Playing Cupid

Of rich guys, rivals, and boyfriends

~ omg hahha super long since I last updated >__< sorry! Anyway here's sibum and I'll start writing the other couples in!! ~


"More like: do YOU like him?" Zhou mi asked curiously, though he was already sure what the answer was. Siwon didn't need to lie, his face said everything.

"Okay, no need to answer." Zhou mi laughed as he was met with silence and a sheepish smile. "Gah this is so interesting, I could play Cupid."

"... Zhou mi?"

"Yes?" Zhou mi asked, turning to Siwon.

"Why are you suddenly so... Erm... High?" Siwon questioned awkwardly.

"Oh me? Haha it's nothing. I'm usually hyper anyway."

"I could tell, what with the never ending sunshiney smiles you have." Siwon laughed.

"I'm just excited."


"Playing Cupid for you and Kibum--" Zhou Mi grinned widely, showing teeth.

"Zhou mi... It's not going to work out." Siwon sighed.

"Why not? Stop thinking like that or you will REALLY have no chance." Zhou mi frowned.

"But I know I don't have a chance. Look, I confessed to him alright?" Siwon sighed again.

"What? Really? When?"

"Yesterday. I got rejected."

"So you have to try harder." Zhou mi encouraged.


"I said, you have to try harder."


"Because he likes you? Like, he was so obviously jealous when I talked to you just now, though it's just as friends." Zhou Mi laughed. "Plus, why do you think he said he needed to speak to his hyung?"

"Cause he really needs to?"

"As if. You're so naive Siwon. He's just being jealous."

"How would you know?"

"I've done it before." Zhou mi admitted. "It was stupid, really."

"You?" Siwon asked in disbelief.

"Let's just say it wasn't an easy road to being Henry's boyfriend." Zhou mi smiled.


"Oops! Said too much. Let's move on, shall we?" Zhou mi laughed heartily.

"How about you tell me about henry?" 

"How about no?"

"Fine then. So, what do you want me to do?" Siwon asked.

"Well on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want this to work out?"

"Are you serious?"

"How much do you want this to work out?"

"... 10." Siwon sighed as zhou mi rolled his eyes.

"Only 10? You must be kidding me Siwon."

"Isn't 10 the highest already?"

"It's not high enough idiot." Zhou mi sighed. "You're hopeless Siwon."

"See, even you're saying that."

"Shut up stupid. I'll think of something. Meanwhile, think about how pathetic a 10 upon 10 is." Zhou Mi snorted. "And right, I think we need to meet up again after school or something."


"Because you haven't shown me the school and I can't survive the year without knowing where anything is."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Whatever, no need to apologize." Zhou Mi dismissed with a wave of his hands. "Now we better get back to class."

"Good idea."



Kibum was reading in class when zhou mi and Siwon walked in.

"Hey Kibum. Why didn't you text me?" Siwon asked, but Kibum didn't respond. "Kibum?"

"Kibum!" He tried again and he shook the younger.

"Huh? Oh! Oh. Hi guys." Kibum blushed awkwardly as he closed his book. "Were you saying something?"

"Yeah, I asked you why you didn't text me."

"Oh. I forgot. Haha." Kibum mumbled sheepishly. "I went to the library and saw a really nice book and... Yeah you get the story."

"I thought you went to find your hyung?" Zhou Mi pointed out.

"Errrr.... Yeah! Yeah. I went to the library AFTER meeting hyung. Haha." Kibum lied.

"I see." Zhou Mi mumbled, though it was obvious to both of them he knew it was a lie.

"So Zhou Mi, how's it going with the school? Do you know your way around yet?" Kibum asked, trying to change the topic.

"Well, no." Zhou Mi laughed. When he saw the dubious look Kibum was giving him, he turned to Siwon. "You see, Mr. Genius here forgot to show me around."

"... So what did you guys do for like the past hour?"

"Er. Talk. About stuff." Siwon supplied as Kibum raised an eyebrow.

"Okay... Erm. That's... Nice?" Kibum coughed when his phone buzzed. His face lit up immediately when he saw who had texted him. "OMO. Excuse me guys I need to check this message." 

"He's jealous." Zhou Mi observed as he watched Kibum walk away. "Siwon?"

"Siwon? Okay fine. You asked for it." Zhou Mi muttered to himself before yelling in siwon's ear. "CHOI SIWON."


"I said, Kibum was jealous just now when you said we were talking." Zhou Mi stated, rolling his eyes. "And by the looks of it, you're jealous too."

"I'm not."

"You are. Admit it Siwon you're jealous cause he got all happy when he got that text."

"Fine. I am."

"See, always better to be honest with gentleman mimi."

"Gentleman... What?!"

"Mimi. My self created name because of lady gaga. So I'm gentleman mimi." Zhou Mi exclaimed proudly. "Anyway, before you say anything about it, I like it and so you will accept it."

"... Okay."

"And I happen to have a very good idea to get you two together."


"Make Kibum jealous."

"How? And why?"

"Aish idiot. It'll make him realize he likes you more than he thinks. And as for how, well. That's where I come in."


