Chapter 4


“Look at what you did Yoseob!” exclaimed Junhyung 

“I’m sorry are you alright?” asked Yoseob

“I’m fine thanks.” reassured Becky, “it’s just a little water.”

The other members had been standing off to the side and when they saw what had happened they laughed a little. Yoseob could be a little clumsy. The other members walked over to make sure that everything was alright. Doojoon knew that it was a mess he was going to have to clean up. Kikwang grabbed a towel first and then walked over.

“Here,” said Kikwang handing her a towel.

“Thanks,” said Becky, she couldn’t look Kikwang in the eyes, he was shirtless revealing his nicely sculpted chocolate body.

“Where’s Havva? I thought you two were always together.” said Doojoon

“She got a cold and is still getting over it.” explained Becky drying her wet hair with the towel Kikwang had given her.

“How is it every time we run into you we literally do it?” said Hyunsaeng

“Fate,” she said glancing at hyunsaeng, “Yo Randy I need your car keys.”

“What for?”

“I can’t walk around like this and I know you’ve always got a spare shirt in there.”

“Alright but be careful I’ve got my work in there.” said Randy handing her his keys

“Jeez you act like i’ve used your car before.”

While Becky was gone the boys monitored what they had shot earlier.  They had spent most of their morning filming and they had two more hours left before they had to leave for a music program. 

“ I think you’ve gained a little weight, your short is bigger than last the last time I wore your shirt.” said Becky walking up wearing her brother’s T-shirt  tied at the side so it would fit better.

“Hey it’s because I didn’t have you cooking for me.” said Randy taking the keys. “what do you want now?” 

Becky had stretched out her hand like she was waiting for something else.

“If you want more of my fabulous meals then I’m going to need some money for the groceries.”

“Right,  give me a call when you get home.” said Randy handing her several hundred won.

“You worry to much, I’ll be fine. See you tonight.”

Becky spent a good thirty minutes at the market picking out the groceries for the next week. After she was done she walked around Aepujung and Chungdamdong looking around for job openings.  Both Havva and her were going to want a job while they were here.  Even if Havva was just going to be here for a year they needed something to do and Becky had made a promise to Randy that she would be working while she spent her year here. Randy wanted her to be able to for her collage when she returned to the States.  That was the agreement they’d made for her coming to Korea for a year. Her mother was also very insistent on it as well. She wanted both of her children to have a good education and to get a good job so that they could support themselves.

“So you know how we thought Randy was at an outdoor music program shoot?” said Becky when she got home that afternoon.

“Yeah, what was he not there?”

“Oh no he was at the location he told me but it wasn’t for a music program. It was for BEAST’s variety show!”

“What? Wait why are you wearing your brother’s t-shirt, I thought something was different when you walked in.”

“Well you know how they were at a water park…..” she hesitated for a moment

“Come on you’re killing me what happened?”

“Well Yoseob was aiming for Junhyung, but Junhyung ducked and Yoseob hit me instead.”

That would’ve been funny to see, what did Yoseob do when he got you instead.

“They both said they were sorry, they were kind of cute.”

“Oh no you’re blushing what happened?”

“Kikwang gave me a towel and he was kind of….shirtless,” said Becky blushing a little more.

“oh look who’s blushing, I knew you liked Kikwang a lot but this is just funny.” She said snapping a picture with her cell phone, “I’m going to have to show Randy.”

“If you do I’ll kill you!” said Becky grabbing for the phone.

“No, no,no, think of this as my insurance that you wont show anyone that picture of me with my BEAST poster.”

“You’re blackmailing me! You’re unnie!”

“I know!” said Havva with that teasing glint in her eyes.

            The rest of the afternoon the girls worked on filling out the thirty job applications that Becky had brought home, fifteen for each of them. Becky’s Korean was slightly better than Havva’s so she helped Havva out on things she didn’t know and went over her applications when they were done. It took them a good hour and a half to fill out all the job applications, when they were finished Becky got started on making one of Randy’s favorite desserts while Havva started making dinner with Becky watching and helping when it was needed. Havva wasn’t a bad cook she just hadn’t been cooking as long as Becky had. Since Randy and Becky’s mom had been working since she was thirteen Becky had to learn to cook and take on more responsibilities than most girls her age. Havva was just finishing setting the table when Randy arrived back home.

“Hey here’s your shirt,” he said tossing Becky her now dry shirt she’d left in his car.

“Thanks, wash up dinner is ready.”

