Sponge. Water. Car. Scrub.

Falling for Jisu


Sponge. Water.  Car. Scrub.


She kept this mantra running through her head, trying to ignore the aching muscles in her arms. Pausing only to wipe the sweat from her forehead, Soo Jin kept going, scrubbing at the car till it shone. She glanced up quickly to count how many cars were left in the line up.


Only five more to go.


When Soo Jin had heard about this job, she had immediately signed up without a second thought. Washing cars for thirteen bucks an hour?  It sounded great. What she hadn’t known was that this car wash was one of the busiest in the entire city and that today it would be well over 35 degrees Celsius.


Soo Jin gritted her teeth.


Sponge. Water. Car. Scrub.


And finally, the last car pulled out.


“Soo Jin!” Turning her head, she saw Mr. Bak, the man in charge walking towards her. Immediately, her tired expression vanished and was replaced with a smile.


“Hello, sir.”


“Well done today! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone work so hard,” he grinned at her. When Soo Jin started pulling out the tips that she had gotten from the day out of her pocket, Mr. Bak declined with a shake of his head.


“No, those are yours. You deserve it.” Passing her the money that she had earned for the day, he added, “If you ever want to come back again, please do!”


Soo Jin smiled and thanked him before going into the staff room and grabbing her bag. Pulling out her phone, she checked the time.


Only 6:15. I still have some time before my shift.


Collapsing onto a nearby bench, she massaged her upper arms. The muscles were sore and hurt every time her arms moved. It wouldn’t help that later on she’d be bussing tables.


But Soo Jin needed the money. How else would she pay for her brother’s medical fees?


Her phone beeped with a text.


From: Min Na

6:18 pm

Soo Jin! I found another

job for you. How do you

feel about dogs?


Typing back a quick reply, “Anything. Details?” Soo Jin stood up and began walking to Lee’s Noodles, where she would be lifting heavy dishes, cleaning tables, folding napkins, and setting out cutlery for the next four hours.

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Chapter 7: JISU!! ahh my bias..haha gods story.. UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 7: :O Finally an update! I was shocked when I saw this
Anyway I cannot imagine Simon being like that whenever he meets girls interested him. Adorable though :D
And lol at "Am I a y beast with these?" XD I didn't know there's a Pikachu Nike! So cute
Chapter 7: T-T i almost cried!! AN UPDATE!! & yayyy!!! lolol Soo jin is cute , i can just imagine jisu with his eye smiles ;D
Chapter 7: Wooohoo an update ^_^ thank you so much!
please please update soon! ive been waiting since june 17 of 2012!! its been a whole year!! even exo finaly made a comback, lol
virgim #6
the story's really cute~
looking forward to the next chapter. ^^
Awww!! You have my name at the end of this chapter!! Thats soo sweet!! Love the chapter by the way. I think im falling for seung hae too, you made his character seem really nice/easygoing/fun
With their new comeback, I can't imagine the new Jeesu in this story >_< Anyway I loved how he said that she was "Cute even" :3 But man, Inati as a medical student? <3
Please please update soon! Love your story!
so that's his illness. i had to google to find out what it is
anyway finally this is updated. i thought you've abandoned this story >_<