"Of course. He's already jealous of us even if there's nothing going on." Zhou Mi laughed just a s Kibum came back. "Okay talk to you later."

Kibum came back smiling from ear to ear, and the sight gave Siwon a very unpleasant feeling. "What's got you so happy?"

"Text. Conversation." Kibum answered shortly.

"From who?"

"Huh? Someone." Kibum smiled.


"Someone." Kibum laughed, not wanting to say it.

"Okay. I'm bringing zhou mi around after school, wanna come along?"

"Nope, sorry. I have something on."

"With who? The mystery person who got you grinning like an idiot?"

"You sound mean today Siwon." Kibum frowned. "What's up with you?"


"And no, I'm not meeting the 'mystery person', I'm meeting kyu." Kibum stated before getting up. "Since this is obviously free period and you very obviously are not in the mood for talking, I shall go to the library and read. Bye Siwon."

"Smooth genius. Real smooth." Zhou Mi commented as Siwon shot him a glare. "Hey, it's not MY fault you let your jealousy take over."

"Great. Thanks. Now I really have no chance."

"You idiot. Go chase after him." 

"What? Now?"

"Yes stupid don't lose your chance. Just MAN UP and talk to him. Go go go." Zhou Mi ordered as he pushed Siwon out the class. "No buts, ifs or whys. Just GO."

"Aish. Will this work?"

"No questions. Now just GO."



Siwon walked into the library awkwardly, scanning it until he saw the familiar figure seated at one of the tables, away from the crowd, not that there was much of one.

Hesitantly, he made a step towards the younger and whispered his name. "Kibum?"

"What?" Came the answer, though kibum's line of sight never left the book in his hands.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Sit down will you? I don't like it when people taller than me stand while I'm sitting. It makes me feel short." Kibum's words brought a small smile to siwon's lips as he took a seat across the younger.

"Now tell me why the hell you came all the way here to find me?" Kibum asked, finally putting down his book.

"Because I wanted to apologize?"

"For what?"

"For making you think I wasn't in the mood to talk just now." 

"You aren't usually like that Siwon. So why were you acting that way just now?" Kibum asked, only to be met with silence. "Siwon. Tell me."

"What the hell was wrong with you?" Kibum pushed. When he still recieved no answer, he sighed and made to get up. "If you aren't going to tell me, then I'm leaving."

"I was jealous, okay?!" 

Both of them were shocked by Siwon's outburst, and no one said anything for a good 5 minutes. 

"W-what?" Kibum finally choked out. Siwon was JEALOUS? Of what!

"I... Was jealous."


"The mystery person who made you smile." Siwon groaned as Kibum burst into a silent laughter.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I can't believe you choi Siwon." Kibum laughed.


"I can't believe you got jealous. OF MY FATHER."

"Your FATHER?"

"Yes, I haven't talked to him in a while so I was really happy when he texted me. Idiot, why were you jealous?" Kibum questioned, still laughing.

"Because I like you, as if that hasn't been established yet."


"I know. You're not ready. But I--"

"No Siwon. Just shut up will you? What I wanted to say is: I was jealous too. Of you and zhou Mi. And I think he knows that." 

"Yes he does. I can't believe he was right." Siwon said, alarmed. "But if you're really jealous, then does that mean..."

"Yeah. I wasn't really sure before but now I think I can say I like you too Siwon." Kibum blushed.

"This might be the stupidest confession ever but it's perfect for me." Siwon laughed as Kibum shot him a look.

"You're disgusting choi Siwon."

"But you like me."

"I really can't take that back now, can I?"

"No you can't. So now, are you going to bring zhou mi around with me later?"

"No I'm not. I'm meeting kyu, as I said."

"For real?"

"Of course. Did you think I was lying?"

"Well, you lied about meeting Heechul didn't you?"

"Zhou Mi told you that."

"How'd you know?"

"You aren't smart enough." Kibum laughed before getting up. "Now come on let's get back to class before Ms. Park has our heads."

Whew okay sibum out of the way and now for hanchul/kyumin/yewook/Eunhae/more sibum gah can't decide who to write. XD probably hanchul and kyumin though :D hehe sorry for the super long update but yeah XD

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Chapter 55: First things first: Yes, I would LOVE to read a sequel of the story <3
I had so much fun reading the story, although there could've been more HanChul. I'm not a huge fan of KyuMin, nor SiBum. And I missed EunHae as a couple, not just friends :P But still, I totally enjoyed reading it, your style of writing is great!
So please continue with a sequel, I will definitely read it!
kaimatsuda #2
Chapter 55: yes im still interested in the sequel of this story i once felt completely blessed reading TvT
Chapter 54: love hanchul and their denial before. waiting for the epilogue
kaimatsuda #5
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 54: I am so excited about the epilogue...
anon_XD #7
Chapter 54: :OO Yesss! I shall be anticipating for this epilogue!! xD
Chapter 54: I'm anticipating for the epilogue ^_^
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 54: Can't wait for the epilogue. :)
FreezingLove #10
Chapter 54: OMG yes!!!! An epilogue...... Can't wait!!!!!