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Baekhyun thought about it. He think he probably didn’t have any luck in love that much because his love never work every single time. And this time, it was the most painful because Yoo Aera is his longest crush ever. He knew deep inside that it work never work whether he confessed or not. Yoo Aera wasn’t just his crush. She was his bes friend - he hated that title that he put on - he saw her almost every day, they always hang out together, and she was Chanyeol, another best friend of him, girlfriend. So, how could he possible forget that feeling of her?


Baekhyun wanted to blame his weak hear so much for being so weak and pathetic. He was acting like a stupid man, hurting here and there. He already knew that but still did nothing. Was he a masochist? Nah, he was pretty sure he wasn’t that kind of person.


Baekhyun just knew, he had fall for the wrong person.



Baekhyun was lost in thought, like he always been. He didn’t care his surrounding and the people around him. He was in his own world with his own imagination - whether it’s happy or not. He was typing words for his upcoming book in Minseok’s cafe by the window and the end of the back, his usual spot with a glass of ice lemon tea beside his laptop. As he was typing, he felt a presence of someone. He stopped. His eyes moved from the screen of the laptop toward the person that possibly sat right in front of him. “Aera?” he said, shocked to see her.


Aera gave a small smile. “Hi, Baek.”


Baekhyun raised his eyebrow. He watched her facial expression. He could tell there was something wrong with the girl. Aera wasn’t in her useful mood. It was weird. “What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to find out the reason why she was upset.


Aera watched Baekhyun was clicking his mouse but his eyes never left her. She felt shivered over it. “Nothing, really.”


“You know very well, I don’t buy that kind of excuse if you come and see me with that kind of attitude.” Baekhyun said, closed his laptop and pushed it aside. He had been staring at her, demand for answer.


“How do you even know that was an excuse?” Aera pouted as she crossed her arms upon her chest. Chanyeol didn’t even notice sometimes. “What if I’m telling the truth?”


Baekhyun took a sip of his drink first, feeling thirsty after a long time typing his novel. “Because there’s no reason for you to be here unless you’re upset with something.” he said. “Are you having a fight with Chanyeol?” he asked bitterly.


Aera bit her lip. “Is it wrong for me to be here? You know, I want to hang out.”


Baekhyun let out a small sigh. “Don’t lie. Because isn’t it much normal for you to go to your boyfriend for comfort unless you’re fighting with that so-call boyfriend.” he said, words that hit his heart one by one, knowing that he was just a replacement for her. His heart tighten. Damn, it hurt.


Aera looked down, letting go of her crossed arms. Thinking a little bit, she felt guilty for making Baekhyun as an escape place if she fight with Chanyeol. “I’m sorry if it look like that.”


Baekhyun gave a smile. “It’s okay, I’m used to this. You always like this.” He can’t just be mad at her. How dumb. “Do you want to talk about it or not?”


Aera shook her head. Just thinking about her problems with Chanyeol hurt her head and she felt that it wasn’t fair to talk about her relationship with Baekhyun. Baekhyun might be her best friend but she knew there’s limit on it. She then gave a smile. “You know, I’m sincerely want to hang out with you, Baek.”


“Oh, is that so?” Baekhyun chuckled. “Let’s eat first.”



Although Baekhyun felt weird, he didn’t say anything. Aera and Chanyeol fight was quite long this time. Usually, when they were fighting, the next day, they already made up. But this time, it had been a week and for the whole week, he had been by Aera’s side. He was never been so happy. He felt like he had Aera for himself.


Chanyeol had met him sometimes, asking about Aera but Baekhyun didn’t say anything much because even though they were friends, the distance between them slowly become far. Baekhyun knew it was because of Aera. Honestly, he had become tired but he didn’t say anything. What’s the point, really?


“Baek, about Aera...” Chanyeol asked carefully.


Baekhyun let out a sigh. “If you want to know about her, why don’t you just ask her.”


“If it was easy like that then I wouldn’t ask you-”


“-then don’t ask because I wouldn’t say anything.”


“Can’t you help me, Baek? I’m your friend-”


“-before you’re my friend, Aera is my friend. I know her since high school so I can’t betray her.”


“Are you implying that I betray her?”


“Isn’t that so?”


“Look, just forget that I ask about this.”


“Will do.”

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