Chapter 3 : Narrator



The loud sound echoes through the one whole class. As expected, Kai altogether with his gang came up late but no one dare to raise their voices to comment, even Ms. Choi. Well, the girls eyes are sparkling like crazy. Their smile plastered even wider when Kai enters the room with his messy-yet-y hair.  

", Kai oppa's so y today!" 

"Look at those y lips and y eyes of him! I want him so bad!"

"You don't have any idea how I love you, Kai oppa!"

"Geez! Look at his perfect body! I wonder if one day I can feel him.." 

And many other comments could be heard from the girls inside the classroom as the 12 boys are taking their place, of course at the very most back. They're not smiling at all but that's it. They smirk and it kills.

"Alright class, please open your mechanics book to page 89..." said Ms. Choi while opening her book.

Aerin glares at confusion. 

What the heck is this?

While Ms. Choi is explaining, the boys are noisily giggling and talking something gross.

"I wanna grab her big fat !"

"What a nice gargantuan s..."

"Ey.. Chanyeol-ssi.. Look at her y curve body! Gaws.."

"You Tao ! Stare at her rose red lips. I wonder if one day I could feel it.." 

They're having their own world and seems like even the teacher doesn't have the gut to talk. She just let them be, act like nothing's happening and nothing's wrong. 

"Can you guys please shut up?" and suddenly the class goes silent. Who else dare to talk like that in front of EXO? 

"...........I know I'm new here, but you guys' voices are disturbing the whole class......." and there goes another silence. As a new student, Aerin feels like she's going ahead from the limit. But this goes too much. The noise's really disturbing. 

The class's in complete silence. Ms. Choi's not even bother to open . She just remain standing, flabbergasted. 

"Tch.." and everybody's eyes are gazing towards the source of the voice. 

"Who are you to say those rude words, huh?! I think you should get your punishment, right exo oppas?" with those puppy eyes, Nare glares at her 'oppas' and smile nicely towards them. Those blank stares of exo meets her as she suddenly change her facial expression, even Kai doesn't show any reaction. Embarrassed, she moves her glare back to her mechanics books while nervously grabbing her Adidas drinking bottle and take some gulps of the water.

In the other hand, Aerin lowers her head due to a sudden shockness. Her eyes are tightly closed while all of her body tensed.

Someone from the group stands up and head himself towards Aerin. She becomes incredibly nervous and afraid. Her hands starts shaking and beads of sweats are flowing throughout her palm.

God, not now please. This is my first day of school and I just want to make the condition better for learning. I don't want to be punished. What's my fault afterall?

"So you're new here?" said the young man with his poker face. Helplessly Aerin nods.

"... And... you don't like noise?" he continued with low tone. Still his glare kills.. Again, Aerin nods. 


The class are shocked to the maximum. Moreover Aerin. She's now beyond shock, even the rest of exo members are looking at him while doubting themself for what they've seen a while ago. How could it be? Before, Kai was never act like a wild animal. There must be something really goes wrong..

Finally the rest members are leaving too, following Kai. 

Don't cry Aerin-ah.. You've promised to yourself that you should not show the others your weakness. BE STRONG! Everything's going to be alright. 

When she feels like she's going to be okay, she raises her face facing forward. She's welcomed by the stares of her classmates and she just give them the fake smile.

Nare looks at her with the b*tch-please face and then leave the class too, following exo.

"Alright class. Let's continue.." said Ms. Choi, cutting the tensed atmosphere.


"What the heck, dude?" asked Kris all of a sudden. He don't understand why in the first place he had to be so mad about it. It's their fault afterall and yes he knew that nobody ever dare to speak like that in front of them, but why should he got mad like that? He looks waaaayyy scarier than Hulk.

Kai stops immediately. Turning his body 180 degree, he's now facing his hyung with those blank eyes. 

"Are you damn serious?" he asked while clenching his left palm, ready to hit Kris at any moment. 

"Yeah. I'm super serious. Like for seriously dude, you're making our reputation worse! Yeah we all realize that we're too noisy today compared to the other days before. You're unbelievable, Kai.." with that, Kai's ready to punch Kris but lucky Kris, the others are preventing him to do so. 

What the heck happen to Kai today? Why's he acting this way? He's a total mess today. 

