chapter 8


“Doojoon oppa,” said Havva blushing, “and I didn’t really get his. I gave him mine so only if he texts me will I have his number.”

“Score for the fans!” said Lee Shin, “who wants to make a bet as to how long it will take until Doojoon hyung texts you?”

“I’d say two days.” Piped up Chan Young

“I’ll give him three,” said Lee Shin, “after all B2ST is very busy right now.”

“What are you going to bet?” asked Chan Young looking at Becky.

She glanced at Havva, “A week at the least, honestly I’m not sure why Doojoon oppa asked for Havva’s number. I’m still trying to figure that out.”

“Well don’t you have a lot of faith in me.” Said Havva teasing.

“What are we betting?” asked Becky

“The person who is farthest away from how long it takes has to treat the rest of us to a nice dinner, call?” said Chan Young

“Call!” said all of them.

            An hour later the four of them split up. All of them had work that night. Oddly enough Becky and Chan Young had the closing shift at their job where as Lee Shin and Havva had the shorter shifts at their place. When Becky arrived at work she was happy to hear that she was moving out from behind the sink and was getting trained on being a server that night. Of course like anyone else that worked there she would still have to do dishes but that wouldn’t be everything she did during her shift. Unfortunately Chan Young  was the one that was training her. Chan Young had a way of teasing Becky no matter what she did. Of course tonight was no exception. The biggest thing he about was the fact that Havva had managed to get Doojoon interested in her enough for him to ask for her number where as Kikwang did ask for her’s.

“That’s because Kikwang is shy around girls, everyone knows that,” sighed Becky, “Besides I’m sure he’d be more interested to get a female celebrity’s number than mine.”

“I see, you going to go visit Randy tomorrow, he’s filming B2ST variety program tomorrow isn’t he?”

“Yes he is, but there is no reason for me to go, not unless he absolutely needs me. Although it’s been a week since he last forgot something so he’s due for one of  his forgetful episodes. Havva and I like to call it the Randy Condition.” She said laughing.

“What like the Onew condition?” asked Chan Young curious.

“Yes, although Randy doesn’t make the atmosphere awkward he forgets things, at least once a week.” Explained Sarah

            When they closed for the night things got even more interesting. Since it was just the two of them and the manager finishing up there was a lot of teasing going on. While Sarah was bring back the last of the dishes Chan Young sprayed her with the water, she squealed and tried to get back at Chan Young. Of course this led to a small water fight were both of them ended up very wet at the end. About three hours later they had finished closing and the two of them were free to leave. Since Chan Young lived in the same neighborhood as Becky he took the bus with her and walked Becky to her building. She was surprised to  find that Randy was still not home, Havva however was already in bed fast asleep. Since Becky was rather hungry she made a late night snack for herself and some late night TV hopping to catch something with BEAST. Becky was just finishing cleaning up with Randy walked in the door, it was four AM.

“Yeah, what are you doing back so late?” she said quietly so as not to wake Havva

“Oh, Becky you scared me,” exclaimed Randy, “I was had a lot to prepare for tomorrow’s program.  Why are you up still?”

“I got back from work an hour ago, I was hungry so I made something to eat. You sure it was just work that kept you out, you don’t have a secrete girlfriend do you? She said teasingly.

Randy laughed, “Becky if I had a girlfriend you would be the first to know, even if I didn’t tell you.”

“True,” she said smiling, “I can tell when you’re head over heels for someone. I’m turning in night.”   

“oh alright, see you tomorrow.”

            It had been a very long and exhausting day Becky and the moment she crawled into bed she was sound asleep. The following day was Becky’s day off so she was going to spend it sleeping in and getting some chores done around the apartment. Honestly Becky didn’t  know how Randy had served the last three years without her, there was a bucket load of laundry to do and a pile of dishing in the sink . Becky got a wonderful sleep and woke up around eleven. She was halfway through the dishes when she checked her cell and found three messages from Randy. She wondered what he needed know. Of course when she looked she found that he had forgotten his notes for the meeting and asked her to bring them. The texts were sent two hours prior so Becky decided to call and see if she still needed to bring them  or if someone else had brought them.

