
Kuroth: God Of Theft

“Ya, hyung! Why did you call me up so late? I need my beauty sleep.” Junjin whines while lying his head on Hyesung’s shoulder.

“Aish, you’re such a baby.” Mama bird shoves away Junjin’s head and strode down the walkway. He reaches the back door of his café and fetches his key from his back pocket before freezing in place.

‘It’s already open…’


“Ah, hyung can you help me out here? I kinda fell onto a heap of rubbish…..Hyung?” Junjin gets up unbalanced and stumbles into Hyesung.

“Mianhae, hyung…….Hyung.....Hyung?!!”

“Pabo! Shh…” Hyesung covers Junjin’s mouth before dragging the younger guy into their secret hideout.




“S….s…..s….s…..” Dongwan tried to scream for help but the pain on his chest is too much to bear. Just when he’s about to let the darkness take over him, two figures come rushing to his side.

“D..Dongwan hyung, what happened?” Junjin asks frantically while Hyesung tears a piece of cloth from his shirt and applies pressure on Dongwan’s gunshot wound.

“S…s.s…s..” Dongwan uses his last breathe to point at his camera which is lying not far from him.

“Dongwan! Dongwan please don’t leave us! Stay with me please, we will save you, just hang on! Please!” cries Hyesung while hugging Dongwan’s lifeless body.

The birds hug each other and shed countless tears. A few moments later, Hyesung picks up Dongwan’s camera and is shocked to see the last photo taken.

“No… way…..M.”





Notes: This is just a preview of the major incident that will be happening somewhere around the 10th chapter. I will try to update as often as possible as I will be sitting for my final exams in November. Chapter one is already halfway done so please look forward to it. Thanks for your support!

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balicucha #1
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Authornim. Fighting!
balicucha #2
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: very interesting what will happen next!... Fighting!
huiwen1997 #3
Chapter 5: Abeechua, writing eric's essay while thking storyline? GEnius man! Multitasks~
Chapter 5: Im assuming that man Dongwan saw was Boom pretending to be Junjin? Unless it's really Junjin betraying Shinhwa lolz
Just my speculation
Chapter 1: Dong Wan died??T^T....huhuhuhuhuhu.....*cries hard*
anyway, want to read, more^^
keep updating juseyo,author-nim^^