Chapter 1

Kuroth: God Of Theft

A handsome yet short guy in sunglasses is standing up straight outside the president’s room.

“Agent M, we received reports on hostile activities in the Royal Hotel now. Check out the level you are on now.”

“Roger.” Minwoo searches the level thoroughly, not letting go any possible hiding spot.

“Level search complete. The perimeter is secure.”

“Affirmative, be on high alert.”

~Stupid M style~you have a messagie~ (message ringtone)

Minwoo checks his message and smirks.

[Shinhwa Meeting- 2300]




A topless young man leans against the window. A y woman hugs him from the back and whispers: “Hey baby.”

Junjin caresses the woman’s thigh.

“Morning~ Had fun yesterday?” Junjin turns around and pulls the girls for a kiss.

Before their lips touch, his phone rings.

“A moment please, baby.” He checks his phone and drops his cheekiness.

“You know, you sure are hot for a one night stand. I left the money in your wallet. Bye baby.” Junjin leaves the room without a second thought, leaving the girl furious and speechless.




“Ka chak….Ka chak.” A ert looking man is taking pictures of the president and his bodyguards just outside the Royal Hotel. He’s biting his lower lips, trying very hard to stop his nose from bleeding.

“Wow, Minwoo……. Tch, so handsome….so y…” Dongwan is awaken by a slap on his head.

“Yah! Kim Dongwan what are you doing? We are here to take pictures of the president’s daughter and her fiancée, not whoever the Min….Woo? guy is.”

Before Dongwan can retaliate, his phone rings. Dongwan reads the message with a erted grin on his face.





“Yah Mun Junghyuk! What is this crap?! All the amount in your report doesn’t even add up! Needless to say, you’ve lost five thousand dollars in the past month! Are you stupid or what?”

Hyori rushes over to Eric’s cubicle after hearing all the commotion.

“What did he do wrong again? Please don’t scold him, he’s too handsome for that!”

Eric just stare at both his superiors with a cute innocent look while cleaning his glasses with the end of his shirt.

“What?! He’s nothing compared to me. He’s just an idiotic nerd who is the worst employee I ever had! I would’ve fired him long ago if it wasn’t for you, the precious daughter of the great owner of SM International Bank!”


Eric stops Hyori mid-sentence and bows 90 degree towards his superior.

“Mianhae, sunbaenim. Jinjja mianhae, please give me another chance, I won’t make any more mistakes.”

“You’ve said that for the last hundred mistakes you’ve made. I….”


The boss is infuriated by the sudden ring of Eric’s phone which cut his sentence.

‘…’ thinks Eric who’s desperately trying to contain his tears.

The boss loses his temper and slams the file he’s holding onto Eric’s face, cracking Eric’s glasses.




“You’re ma love uh uh uh uh uh uh venus~” Hyesung is moving his hands on his own torso according to the rhythm. (Venus’s  choreography)

Andy who’s entering from the kitchen stops in his tracks and stares at his hyung who is acting as a self-obsessed madman.

 “Hyung…what are you doing? I’m scared.” Andy says timidly and hides himself behind the counter.

Hyesung seems to ignore him and went on dancing his infamous crab dance.

Andy peeks carefully from under the counter. He can’t help but chuckles when the mama bird hugs the mop as if the mops is his lover.

“And I~ will always love you~”

Suddenly, the door to the café opens. Hyesung who is too self-absorbed and didn’t notice the door had open, uses the floor mop as a ballerina and accidentally strikes it on the visitor’s face, splitting the visitor’s face in half.

“Ahh! Minwoo! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?”

 Minwoo stands there expressionless before falling face first onto the floor.

“OMG! My Minwoo! Ottoke?” Dongwan yells while trying to wake Minwoo up.

Andy who’s hiding behind the counter can’t help but shakes his head.




Notes: So here's the 1st chapter. I'll try to post the next chapter within the next 2 weeks. This is just a little introduction on the member's personalities. Dongwan's and Hyesung's kinda scary aren't they? Haha! they're not the weirdest yet. Please enjoy this chapter and any comment is welcomed. Thanks for your support! Shinhwa Changjo !! <3

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balicucha #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Authornim. Fighting!
balicucha #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: very interesting what will happen next!... Fighting!
huiwen1997 #3
Chapter 5: Abeechua, writing eric's essay while thking storyline? GEnius man! Multitasks~
Chapter 5: Im assuming that man Dongwan saw was Boom pretending to be Junjin? Unless it's really Junjin betraying Shinhwa lolz
Just my speculation
Chapter 1: Dong Wan died??T^T....huhuhuhuhuhu.....*cries hard*
anyway, want to read, more^^
keep updating juseyo,author-nim^^