“Oh looks who’s awake sleepy head,” said Randy when he picked up the phone, “no worries Havva is on the way now with them, it was getting to close to my meeting so I asked Havva if she could bring them. She should be here soon. Alright I’ll see you when I get home.”

“You know Oppa you really should fix your habit this is ridiculous what would you do if neither of us were here.”

“Biane, I am trying, pabo for some reason it was much better before you arrived.”

“Haha, more like you had someone else pick stuff up for you. Oh, let me know when you’re on your way home I’m making dumplings tonight.”

            Havva was on her way to meet up with Randy. She was rather nervous as she knew that he was shooting with BEAST right now. She hopped that Randy wasn’t in to much of a hurry for his notes as it was a twenty minute bus ride to the bus stop and then another ten minutes to reach were he was. It would have been easier for Randy to send someone to pick it up then to ask her to make a trip. Thankfully it wasn’t extremely hot that day so wouldn’t be all sweaty when she reached Randy. They were filming in Chungdamdong, it was convenient for Havva as her job was in that part of Seoul. When she reached the area she texted Randy to see where he was at, Randy’s reply Light Café, the place that she worked! Almost immediately after she got his text she got a text from an unknown number. Havva opened it up.

“What are you doing? DJ.”

            Havva almost dropped her phone. Doojoon had texted her! She knew it was probably going to happen at some point but she never thought it would be so soon. She quickly saved his number as Leader in her phone that way if someone saw it they wouldn’t know it was Doojoon. Then she sent a quick reply, “going to work.” It wasn’t a lie she did have to get back to work soon and it just so happened that it was going to be sooner than she had planned. She was already getting texts from Lee Shin telling her that BEAST was at their café. From what she knew BEAST often visited their café but this was the first time that they were going to be there while she was working.  As she was walking up to the café she spotted Randy talking to one of his staff members.

“Yo, Randy here you go,” she said handing Randy the notes, “next time don’t forget. I had to take my break earlier than I wanted to.”

“Thanks Havva you’re a life saver, I’m sorry I promise to pay you back.”

“Hey Havva these drinks aren’t going to make themselves!” called Lee Shin motioning for her to return to work.

“Oh, you’ve been here how many years and you can’t make a few drinks by yourself.” She teased joining him behind the counter.

Havva finished up the two orders that Lee Shin had been working and then set them on separate trays. One was three drinks the other was six drinks Havva let Lee Shin man the counter while she handed out the drinks to the correct table. It was just her luck that the order of six drinks was BEAST’s order.

“oh you work here.” Said Doojoon when she brought the boys their drinks.

“Yes,” she replied a little shyly.

“How come we’ve never seen you before then?” asked Junhyung

“I normally work an afternoon and evening shift, not a whole lot of late night shifts. I’ve only closed a few times.”

“Aw, makes sense then, we normally come in after our schedule.” Said Dongwoon

“Enjoy your drinks.” Said Havva and then returned to the counter.

            While Havva was cleaning up and filling things up she could overhear a little of what the BEAST members were saying. She smiled slightly, just being in the same room with them as they were laughing and talking together made her smile. Just as Havva was finishing up she got another text, she glanced over at Doojoon wondering if it was him again. She quickly pulled out her cell phone. Her heart sunk it wasn’t from Doojoon, it was from someone she was hoping to never see again.

“You haven’t changed your number! Andrew told me you were in Korea. I am going to be visiting my Uncle in Korea in a month. Lets meet up. I want to talk to you. Chris.”

“Havva are you alright? You don’t look so good.” Said Randy picking up his own drink before they left for a different location.

“Oh, I’m fine, I just got a text from someone I didn’t expect to talk to again that’s all. Have a good day.” She said handing him his drink.

Oh who do you think the text is from?  Do you enjoy the story, please comment and subscribe.

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