Falling for Jisu


Soo Jin is an average girl. With a brother in the hospital and parents who couldn't care less, she does any job that she comes across, all for money to pay her brother's hospital bills. Soo Jin's only goal is to make money. As well, she volunteers at the hospital dutifully, caring for patients like her brother. She's never thought about love, her future, happiness, or anything else. 

Then there's a boy.

She keeps running into this quiet looking guy everywhere that she goes. Then, one day when she comes in to visit her brother and do her volunteer work, she discovers that this boy's name is Jisu. 

And he's her brother's roommate. 

What could this lead to? 


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Chapter 7: JISU!! ahh my bias..haha gods story.. UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 7: :O Finally an update! I was shocked when I saw this
Anyway I cannot imagine Simon being like that whenever he meets girls interested him. Adorable though :D
And lol at "Am I a y beast with these?" XD I didn't know there's a Pikachu Nike! So cute
Chapter 7: T-T i almost cried!! AN UPDATE!! & yayyy!!! lolol Soo jin is cute , i can just imagine jisu with his eye smiles ;D
Chapter 7: Wooohoo an update ^_^ thank you so much!
please please update soon! ive been waiting since june 17 of 2012!! its been a whole year!! even exo finaly made a comback, lol
virgim #6
the story's really cute~
looking forward to the next chapter. ^^
Awww!! You have my name at the end of this chapter!! Thats soo sweet!! Love the chapter by the way. I think im falling for seung hae too, you made his character seem really nice/easygoing/fun
With their new comeback, I can't imagine the new Jeesu in this story >_< Anyway I loved how he said that she was "Cute even" :3 But man, Inati as a medical student? <3
Please please update soon! Love your story!
so that's his illness. i had to google to find out what it is
anyway finally this is updated. i thought you've abandoned this story >_<