Chapter 2

Kuroth: God Of Theft

In their secret hideout (behind the wall with only a dog hole as entrance), Hyesung is cooking with Baby Bird’s company. Dongwan is rubbing Minwoo’s wounded face with an ice pack. The maknae is hiding behind his computer, trying really hard to hack into the government’s secret files.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!...... Bang! Bang!”

Everyone is startled by the sound of door banging.

“Andy, what’s that?”

“Uhm….. I’m not sure who’s that, maybe it’s just a beggar, judging by his messy hair and dirty clothes.” Says Andy while checking the security footage.

“Just ignore him.”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The banging continues on for the next few minutes. The members are slowly getting annoyed.

“Yah Jinnie! Just throw him some money and tell him to get lost!” shouts the frustrated Minwoo who is still enduring the burning pain on his face.




“Mister, here’s some money for you…..” Junjin is stopped by a brutal smack on the back of his head.

“Yah! Park Choongjae! Do I look like a beggar to you?”

“Eric hyung?”




“What happened? You stink.” Asks a bored Minwoo.

Eric rubs the back of his neck.

“I…. fell into a drain….”


“How in the world did you fall into a drain? And where the hell is your glasses?”

Eric tells them the story of his terrible morning in the office.

“…….. On my way home, I….I can’t see well with my broken glasses, suddenly……. I felt my foot stepped onto nothing and….. the next thing I know, I’m in a drain with the dirty drain water up till my shoulders….. I screamed for help…. And…..”

Tears start to form in Eric’s eyes and he struggles hold them back.

“H….Hyo..Ri heard me… and she helped me to get out of the drain….”

Everyone gasp as Eric lets his tears flow like a child.

“That…… Hyung, why don’t you go and have a bath?” Junjin desperately gets Eric into the bathroom before anyone continues to hurt his already hurt pride.

“OMG! HE WAS SAVED BY A GIRL!” yelled Hyesung.

“SHUSH!!!!” Dongwan cups Hyesung’s mouth.

“Our leader……” Andy sits on his couch, speechless.

Minwoo can only shakes his head. “Sometimes I wonder how can he be our leader.”




After a nice bath, Eric is now sitting by the table waiting for Hyesung’s dishes.

“And, today’s special menu is …………… Soondubu Jiggae (Soft Tofu Stew) without any seafood of course.” Announced a delighted Hyesung.

Everyone dig in happily without noticing the huge grin on Junjin’s face.

In just a few minutes, the pot is emptied. Andy freezes in place staring at Minwoo scary expressionless face.

“Uhm…… Hyesung hyung, are you sure there’s no seafood in the Jiggae at all?”

“100% sure. Why?”

Andy answers by pointing at Minwoo.

Everyone gulp.


Like a drunkard, Minwoo suddenly jumps and starts to shake his body crazily while removing his shirt, revealing tanned abs.


Hyesung runs into the kitchen to hide while Eric quickly buries his face in a pillow.

Dongwan happily grabs his camera and snaps photos like a crazy ert while the two maknaes freeze in place, too horrified by the scene of a half- Minwoo dancing like crazy.

Then, Minwoo proceed to pull down his trousers…….

“OMG!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!”




The night ends with nightmares for everyone in their sleep except for Dongwan who smiled in his sleep and Minwoo who has no idea what happened. The meeting was delayed till the next morning when everyone is in their correct state of mind. It seems that their latest client requested for them to steal a couple of documents from other rival company. After a short briefing from Hyesung, Eric dispatched Minwoo to retrieve the files with Andy’s assistant through the comms. The mission was successful and they got their paycheck right after Dongwan delivered the goods. The money was divided into 7 equal portions. 1 for each of them and another was deposited into their shared account. Eric got himself a new pair of glasses; Minwoo bought a new suit; Dongwan bought extra lenses for his camera; Hyesung bought a new coffee grinding machine for his café; Junjin used up his paycheck to buy a new Porsche; Andy upgraded his computers. Apparently none of them understand the word ‘savings’.




“Eric hyung, there’s another client. He asked to meet up in person.” Andy calls for Eric.

“Huh? Why?”

“He says he wants to be sure we can be trusted.”

“Ok. Where and When? Get Jinnie on it.”

“This afternoon, at the café by your office block. Hyung, Junjin hyung is on the jewelry case.”

Eric swipes his phone to check the schedules for the afternoon.

“Everyone’s out today except for us two. You wanna go?”

“Hyung, I’m an introvert.” Replies Andy without looking away from the screen.

Eric sighs. “Like I’m any better.”





So, sorry about the delay. I'm so stressed out about my SPM exam now. Ehhem, back to the story. Minwoo.....he's scary too right? Sorry if my Eric's image is too weak and soft. Poor Ric was hurt after being saved by a girl lol. Anyways, I need some help on what to steal next. All opinions will be taken into consideration. I will try to write all your requests as a comic relieve for this story while I proceed on the storyline that will lead to the event in the prologue. It will get darker and darker I think. Comments please! I love them. Oh and if there's anyone who's kind enough to create a cover photo for KUROTH: GOD OF THEFT, do feel free to create one and pm me. TQ! Shinhwa Changjo! <3

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balicucha #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Authornim. Fighting!
balicucha #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: very interesting what will happen next!... Fighting!
huiwen1997 #3
Chapter 5: Abeechua, writing eric's essay while thking storyline? GEnius man! Multitasks~
Chapter 5: Im assuming that man Dongwan saw was Boom pretending to be Junjin? Unless it's really Junjin betraying Shinhwa lolz
Just my speculation
Chapter 1: Dong Wan died??T^T....huhuhuhuhuhu.....*cries hard*
anyway, want to read, more^^
keep updating juseyo,author-nim^^