A Sudden Confession ..

No Ordinary LoVEe

Kris Pov

next day 

It was nearly 8:00 pm ,  i was walking in the big corridor  to Hye Bin and Sehun 's room , i went in , the room was in  a big mess , all her things were on the bed , Dresses , Gifts , boxes ..., she was looking for  something , she looked really busy , sehun wasn't there .

" oh god i can't find this " she yelped , 

"what is it ?" i asked as i saw a beautiful  cake of chocolate on a small table , i went and took some  of it and started eating it . 

" Uuh  just forget " she said as she turned to look at me , she was puting some  things on her hair , " Okey ," i said as i finished the part of the cake  , chocolate was all over my fingers , i saw a part of a cloth on the bed and took it , i didn't care what was it .

" Yaaaah !! what are you doing !! wiping  your hands with my bra !!! " she said as she took it from me , was that a bra ? i didn't notice that .

" Ooh .." i said and giggled , " aish ." she sighed .

" Oohh !! this is my interview !!" i said as i looked at the television  on the side ,  " ooh  this is Venise , " she said as she looked Too .

"  a beautiful  city " i said , i really enjoyed my time there , " Oh , i think i'll go there too  for my Honeymoon " she said , " really ?"  i asked .

" well i always wanted to see it " i said and sighed , " you  are definitely going to Cry from feeling bored the whole time there "  some one said from behind , we turned to see it was Kai , with  a cup with some wine .

" oh shut up Kai ! " she said and bent down to take  something that was underneath the bed . "we will see kitten " he said and  sat down on the couch in front of the Televison , as he took the television remote controle  and changed the chanel .

" why did you change the Chanel ?" i asked , really why did he change the chanel ? it was a very important inteview so at least  i deserve to watch it too "that was my TV program " .

" Sorry i didn't know that , " he said as he kept watching a football match . " kai .. change it "  i said calmly , why is he acting so like that again ? 

" it's your own Tv progam ,how many time you gonna watch it ? million times .. later later man .." he  said   , calmly proud of himself .

" i want you to watch it , " i said , " No i won't " he said and drank some of  his wine , im still trying to calm my nerves . i went and turned off the  Television and stood it . " just what's your problem ?" he asked . , " it's you  . what's you're problem !!?" i asked back , this was really pissing me off .

" it's already clear , " he said  , what does he exactly mean ? " i want to hear it from you , spell it all " i said in a mean way .

" seriously stop acting cool Kris , 4 years ago you left us  , and  this is the first time you come to see us . i tried to call  you many times , just check your phone , .. how many times 20 , 30  , even more !! " he said yelping .

 " but man try to understand , i was so busy !! im working the whole time ! im trying to do something good for my self " i said . why am i so that calm ? i feel like i'm about to explode soon .

" Your self , your life , your work , your EXCUSES ! let's not talk about tao because you two are already so close , but what about Me ? how much do you know about me ?  yes we were friends for years but what do you exactly know !!! MY life ? my situations ? my job , what ?,, what !!? ?" he asked me . like What the actual is this ? why is he talking in  such a harsh why ? what have a done ? just because i wanted us to watch the TV program !!?

" Kai why are you so upset !! look ; i didn't use to talk alot to Hye bin ! but this didn"t make a big deal !!! look we were and we still bestfriends ! " i said ,  i talked loudly this time .

" Because she is not expecting from you anything !! ANYTHING !  she knows well that you care about your self alot !! and huh ? looks like  a miracle just happened that you came to the wedding ! man ,  you even haven't seen your father before he dies !! NEITHER COME TO HIS FUNERAL !!!! " he said  , as he talked more loudly  , his last sentence  hurted me alot , Kai please , are you really meaning what you just said ,? you came to my weakest  point and hurted me in the deepest Spot !! 

 i stared at him for a while  as he looked at me too , we stayed quiet for a while , " yes , you are right  , don't expect anything from me .. that 's me " i said calmly and moved to leave the room . Hye bin  already went before we started fighting .

" you are like that ? selfish , fool , idiot , you wasted you whole life in just going and exploring some ty places in the world , " he said shouting at me , did he just insulte me !! JUST HOW DARE YOU !! 

" at least im not like youu !!!!  working , getting money , then it all go in what ? DRINKS !!   such a loser !! " i said and he stayed quiet for a moment , then slapped me , what ?  did he just slap me !! just how could you raise your hand and ing touch  me . i looked at  him and frowned ,  i jumped on him and started beauting him , i couldn't feel my self  !! what am i doing !!  , 

NO one's pov 

kai and Kris kept hitting each other everywhere , they kai punched kris , so he fell down , Kai took an empty  cup and tried to him with it , Kris bent down  , and it went to an empty space , " what are you ing doing ! are you crazy ! did you just try to kill me  !! " Kris said as he got up , Kai looked at him confused . 

" here , use  this " he handed him a pillow , the idiot kai , went to take it , meanwhile he approached him , Kris , started hitting him with the pillow ., " you're such a cheater !! "  he said to him ! 

" Fight like a man !! " Kris responded ,  they kept pulling the pillown , from each side , until they ripped it . the pillow 's feathers beacame alll over the ground as they fell down . they both felt pain in their bodies , they kept lying on the ground , suddenly they noticed someone approaching them , they lifted their heads  and saw Hye Bin , wearing a very beautiful dress with her brown straight hair behind her back . they got up and looked at her , she stared at them in a mean way .

" Hye bin .. you look so beautiful "  Kai said to her , " Guys it's my wedding !!  and my two bestfreinds fighting here like  dogs !  ... apologize to each  other "  .

they stayed quiet without a move , " NOW !! " she ordered . 

" Sorry "  Kai said to Kris , and looked at him . 