            Over dinner the girls and Randy talked about their day. When Randy heard that the girls were starting to apply for jobs he offered to look over their applications and if they got interviews he was more than happy to give them some tips. After dinner while the girls cleaned up Randy looked over their applications, by the time he finished his dessert and was on his second cup of coffee he’d gone over all the applications. The girls had done a rather good job there was just a few errors that were easy to fix and he made a few suggestion to reword some answers. Of  the two girls Becky was the one with a higher probability of  getting a job first because she’d already had several jobs, she’d already got her food handlers license and her alcohol license for Korea even though she had both for the US. She’d worked both in the food industry, retail and sales. Becky had been working since she was fifteen where as Havva had only one job experience while she had been working on her associates degree.

            In the morning when the girls got up they found a note from Randy wishing them luck on the job hunt.  The girls dressed nicely before they went out and then they walked to the stores that Becky had gotten the applications from. They talked to all the store managers introducing themselves and doing their best to give a very first impression. When they were done the girls walked around to get some shopping done. Becky  bought a new white t-shirt for Kikwang to replace the one she stained. She still felt very bad about it. Before they made their way home the girls stopped by the CUBE café to hand over the t-shirt so that it could be given to Kikwang.

“Oh Kikwang a fan left this for you.”  Said the manager handing Kikwang a bag.

“Thanks, good night.” Said Kikwang taking the bag and heading towards the practice room.

“What did you get, a fan send you a gift?” asked Doongwoon peeking into the gift.

“Hey, it’s mine,” said Kikwang raising it above Doongwoon’s head.

“Lets see what you got,” said Doojoon grabbing the bag out of Kikwang’s hand.

“Hyung!” wined Kikwang.

“Oh, she must feel really bad for staining your last shirt.” Said Doojoon pulling out a white t-shirt.

“Oh look there’s a note.” Said Yoseob picking the note out of the bag, “Kikwang I am sorry I ruined your shirt. I hope this is the right size, I am very sorry. Becky.”

“Come on guys give it back.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re not going to let anyone borrow this shirt and you’re going to keep the note in your wallet.” Said Hyunseung

“Haha very funny,”  said Kikwang taking back the gift and card.

            A few days after the girls had dropped off their applications they both got a call for an interview.  Of course they were both very ecstatic about it, Randy gave them both some help such as having them answer questions he thought would come up and helping them with their Korean. The langue was going to be a big factor because if they couldn’t communicate then they wouldn’t be able to get a job. The morning of the interviews Randy wished the girls good luck before heading to work. He told the girls to text him when the interviews were over and to let him know how it went.  The girls took showers and changed as quickly as they could so they wouldn’t be late for their interviews.  Public transportation could run late or they could miss the bus so it was important that they catch the earlier bus to give them some breathing room. It would make a very bad impression to be late to the interview. The places the girls had interviews for where in the same area Cheongdam, once they reached the area the girls split up to their respective places but agreed to meet up at a café a block away when their interviews were over.

            Havva was done first she ordered a mocha at the café and waited for Becky. Honestly she wasn’t surprised that Becky’s interview was taking long are she had more work experience Havva just hoped that she would be able to find a job, if she didn’t Havva was afraid that her parents would say that she wasted her summer by playing the whole time. It was almost twenty minutes later when Becky arrived at the café she quickly spotted Havva and joined her.

“So how did your interview go?” asked Becky as she sat down across from Havva

“Alright I think, they told me I would hear by the weekend if I got the job or not. How about you?”

“The manager said they had a couple more interviews but he would be making his decision tomorrow so I should know by dinner.”

“That fast? Lucky you, I have to be on pins and needles for three days.”

“Come on,” said Becky grabbing Havva’s hand.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to go cool off, it’s to hot to sit and drink a mocha seriously why did you get one?”

            Becky pulled Havva out of the café and down the street. Part of the reason why she’d been so late was that she’d looked at a map for the closest water park for them to hang out at. She hadn’t told Havva but before they’d left that morning she’d managed to grab her camera along with their swimsuits and towels and put them in her backpack without Havva knowing. It was only a quick bus ride to the water park and once Havva realized where they were going her face lit up. The rest of the day the girls spent playing around at the water park. Of course they both would’ve loved to  spend time with Randy even though he was so much older than them he was a lot of fun and knew how to play. While the girls were playing they found a poster of BEAST advertising for this water park, they took scelas and uploaded them to their twitter and facebook account. All of their friends wanted to know what they were up to in Korea so they always posted pictures to make them jealous. They arrived back home around five, Becky’s phone rang but she had her hands covered in chicken meet so she asked Havva to pick it up.

“Oh it’s Randy, I wonder what he needs.  Hello?” said Havva picking up the phone.

“Oh I’m sorry isn’t this Randy Ward’s number?” asked Doojoon.

Well we're getting a little farther in the story what do you all think of it so far? Please leave comments


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Jadkiki30 #1
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