience kept telling her that she could perfectly turn around and get lost in the crowd, but the way her heart was racing muted any thoughts in her head as she raised her head high and, after giving a quick look around and making sure no one was lookin

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Happy One Year Anniversary, my loves! Thank you so much for everything! I'll see you soon! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡


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Chapter 9: I love this story. It amazed me that seulgi x mino pairing can work out well, yeah in fanfic. Hope you can continue.
Still hoping you can continue this story 😭
candypark #3
Chapter 15: Hi! I found this story and really enjoy it. I hope you can continue this tho hehe.
yeon_hee95 #4
Authornimmm omggg
I just realize.. Mino's new title song 😭 is the same with this story's title
and and there were butterflies, a bear, and sunflowers in the MV (such Seulgi's things.. )
I don't know why my brain didn't click right away when the mv came out 😂
Have a good day author-im ^o^
lunepsyche #5
Wow omg I just found this now
Chapter 13: I miss this story
tyty96 #7
Chapter 14: I'm waiting for the next chap ?
minseul96 #8
Chapter 5: The story is kinda of cute (?)
They are my bias anyway and I really like the story
Chapter 15: are you still here?
-behindyou #10
Really hope you will come back, there are still some of us here waiting for you!