" it's okey " Kris said , and nodded , " yah he didn"t say sorry !! " Kai complained .

" Kris !!" Hye bin said , " I'm sorry " he said  and looked at him .

"now hug each other " she ordered again . " Now !!." 

kai raised his arm to Touch Kris 's Shoulder , he pulled him and they hugged each other so tight , Hye bin just looked at them , smiled .

" wiat a minute , i'm coming too " she said as she came and joined them  .


Kris pov 

i was in the garden , people leave , and new ones come , the staff in the mansion are always working , i was wandering  there without a destination , as i saw a servant  , walking there with a tray , there was   some bottles  on it , it didn"t look like it was wine , i called him and he came to mee , i took two bottles , it was a juice . i pursed my lips  , smiled and went .

i approached the fountain ,  i knew that she will be there . she likes this place , she was sitting on the edge  , her legs were on the egde too , only her fingers of her hands that was touching the water .

  i cleared my throat  , i was going to say her name , suddenly i saw someone approaching her . " this night is beautiful right ?" he said and sat beside her , i burning up with jealousy , damn why ? he was taking two bottles as well .she lifted her head to look at  him , " Hi " that's all she said . 

" are you looking for something " he noticed that i was there , he turned and looked at me . then Nouha turned as well ,  " who's this ?"  i asked her .

" uuh this is Kang-seong"  she said and looked at him , he smiled sweetly at her , what the ?

" he was here to take pics of  the bride , well the whole wedding " she said and smiled , " and to see you " he said looking at her as he handed her one of the bottles .

" why are you sitting here ?" i asked calmly , she frowned , " who are you " the damn man asked . 

" you , just get lost ," i said to him and shouted . , "Kris ?" she said  and tried to talk . " excuse me ,?" he said .

" i said ! you , just Go ! " i repeated , " Kris ! stop it ! "  she  said to me . "  you are really a - " he  said . " look this is my best friend 's wedding , people like you are not welcomed here , just go " i said , .

" i think you just drank alot of wine " , he said said , " Nouha invited me here , "  , Nouha is my girlfriend ,!! " i said to him  , they both looked shocked with what i just said : serioulsly this coward pissed me off , seeing her with another man kills me .

he came to me willing to hit me , , " guys guys guys stop !! stop please " she stood up and came between us , " Kang-Seong , give me just 5 minutes , can you please wait for me inside the mansion ? " she said to him  , he nodded and went , then she turned  to look at me .

Nouha Pov 

what Kris said , made me go insane in my inside , did he really mean it ? i don't think so ... he looked so different .. why did he act like that?

" you are not my boyfriend .." i  said to him .. i wish if it was real .. i wanted himso bad to ask me for being his girlfriend , i sort of lost hope .

" is he ? " he asked me  .. " just what's going on with you Kris !!  go and apologize .."  i ordered . he looked calm , " i would rather to break his ing face.."  he said .

" you're really crazy Kris .." i said and went . i don't know hy i just did that , but really i couldn't find an explanation to what he just had done !.

" do you love him ?" he asked me and he turned , he said it loudly . i turned to look at him and turned to continue walking .

" Do you love him !!!!! " he asked again as he followed me , he reached me and grabbed my hand . 

" is it really important  !!!" i asked yelling  , " yeah it is !! "he  answered . im so confused , what's damn going on .

" i thought you drink wine only with me ! " he said leaving me shocked . " kris , idon't drink , i drank only one time , in the camp ! no more ! " i said to him . did he really think i was going to drink ? 

" you have to throw away this  jerk " he said harshly . " why ?" i asked .

" because i want you to be with me the whole time , i don't want anyone else from those strange boys to be around you .." he said ,  what , oh my god , my heart is going so fast , did he really mean what he just said ? i can't believe my ears ! 

i exhaled and inhaled , " Kris .. i was there with Him .. just because i can't be with you , even for one more second .." i said ." he is just a friend !! " 

" so he isn't your boyfriend " he asked , i shook  my head , " no he isn't ! .. please stop this .. why don't you understand .. kris if i stayed here  for more longer.. i ...." i muttered .. 

" you are what Nouha ?" he asked me ..

" i'm  just going to fall for you deeper than i am already .. " i said as i tear fell on my cheek ." and you will never love me back .."  i stayed quiet for a bit . then i saw him approaching me , he didn't say anything ,  but just gazed in my eyes , why is he doing this ? he came closer until there was no space between our bodies , our lips were inches apart .

he looked at me in the eyes ,  raised his hand , touched my jaw  with his index fingers  , i could feel his breathing  .. without anywaring , our lips were locked together . he moved his lips with mine ,  they tasted amazing , he nibbled my bottom lip as he moved his head to the other side , i could feel his  other hand on my waist , i wrapped my hands around him , as i responded more to the kiss , it was so intense  , that i never wanted this kiss to end , 

this was my firsy kiss , with my first , only lover . Kris ..


i know that there's alot alot aloooooot of mistakes : i'll check them later !! please ignore them ! 

i hope you liked the chapter , i decided to make a bit longer !! 

so what will happen next ?





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I'll try to update today :DD


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Chapter 13: noo clihangers WAE WAE? ooh i know he probably would go and find nouha (IDK if i spelled it right sorry) and then I have no <3~~
Chapter 10: UPDATEEE lol but yeah ♥♥♥ keep it up ~
Chapter 9: Looking forward to the update. This story is perfection!
Chapter 9: awwww cuteies ♥♥.
Chapter 7: i need more lol i cant wait for whats gonna happen ♥
Watachiwahyo #6
Chapter 3: AWESOMEEEEEEEE !!!! Update soon <3
Thank you :DD I'll try .
Chapter 3: i like this story hope u update O(∩_∩)O