Dead end 5

Dead end


                What made him say yes? He hates that idiot! He’s way too loud, Xiumin always knows he’s on the corridor, because it basically cannot be not heard. He knows everyone and is incredibly good with all the grandma’s that gossip behind his back for not wanting to keep in touch with them. Chanyeol’s methods are very unconventional and Xiumin can’t get rid of the antipathy he feels for his neighbor. Begging for attention, he thinks it’s for show and doesn’t really care when Chanyeol greets him. So why go with him for a cup of coffee? Especially after what he saw.

                Xiumin starts getting anxious and thoughts of staying home creep over him as he buttons his best black pants. He picked a little loose black sweater and headed to the bathroom to check the effect. Just when his hands wandered up to fix a few strands of his hair he stops. What is he doing? What is this? His best pants? What for? He groans, frustrated, marching out of the bathroom to put his shoes on. Screw it. He grabs his keys and a wallet and walks out.

                When he opens the main door to the building, Chanyeol’s already there. Walking around in circles, kicking the innocent rocks. He’s got a colorful blouse on, a little bit too big for him, Xiumin thinks, but it still looks good on him. He stands in front of him and has to look up. ing Eiffel tower.

- You’re early. – Xiumin says.

- You’re late. – Chanyeol answers with a faint smile. But before Xiumin even thinks of checking the time, Chanyeol grabs him by the shoulders and pushes forward. -Let’s go, before every seat is taken.

- O-okay.


                They walk in awkward silence. At least from Xiumin’s side. Chanyeol seems to be relaxed and blind to the grumpy mood of the small male beside him. That’s some way to deal with it. Or maybe he just ignores him. He’s used to it, but right now he finds himself not wanting to be. And maybe that’s why he pulled out his best clothes today. To not be ignored and to show that he matters, his clothes being some kind of an armor for him. He doesn’t know why this man makes him feel like he’s going on a battle but this doesn’t feel like “just a coffee”.

                “Coffee Time” is a newly opened café just around the corner of their building. It gained a lot of popularity on their cutely decorated cakes and muffins, a wide range of caffeine beverages(that are supposedly very good, Xiumin was anxious to try something from them) and not only. The staff also has its fair share in it. They’re the best looking, smiling at everyone, being incredibly charming and skillful at what they do.

                 Chanyeol led him to a table somewhere away from the noise of the crowd crawling around the counter. It was an isolated part of the café, somewhere one could speak comfortably. Cozy couches encouraged to sit in them for hours and Xiumin felt himself relax a little when he sat down. Not long after Chanyeol grinned widely in direction of someone that must’ve been behind that giant plant that was blocking Xiumin’s view of things behind him and soon he saw a petite brown haired boy whose smile was just as big as Chanyeol’s.

- So, what can I get you two? – the boy asked, winking at Chanyeol.

- Anything he wants. – Chanyeol answered pointing at Xiumin – But for me the usual.

- Black coffee, no sugar and a cheesecake, right?

- Yep. – they shared a look and the waiter shifted his stare on Xiumin, who now felt like there was something he should know.

- Uh, caramel macchiato, please. – he smiled slightly and the boy was about to turn back to get bring orders when Xiumin was reminded of something. – Oh, and one more thing! Can you bring me the order in a take out cup? – he earned a surprised look and a confused “Ok”  from the waiter before he turned around and walked away.

                Xiumin leaned back comfortably against the back of the couch and lifted his eyes only to meet Chanyeol’s. His expression was unreadable, he was smiling but very reservedly, not like with that boy just a minute ago, and his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Xiumin thought of a machine, calculating…

                When their order arrived, he wrapped his hands around the cup happily. It wasn’t that cold in here but his hands were ice cold, as always. He watched as his neighbor ate the cheesecake and felt chills down his spine. His upper lip twitched. How could he eat it like that? It’s disgusting, unsanitary and it makes Xiumin’s insides twist.

                After every bite he was thoroughly the spoon clean, spoon that dozens of people and did the same thing with it. He’s aware of the judging expression he has right now, but Chanyeol and his feelings are something he couldn’t care less about. He just simply can’t hide his negative reactions when this guy’s around. It’s like somewhere deep inside Xiumin wants him to know what he thinks about him. He raises his eyebrow when a very annoyingly looking peace of cheesecake lands on Chayeol’s cheek. A five year old kid. That’s what he has in front of him, yes.

