Chapter 2 : Aerin


The sunlight penetrate across the window of this room and strikes on my face. 

Ugh.. The sunshine's too bright until my eyes can barely open. I slowly get up from the bed as I use my fluffy red pinkish pig sleeping sandals and going to the kitchen. The house's still so quiet which means my mom isn't coming yet. Didn't she said that she'll be here today's morning? 

With half awake body, I lazily walk towards the fridge and take an apple juice. The sweet saccharide’s taste is  so much heavenly and very much refreshing which wakes me up as I take another gulp. 

I am having my lovey dovey time with this mouthwatering apple juice when I heard a yawning sound from the living room. 

Could it be mom?

"Mom?" taking slow steps, I'm heading to the living room, expecting to see the face of my mom which was absent from my mind for a very long time.

And there she is. She's rubbing her eyes like a young girl while doing some stretching to her legs. I bet she's not recognizing me yet. 

She looks incredibly beautiful and stunning with those pearly white skin of her and her perfectly waving hair loosely fall from her shoulder, adding the beauty of her. She still looks so young. Yeah, the fact that she gave bith to me at the age of 19 explains everything. 

"Oh my gosh!" she said. I just realize that I am staring at her too long until she's taken aback when she saw a sudden presence of me. 

Wait.. But.. she isn’t my mom..

"Eoh.. Aerin-ah.. You're surprising me!" she chuckled lightly. She looks 99% alike with mom but I can tell that she isn’t.

“Aunt Yumin! I thought you’re mom.. Anyway, sorry for surprising you..” I said and then hug her. Yes, she’s mom’s twin. They may be alike in the appearance but their behaviour is a 180 degree difference.

My mom is a careless woman, she just doesn’t care about everything while aunt Yumin is an easy going woman with her friendly style. I like this side of her but believe me, when she gets her nerves, she can be as scary as the monster. Well, until the age of 38 right now, she’s not married yet. I don’t know why but I think it’s because she enjoys being single.

"How's you're doing, dear? You're a beautiful young lady now.." she said while fixing her hair. 

"I'm .. I'm good," I answered lightly. She was in Japan that time, when my mom and my dad divorced. She was busy with her studies and stuffs (well, who doesn’t? She’s still  young that time). Different with mom who doesn’t care about her education.

"Alright. Your mom’s probably staying at her friend’s house.  You don’t have to show that perplexed face of yours since it’s often for her to stay at her friend’s house. She acts like a teenage girl, doesn’t she?” said aunt Yumin with the smirk plastered on her face.

“Anyway, I made some dishes for you yesterday. I bet you missed the Korean dishes taste, don’t ya? I made kongnamul, daktoritang, bibimbab and jajangmyeon! Let’s eat!” with full of delight, she prepares all of the dishes that she made and let me taste it one by one.

"Aunty..?” I said with a low tone.

“Hmm?” she mumbled.

“This question may sound weird but I just want to know. How do you know that I’m here? I mean, I think that only mom knows that I’m coming. And one last question. Why are you being so nice to me? I mean.. Look at this dishes. You must be prepared a lot and wasted a lot of effort..” I said cluelessly.

“Dear..” she stared.

“Actually I was there when your dad calls Yumi. That time, Yumi and I were at the cafe and discussing somethings and then your dad suddenly call and I heard everything. I know that your mom isn’t ready for this. She refused it at first but then agree because I said that I’ll take care of you..”

I feel like my heart’s thrown from a very high cliff and then kicked and people step on it.

“I know you’ve been through a lot. I know that you’re lacking the love of mother and father since you’re young. I really regret for leaving for Japan that time when I know you’re the one who were dumped by your friggin crazy parents. Aerin-ah.. This is just a small thing, you know. This is nothing. I just want to show that at least I’m here for you when you feel nobody cares about you,” and then I feel like beads of tears flowing without my command.


We’ve passed the breakfast session and now we’re watching TV together. I really love this bonding relationship between auntie and niece since I can learn the meaning of love.

“Aerin-ah.. The report card that you’d sent to your mom before.. I actually have registered you to the best school in here and they’ve accepted you by only looking at those glorious scores! They said that you don’t need to be tested again and you can start your school next week..” she said happily. She looks so pretty with those glimmering eyes of her and her thin cherry lips forming a light curve.

“You mean two days from now? Seriously aunty?! I only got two days for preparations?!” OH.MY.GASH.. I’m not mentally prepared!

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Aunt..! My Korean is worse and I’m not mentally prepared for that!”

“Well then.. Like it or not, you should prepare for it. Come on, we’re going to buy some things for you,” she said and then gets up from the sofa.

“Like what?”

“Like your school shoes, jackets, shirts, make ups perhaps?” she shows her enthusiasm on buying me things.

