Chapter 3

Kuroth: God Of Theft

“You sure about this?”

“Trust me. By the way, I’m the one getting slapped. He’s here, on 3. 1…2…”


Eric slaps the lady hard on her cheek, making her head turn almost 90 degrees.

“You filthy woman!” yells Eric before stomping out of the hotel bar.

The lady covers her face and cries hard by the counter. A middle-aged man with slicked back hair witnessed the whole incident and walks over to the lady.

“Ms, are you alright?”

The lady continues on crying. The man gently pats the lady’s back and hands her a handkerchief.



“Ok, Hyesung has successfully caught the Owner’s attention. Junjin, Andy, your turn. Dongwan, be on standby.”

Eric can only whisper through the comm as now he’s sitting in the hotel lobby, pretending to be reading the newspaper, while watching Hyesung(the lady) talking with the Owner.




“What?! Say it again!!”

“The target is on the 50th floor.” Says a very calm Andy from a van parked in an alley.

“! Are you sure your Super Gloves can hang on for that long?” Junjin curses while climbing up the floors, spiderman style through the outer wall of the hotel. He carefully avoids all the windows while working his way up steadily.

“How many floors left?”


Junjin’s curses fill their comms.




“Agent M, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear.”

“The radar shows some activity near you. It seems to be a person. Be on alert.”

“Roger that.”

Minwoo resumes his silent standing position opposite the president’s daughter who’s reading some magazines. He looks out the window that he’s facing blankly. Suddenly, a man slides down from the level above and grips the window with some kind of gloves to stop himself from free falling.


Minwoo’s eyes widen, recognizing Junjin even though he’s wearing full black outfit and a black mask.

“What’s that?”




“Ahh!” yells Junjin as he accidentally slips and slides down a level.

“Hyung, you alright?”

“Jinnie? What happened?”

Both Eric’s and Andy’s worried voice fill the comms.

Junjin is at lost for words as he sees Minwoo staring at him with wide eyes and the president’s daughter getting up from her seat and about to turn around to face the window.




Minwoo panics. He knows he needs to do something, fast. He quickly bows 90 degrees which caught the president’s daughter by surprise.

“Sorry, I……farted.” Says Minwoo while swallowing his dignity.

“Oh, what did you eat? Don’t do that again.” Says the president’s daughter before sitting back down.

“I’m terribly sorry, ma’am.”

MInwoo lets out a breath of relief.




“OMG! That was close.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you guys later.”

JUnjin continues to climb up.

“Ok, hyung you’re there.”

Junjin pulls out a laser gun from his backpack. He cuts a hole on the window and slides into the room.

“Where is it?”

“Go straight. There’s a safe behind the closet. The password is 0123456.”

“What the…”

Junjin opens up the safe and looks for a USB.




“! The Owner’s leaving. Dongwan, you’re up.”

Dongwan who’s dressed up as a waiter picks up a bowl of hot mushroom soup and walks out of the kitchen. He heads straight to the bar counter, where the Owner is getting up and bump straight into him. The mushroom soup spill onto the Owner’s suit and Dongwan apologizes before leaving quickly. Hyesung rushes to the Owner’s side.

“Omo! Gwenchana? Come, I’ll clean it for you.”

Hyesung helps the Owner up and cleans his suit with some tissues.




“Jin, you better hurry. We don’t have much time.” Says Eric nervously.

“Got it!”

Junjin opens the door and walks into the nearest emergency exit. He takes off his working suit and gears, leaving only a grey t-shirt and jeans on. He keeps the gears and suit into his backpack and walks down the hallway into the elevator.

As soon as the elevator doors slide open on the ground floor, the Owner walks into the elevator, passing Junjin who’s exiting the elevator.




“Nice work guys! Cheers!”

The six members are partying in their secret hideout.

“That was really close back then. If it wasn’t for me, you’ll be dead, Park Choongjae.”

“Thanks hyung. Oh, I have something for all of you!”

Junjin takes out six jewelry boxes from his backpack and gives them out to the members.

“These are friendship necklaces! I got these for free as a token of gratitude from my last jewelry case.”

Everyone gets a necklace with an alphabet pendant on it. Eric gets an E; Minwoo gets an M; Dongwan a D; Hyesung a H; Junjin a J and Andy an A.

“Thanks Jinnie!” Eric plants a kiss on Junjin’s cheek.





Hope you enjoy this chapter. This will be my last post until December as I will be very busy with my national exam starting next Monday till  early December. Don't worry, I won't abandon this story. The 4th chapter is already halfway done and I can promise you that the story will get darker starting from the next chapter. Hyesung as a lady haha, totally inspired by Shinhwa's Saturday Night Live lol. I can't control myself from telling you this: 2 people from SM will make their appearance next chapter! Well actually, both are really big names in SM but one of them is no longer in SM I thk...... I might be mistaken though. Haha. Comments and critisms are very welcomed! Thanks for reading my story! SHINHWA CHANGJO <3

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balicucha #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Authornim. Fighting!
balicucha #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: very interesting what will happen next!... Fighting!
huiwen1997 #3
Chapter 5: Abeechua, writing eric's essay while thking storyline? GEnius man! Multitasks~
Chapter 5: Im assuming that man Dongwan saw was Boom pretending to be Junjin? Unless it's really Junjin betraying Shinhwa lolz
Just my speculation
Chapter 1: Dong Wan died??T^T....huhuhuhuhuhu.....*cries hard*
anyway, want to read, more^^
keep updating juseyo,author-nim^^