Chapter 5

Kuroth: God Of Theft

Soon after returning from their holiday, Minwoo was dispatched to retrieve a package from one of the richest man in Korea. It was midnight when he arrived at the bungalow and checked the surroundings.

"Ok, I'm clear. Directions?"

"The package is on the second floor, in the master bedroom." Replied Andy.

"Ok." Minwoo crept to the front door and used picked the lock.

He quietly opened the door and slipped into the living room. He tiptoed on towards the stairs where he moved his way up like a ninja.

"Left." Said Andy.

Minwoo walked towards the door and turned the door knob slowly, careful to not make any sounds. He slid into the room and saw the billionaire sleeping soundly with his wife.

"Under the table, there's a drawer."

Minwoo made his way to the table and used his lock picks to unlock the drawer. A lonely yellow package was in it and Minwoo secured the package in his backpack before exiting the room.

When he reached the ground floor, he heard a low growling sound coming from the kitchen. He turned around slowly and was greeted by a black Rottweiler glaring at him. Minwoo gulped nervously before running towards the door with the canine high on his heels.

He quickly shut the door leaving the Rottweiler to claw at the other side of the door.

"What was that? A dog?! You didn't check for a dog?! Hyung, you really are special stupid." Said Andy through the comm.




In their secret hideout, Minwoo handed Eric the package. The later checked the package and frowned.

"Are you sure you got the right package? Wan ah, what did the customer request for?" Asked Eric

"Huh? Why? What's wrong?" Minwoo snatched the package from Eric and checked the contents. It was all ual magazines with pictures of females all over it.

"Kim Dongwan!! You ert!! You asked me to steal these magazines for you?! I almost got bitten by a dog!!" Yelled a furious Minwoo while hitting Dongwan's arms mercilessly.

Dongwan smiled sheepishly.




The boys decide to sleep over in their secret hideout. Hyesung woke up from his sleep and decided to make himself a cup of hot chocolate. While on his way to the kitchen, he heard some noise radiating from Andy's computer room which was still lighted. Hyesung made his way to the door and pushed the door slightly, not wanting to disturb whoever was in it. He froze from the scene unfolded before him.

There in the room, Dongwan, Eric and Junjin were smiling and enjoying themselves flipping through the magazines.

"Yah! Baby bird! What do you think you're doing?! And you Mun Junghyuk, don't influence our baby bird!!" Shouted Hyesung before pulling Junjin into his room.

"Go to sleep. I'm going to deal with that mikkulaji!" Hyesung stormed out of the room leaving a wide-eyed Junjin.

Hyesung went into Andy's room and pulled Eric's ear.

"Ah ah ah! Hyesungie, hurts!" Yelped Eric.

"You're so naughty!" Said Hyesung while hitting Eric continuously.

Eric could not sleep that night feeling sore all over his body and his poor redden ears are burning with pain. He swore not to read magazines ever again as he does not want to feel Hyesung's wrath again.




Andy stirred from his sleep. He glanced around the dark room and saw Minwoo talking on the phone.

"Okay. Get on with the plan. Yeah....... You know I can't meet you. It's too risky. We need to take them by surprise......."

Andy watched the other guy whispering a bit loudly over the phone before closing his eyes again.





Notes: Here you go. I've been pretty busy with my exams and my other story, WHO ARE YOU? that i kinda haven't updath KUROTH for quite some time. Please enjoy. What is Minwoo planning? Please stay tuned to know more lol. SHINHWA CHANGJO<3

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balicucha #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Authornim. Fighting!
balicucha #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: very interesting what will happen next!... Fighting!
huiwen1997 #3
Chapter 5: Abeechua, writing eric's essay while thking storyline? GEnius man! Multitasks~
Chapter 5: Im assuming that man Dongwan saw was Boom pretending to be Junjin? Unless it's really Junjin betraying Shinhwa lolz
Just my speculation
Chapter 1: Dong Wan died??T^T....huhuhuhuhuhu.....*cries hard*
anyway, want to read, more^^
keep updating juseyo,author-nim^^