Sweet time


       He was always a morning person. The one to get up and get ready for the day with enthusiasm because staying in bed for too long is just a waste of precious time. But right now, he can understand just a little bit more the pleasure of warm sheets and this lazy feeling.



                He was always a morning person. The one to get up and get ready for the day with enthusiasm because staying in bed for too long is just a waste of precious time. But right now, he can understand just a little bit more the pleasure of warm sheets and this lazy feeling. Especially when someone he loves is right beside him.

                He roles to the side to get a better look at the mess on his left that is his wife of five years. He never thought watching someone sleep could be this entertaining. He’ll never get bored of it. She does all those funny faces while dreaming things he will never know about. For example right now she must be eating from the way she chews on something that isn’t there. He smiles to himself.

                Her hair is a mess, every single strand seems to have a life of it’s own. She scrunches her nose from time to time, but it just makes her more and more adorable in Kyungsoo’s eyes, she’s so cute. Watching her wake up has got to be his favorite way to start a day. It’s then that he sees her fully. He loves how she stretches her arms before opening her eyes and when she does, her gaze always falls on him first. And then she smiles barely conscious with affection.

- Hello. – he says smiling widely, his full lips streching.

- Hi. – she answers, her voice not used to speaking yet. – You know you’re creepy when you do that right? – a sly grin appears on her face.

- Uh…am I? – Kyungsoo asks averting his gaze to the wall behind her, embarrassed slightly.

- Pfft. Don’t bother. I’m used to it already. But you did scare the out of me the first few weeks. You make those big eyes of yours five times bigger. – his mate laughs as she tries to sit up and scramble out of bed.

- Nooo. You’re not going anywhere. – he put his arms around her waist and pulls her back to bed.

- What are you doing? Soo, seriously we gotta get up and … ahahhaa … that tickles, come on.

They fall back together on the bed and soon get impossibly tangled in the sheets. The sound of their laughter fills the room completely when the door to their bedroom slowly cracks open. In there, with a teddy bear in her hands, stands a little girl slowly rubbing her eye with her small fist. She looks adorable in her pink pajamas that she picked herself at the store while making a big fuss that she wants this specific pattern. Kyungsoo is usually great with taking care of her and being strict but she has that stubborn part of him that sometimes makes things incredibly complicated.  So when she started crying into his shoulder about her dream pajamas, he just gave up. It earned him an amused look from his wife when they came home with an addition that wasn’t on the shopping list.

 The little girl makes small steps towards the bed and when she’s close enough, she stretches her arms up and says:

- Up! Up! – her mother smiles brightly and picks her up to seat her between them.

- And what do we have here, hm? Why are you up this early, young lady?

The three year old sits on her heels and bites her lower lip. Her eyes are round and big and Kyungsoo feels like a younger version of himself stares back at him intensely. Curls of shiny black hair fall over her tiny shoulders and in this part of his daughter he sees his wife. He laughs quietly, they have the same waking up habits. He can’t stop himself and ruffles the girl’s hair, earning an offended whine from her.

His mate opens her arms and smiles to their daughter, inviting her for a hug. She doesn’t have to wait long before she has an armful of laughing and squirming child that tries to get away from tickling.

- Pancakes! I want pancakes! – she says, when she gets calmer, looking at Kyungsoo happily.

- You want daddy to make them?

- Yes!

- Oh, why not mommy? – his wife asks, pretending to be jealous.

- I like daddy’s cooking better! – the girl says smiling and Kyungsoo’s wife looks at him with hurt. They’re so adorable together.

- Hey I have an idea. Why don’t we all go and make the pancakes together, hm? We’ll let mommy show her skills. It’ll be fun! -  Kyungsoo says, taking the girl in his arms.

- Together! – she yells, really excited.

Kyungsoo and his mate laugh loudly and get up to spend the morning with their daughter. Everything in the kitchen of course ends up in pancake dough, but nothing will replace the sweet time together.


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