Chapter 5


“What does Joowon want? Did Randy leave something here again?” asked Becky, “Havva?”

Havva was frozen. The cell phone still next to her ear, Becky quickly washed her hands and then took the phone from havva.

“Hey Joowon what’s up? Randy leave his notes again?” said Becky picking up the phone.”

“I’m sorry I must have the wrong number, this isn’t Randy Lamotte’s phone?” asked Doojoon.

Becky was startled to hear Doojoon’s voice but she quickly did her best to calm her voice down and talk naturally.

“Doojoon’ssi, um no this is my number. Joowon saves Randy’s number as Dongsaeng  Lamotte not Maknae Lamotte.”

“I see, sorry for bothering you.”

“Oh it’s  no problem. Goodbye.”

Doojoon  ran through Joowon’s contact list one more time and this time found the number he was looking for. After he was finished talking to Randy he found Joowon and returned his phone.

“You got a hold of Randy?”

“Yes, thanks for letting me borrow your phone.  I am curious why is he saved as Dongsaeng Lamotte and not Maknae?”

“You called Becky. Randy’s nickname maybe Maknae but he’s not the youngest here. I switch the name after Randy gave me Becky’s number. He wanted me to have it incase something came up while she is here.”

“You called my fan?” teased Kikwang

“I didn’t know it was her and actually Havva picked up but I think she was so surprised that got a shock and Becky had to pick up the phone.”

“I swear you two have the most unique  ins with Havva and Becky.” Said Yoseob

“Says the person that splashed water all over Becky.”  Said Dongwoon.

“Hey if Junhyung hadn’t dodged then I would’ve gotten him and not Becky.” Retorted Yoseob.

            Back at the apartment Havva was still trying to get over the shock that it had actually been Doojoon on the phone and not Joowon. After a few minutes she snapped out of it and helped Becky with dinner.

“You know it’s to bad he used Joowon’s phone and not his own. Then we wouldn’ve had Doojoon’s number.” Sighed Havva.

“What are you going to do with Doojoon’s number? Spam him with texts, I don’t think he’d like that very much. I’m sure he’d still like some privacy.”

“True, I wouldn’t use the number though, it would just be fun to have.”

“You and you’re crazy ideas, one day you’re going to be pinned as Doojoon’s crazy fan.”

“Haha very funny, if I’m a crazy fan than you’re an insane one.” Joked Havva

            The Becky continued to make dinner while Havva did some cleaning and got a load of laundry started before Randy got home.  Becky was getting ready to add the veggies to the stir fry when her phone rang, she glanced over and when she saw it was  her mom she picked up the phone with one hand and continued to cook with the other. It had been almost three weeks since they arrived in Korea and Becky hadn’t really talked to her mom since she left.  Randy and Becky’s mother was one of those workaholic parents, there were some positive things to it but it also meant that she didn’t spend a lot of time with her children. Becky was closer to Randy, who was a good six and a half years older than her.  But of course her mom didn’t want to know about all the site seeing they’d done or what Randy’s newest project was, she wanted to know if Becky had a job yet. Now that Randy was well established it was now her goal to make sure Becky was well on her way to be able to support herself even during college.  Becky was still on the phone with her mom when Randy got home. Since she was tired of listening to her mother go on and on about how important it was to get a job that would allow her to attend school in the fall Becky handed the phone over to her brother while she was still chatting away.

“Mom relax Becky will find a job, she always does. Mmm, seriously you’re going to go down that road now? Good night mom, Mom if I had someone special then I would tell you, alright mmm good night,” said Randy hanging up, “when did she call?”

“Twenty minutes ago and she hasn’t stopped talking since I picked up the phone.”

“You know she just wants you to do well like her and I.”

“Well I’m not like either of you.” Snapped Becky setting down the stir fry, “I never have been why do you think I’ve taken a year off from school, it’s not just because of the money.”

“Okay enough money talk, lets eat before this gets cold.” Said Havva quickly changing the subject before the two siblings got into an argument.

            Over the next few days there was tension between the three of them. Randy and Becky had never really finished their argument about Becky going to college or the call their mom had made. Since Becky had assured her mother that she had applied to several jobs she called every day to see if Becky had an interview or had been offered a job. Thankfully the first interview she had turned out well and she got the job in Chungdamdong. Havva hadn’t been as so fortunate and although she got a couple interviews nothing turned up and she was still looking for a job after Becky had finished her training and was even considering getting a second job. It made Havva jealous that even in Korea Becky was able to get a job faster and easier than she could.

            Since Becky had been able to find a job and was now working full time Havva felt very lonely a lot of the time. She was often at the apartment by herself while Becky and Randy were at work. Most of Becky’s shifts were in the afternoon and late night so they had mornings together but even then Becky slept in most days because she didn’t get back from work until two in the morning. But if there was one thing that Havva could depend on with Becky was to spend their free time together looking up BEAST videos online or going to various places to see BEAST during their schedule. News was spreading that BEAST was going to have a special fan event to celebrate their four weeks for being on top on all of the music programs. Nothing had been confirmed yet but all of the fans were waiting to hear if it was true. Then on a Sunday evening, a month after the girls had arrived in Korea good things were starting to look up for the girls. Havva received word that she had been hired at a café in Aepujung and would start on Monday. But that wasn’t the only news for the girls. In the variety program that Randy had been shooting with BEAST, they revealed the special fan event and how to apply for it.

            Sadly the event was for only ten lucky fans since the boys couldn’t be with everyone they had set on ten to make it more meaningful and better for them to really spend time with all of the fans that came. The process to apply was simple but of course there was a high possibility that the girls wouldn’t be picked. Randy told the girls that Monday, after work he would treat both of them to dinner since they’d both gotten jobs. He told them to meet him at his office at MBC after work and they’d go from there.  On Monday the girl’s work schedules were so that they’d both miss each other that day, Havva had a very early schedule to a mid afternoon where as Becky had a mid afternoon schedule to eleven thirty.  Randy would probably be off work by the time she was done but she couldn’t change her schedule especially since that was one of the best shifts to have, lots of tips and may even get to spot some celebrities after their schedules.

            Both Havva and Becky arrived at MBC at the same time so they went to Randy’s office together but he wasn’t there. Joowon was there, he wasn’t surprised to see the girls Randy had mentioned that they were going to go out for dinner and Randy had a habit of forgetting to tell people that his plans changed slightly so he was often cleaning up after Randy. Joowon informed the girls that Randy was at the café next door getting coffee with a few coworkers. The girls thanked Joowon and headed back outside. Becky couldn’t believe that Randy was getting coffee at this time, he knew what caffeine did to him, if Randy had coffee now than he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all. When they arrived at the café Becky quickly spotted Randy sitting with six other guys with their backs facing the door.   Randy saw Becky and Havva and smiled as he took a sip of his coffee. Becky quickly walked over.

“Uh Ah, no you don’t,” she said taking the coffee away from Randy just as he was about to take another sip. “I’m not going to let you blame me for keeping you up when you’ve had all this caffeine.”

“Come on give it back,” said Randy stretching out his hand, “when was the last time I blamed you for keeping me up anyways?”

Havva nudged Becky, she had glanced over to who Randy was having coffee with and this was embarrassing and awkward. 

“Last night when I re-watched BEAST Almighty, you said I was too loud and to turn it off.”

“You still watch that old variety, which episode where you watching?” asked Dongwoon.

Becky’s face went red, Randy had been talking with BEAST, all six of them!




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