“But I have those things already. Besides.. I don’t like make ups, though..”

“Let me tell you something. You’ll start a new life here, so everything must be new! Oh come on! It’s not like you’re going to pay, anyway. I’ll treat you! Let’s dress up!”

Believe it or not, I accepted her treat. It’s not bad at all anyway. She said everything must be new. Yeah.. Everything as in everything..

Now here we are. In the middle of the mall. Aunt has been dragging me for so many sport shops already and so many boutiques. To be honest, I don’t like shopping. I just don’t like it at all, but seeing my aunt has so much interest in it, I’ll just follow her. I start loving her as my aunt, my best friend and as my mom. She’s amazing.

“How about this one, Aerin-ah?” she asks me with those delightful face. She grabs another nike for me and lets me give my opinion about the shoes she’d choosen.

“Aunt.. You just bought two  pairs of nikes and one pair of converse already and you wish to buy me another one? Aren’t you afraid of being bankrupt?” I smirk and then she just burst into laughter.

“Tch.. This girl is really something.  Yah! Too much thinking isn’t good you know! This is nothing, Aerin. I’m just spending a little for you. You should be very grateful for that!” she then playfully hit me.

“You must be very rich, don’t ya?”

After four hours of shopping, eating, playing and giggling, finally we’re at the parking lot and we’re heading home.

Ugh... I’m using a pair of rubber shoes yet it feels like my legs are going to break. How about aunt Yumin? She’s wearing the stylish glamourous black wedges and she seems okay with that. Yeah.. Surely she’s a shoppaholic.

Ring.. Ring..

“Ehm.. Hold on..” she said then answer the call.

A sudden exchange of facial expression could be seen from her face. I don’t know what she and the person on the other line’s saying, but it seems like a serious thing. I just cannot hear anything since she’s going a few meters away forward.

“Aerin, you’re not going back to your mom’s house, okay? Never! I’ll overtake the responsibility of your mom and now the thing that we’re going to do is to take your things from her house and you’ll stay in my house. Understand?” I am really terrified. Her facial expression is really serious and scary. I’ve told you right when she gets her nerves she’ll be very very scary.

“But.. why?” I said in a low tone.

“Just listen to what I am saying! You don’t worth a mom like her! She’s being dumb and irresponsible,” she said and open the door for me to get inside her Honda.

I keep my mouth shut and the way to mom’s house is incredibly awkward and tensed.

When we’re arrived..

“You’re going to stay here! Don’t get out from the car, you hear me?” and I slightly nod.

The thing that I could see from here is she’s having a fight with my mom and seems like my mom has packed my things away and so aunt Yumin just grabs my suitcases and put it inside the car.


“Wake up, Aerin-ah! It’s your first day of school and you don’t want to late right?” as I could sense, aunt Yumin’s shaking my body and trying to wake me up but I just roll my body to the other side of the bed.

“Ya, lazy young girl! Wake up!” and then she take the blanket away from me.

“5 minutes again, can I?”

“No! It’s 6.30 alreay, duh. You’re surely going to be late..”

“HOLY CRAP!” then I rush myself to the bathroom and having a duck-styled bath.

Grabbing my uniform, wear it, comb my hair and syled it a messy bun way, apply a BB cream, wearing my shoes and I’m done.

“What bus should I take?” I ask as I’m rushing downstairs.

“You expect yourself to take the bus? Seriously? You want detention for the very first day of school?”

“Then what should I do?” hopelessly waiting for her answer, I take a bite of the bread she’d prepare for me.

“Get inside the car..”


“Ehm.. Hi.. I’m Allene Han. I’m a Korean but I live in California for 11 years. Oh ya.. My Korean name is Han Aerin. My Korean’s worse but I try my best to improve it. I am glad to see you guys..” then I bow. My classmates give me round of applause and I nervously show my smile.

“Okay, Aerin-ah.. You can take a seat next to Park Nara,” Ms. Choi said and so I’m heading to the empty desk right next to the girl name Park Nara.

She’s a very very pretty girl with cherry lips, silky white skin and a nice curly-done hair. She’s wearing a turquoise lenses and uses a light make up which makes her face looks so perfect.

Several branded things are shown like Louis Vuitton bag, Louboutin’s glittering sneakers,  Gucci watch also Dolce & Gabbana bracelet.

This girl must be extremely rich..

“Hi there, Aerin. I’m Park Nara, Kim Jongin’s girlfriend..” Kim.. Jongin? 

Right after her short introduction, the door's widely open roughly and 12 godly-faced boys enter the room. Who.. are they? 

Annyeong dear readers! Once again thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys like it. Please do comment, subscribe and upvote. I'll be very very very grateful for that. See you in the next chapter! ;)

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Chapter 2: I love the story so much. Update soon. Aerin will fall in love withKim Jongin.