"Kai! What's wrong with you?! This seems like isn't you, bro! You never be so emotional before. I know we can figure it out and settle this, Kai but don't let your anger controls you!" said Suho while pulling Kai away from Kris. 

Soon, Kai isn't struggling anymore. He stands there, not doing anything then left. 

"I'm going with Kai. Maybe he'll speak up.." said Sehun then left too. 

Not long after that, they hear the running steps that are getting closer and closer to them.

"Where's my Kai oppa?!" and all of a sudden, Nara appears, out of breath. 

"You're leaving the class just for that stupid goddamn Kai? You're as crazy as him.." comment Xiumin. 

"He's dying in hell.." said Baekhyun then left, and the rest of exo left too. They're wasting their time here, just to mind Kai. Nara looks at them with those confusion. 

Wrong choice by leaving the class? Nara thinks so..


"Kai, what's wrong, bro?" Sehun tried to initiate the conversation but again Kai just shrugs him away. Not giving up, Sehun tries again. 

"Life's not as what we expect right?" Sehun said when the atmosphere's going calm. Kai take a glimpse of him then throw his sight to the other side. 

"I know what you feel, dude. It's about Krystal, right?" he continued. Still no answer which means it's true that Kai's changing because of Krystal. 

"I know it should be hard for you, but just remember that you've made your own choice, dude.. You've choose Nara instead of Krystal, so you better not to regret it or else you're going to loss both of them," still, no answer from Kai. He lower his head, facing the ground while his hands are inside his pocket. 

"Hey, love doesn't have to have each other, you know! As long as your beloved once happy, then you should accept the truth and be happy for her also. You want to lose her too? I'm taking your position if you're going to give up on Nara.." said Sehun playfully while taking his phone, searching for Nara's contact profile and stares at her picture. 

" pretty.." he said in a low tone. Annoyed, Kai's facing Sehun while trying to grab his phone.

"Yah! She's mine! You're going to die if you'll do so! You know that very well, Thehun-ssi.." said Kai mockingly. Immediately Sehun sends his death glare towards Kai, ready to 'kill' him at any moment. 

"What did you say, Mr. Kim Jongin?!" he raised his voice while standing up from his seat. 

"Don't call me that name, Thehun-ssi!" 

"I wont call you Jongin if you don't mock me with my accent.."and with that Sehun tickle him very very hard until he can't breathe. 

"Buahahahahahahaha! Please stop, Thehun.. I promise not to call you that name again.." 

"But you just call me that name a second ago so sorry I can't stop," said Sehun, showing his glorious smile. 

"Buahahahahahaha.. That's only an example.." 

Yeah.. I forgot that Sehun's a mood booster..



That's definitely the last school bell of the day as the time shows 4 p.m. Mr. Ahn excuses himself and dismisses the class. Finally, one long crazy day ends. This must be the first rough and tough day of school for Aerin. 

She'd hold her tears for about one day long. Yes, she shouldn't let anyone to see her tears as in anybody. Packing her things from the desk, she quickly runs outside the school gate with her watery eyes. Lucky her that her aunt just text her a while ago that she cannot fetch her from school since she has tonnes of works to do and probably tonight she'll be going home late, which means even her aunt will not see her in this weak state. 

Not long after that, the expensive sport cars are leaving the school gate, one by one. From the black porche panamera, white chevrolet camaro, light green lamborghini gallardo, blood red land rover evoque, deep blue bmw i8 and last but not the least orange zenvo st1. 

That's probably that Kai guy and the gang..

Ignoring the noise made by the sport cars, Aerin keep walking, holding on her tears. Keeping her head low, her steps become faster and faster and faster. Not realizing that someone's walking beside her.

"You're surely win during the walking contest.." commented that guy. Aerin suddenly stop. This guy is a total stranger. What do you feel when stranger initiate a conversation with you?

"Hi.. I'm Chanyeol.."

Annyeong dear readers! Thank you so much for reading this chapter, especially for SooRa for leaving your very first comment. I'm so glad! :) Once more thank you for the other readers too, I'm hoping that you guys will leave your comment after reading, do subscribe and upvote! :D I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, see you guys in the next chappie!

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Chapter 2: I love the story so much. Update soon. Aerin will fall in love withKim Jongin.