- So, you know that waiter right? – Xiumin asks, trying to distract himself from the sight.

- Mmm! – Chanyeol manages to mumble and it doesn’t make Xiumin feel any better.

- Does that mean yes or no? I couldn’t make it out because of the … mass sticking out of your mouth. – He comments with a straight face, watching as Chanyeol’s eyes spark up with irritation. The taller guy puts the spoon down, covers his eyes and tries to swallow the cheesecake.

- Yes, I do know him. – He then says. – You could be a little nicer, you know?

- Yeah and you could not be so disgusting. Do you need a bib, maybe? – Xiumin asks and the hurt and confused expression on Chanyeol’s face makes him honestly laugh. He looks like a hurt puppy. He did not expect to find this so funny. He laughs, pointing his finger to his neighbor.

- You…ahahaha! You should see yourself right now! Ahahaa!

- See this is what I’m saying! You’re always so happy for my misfortunes, I don’t get why you’re… OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ARE YOU OKAY?! – Chanyeol ran up to Xiumin who was now coughing. – Watch how you drink, you want to choke? Hey, why are you still laughing? Jesus what’s wrong with this guy? – he stood up, resting his hands on his hips.

- Cheesecake…in your hair….hahaha…how did you manage to do that? – Xiumin says, looking up at the boy standing in front of him. They look at each other for a second and burst into laughter.

- Maybe you’re not that stiff, hamster. – Chanyeol says after a while, sitting down. The sentence washes the smile from Xiumin’s face.

- How did you call me?

- Uh, ok maybe a little stiff.

- A hamster?!

- Mmm, maybe baby hamster. That would be better. – he watches as Xiumin’s anger reaches the top and the pink haired gets up and leaves saying something that sounded like “Screw you, ”.

“This could be interesting” – Chanyeol thinks to himself, sipping the black coffie -  “Mysophobia, hm?”

- That smile is creepy, but at least now I know you’re not gonna bore yourself to death. How much are you gonna torment the boy? – the waiter from before suddenly appeared.

- I’m not tormenting anybody, what do you want from me? I’m just trying to help.

- You’re just trying to find yourself a new challenge and that’s fine, but how many times did it end not so very good for the other part, hm?

- Baek…

- I’m just warning you, this could be the consequence. – Chanyeol’s lips formed a pout as he stared off into the distance, watching the figure of his friend disappearing in the crowd of customers.

- He’s not that weak… - he whispers to himself before finishing coffee and leaving the caffe. 




Yaaay! I'm back after my exams! Hope you missed me :D but if not, oh well... here's another chapter, there may be some mistakes and i'm sorry for them if you spot them ^ ^


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Chapter 16: Amazing story! Great but heavy plot and wonderful written! It’s good to see that Xiumin makes some progress... tiny little steps....but steps! I can’t wait for the next chapter! Very well done!
minmin17 #2
Chapter 16: Im so happy you updated :D
baozi007 #3
Chapter 15: I love this fic. Please author .Do it to the end.
Chapter 14: I clicked on this story not expecting much and was surprised by how good it was. You definitely need more credit on your work. <3
Anyways, both Xiumin and Chanyeol's past have me curious. What happened to xiumin to make him the way he is? And who is the person before that Chanyeol's was acquainted with that has baekhyun so worried about the Xiuyeol situation? So many questions and I'm eager to have them answered. Thank you for this story. I shall wait and hope you update soon~
Chapter 14: That's totally fine, I'll be waiting patiently ♡
Chapter 12: Well, it might have been short, but it included a very essential moment... Xiu ALMOST not washing his hands! xD Kidding, it really is a thing to take note of.
Did he maybe consider that Baekhyun's just... mean? xD
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the confrontation~ c:
Chapter 11: Baek is exactly that annoying and nagging ... That your best friend's supposed to be. Chanyeol can be lucky to have him - even though he probably wouldn't have agreed during this chapter~ x)

I really love this story more and more - it's one of the updates I look forward to the most ♡
minmin17 #8
Chapter 2: omg, cahn and min are so cut here! i'm dying! ><
minmin17 #9
Chapter 11: i luv how realistic this sounds.
Chapter 11: I'm dying to know how the relation between Chan & Xiumin is going to go! And about what Baek talked about. That "him" and the rest... Chanyeol's past, interesting *-*