Trainee Sehyuk

Odd One Out Entertainment | NEW and OPEN! | Join now! | Hiring admins!
Age: 20
Heart Condition 
I can be a better me, just watch

Sehyuk is a singer and song writer. He has a strong voice and sings at most family gatherings and sometimes even gets paid to sing at social gatherings. Any entertainment should have wanted him. but they didn't. Because he has a heart condition. Right from birth his heart was weak and he tired easily. Because of this no entertainment would take him, he couldn't train properly or dance for very long. And so he never really had a dream to be a professional singer. Not until he met Godfrey Gao. The story of how they met was ironic to say the least.. Sehyuk was in the streets, singing out to anyone who would listen and everyone loved him. They would crowd around just to listen to him. He did this often and many people knew him, they screamed his name and told him they loved him and held up signs with his name and little pink hearts. These people Sehyuk came out for, it was the others, the new faces, the ones that never heard him and stopped too listen to his songs, they were the ones Sehyuk stayed for. It just so happened, on one day he attracted a rather big crowd and they kept cheering him on and yelling at him to continue. He was starting to feel faint but he ignored it. One more song wouldn't hurt. He ended up jumping on a low wall to stand above the crowd; creating his own stage. He was only half way through the song when he couldn't do it anymore. His eyes were closing forcefully and he couldn't stand anymore. Sehyuk fell off the wall and into a warm, strong set of arms before blacking out. When he woke he was in the hospital, beside him was a man he's never seen before. The man introduced himself as Godfrey Gao and complimented his singing before Asking Sehyuk if he was okay. Sehyuk explained his heart condition and Godfrey looked actually interested in his story which made Sehyuk even happier.  In the end Godfrey told Sehyuk he had an entertainment for people like him and if he wanted to, he could audition. Sehyuk agreed and took the first step to stardom. 

Sehyuk never attended actual school, he was home schooled because school was too tiring for him so he isn't the most social but he tries. He is a little awkward but sweet at the same time. He sympathizes with other s and takes the chance to really know them other then pass them off as another person. He always tries too outdo himself past his ability because he wants to just be normal. He is always looking to self improve because he feel inferior to everyone else 



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ChiNoNeko #1
Chapter 1: Full name: Park Hyojin
Job: Trainee
Position: Vocalist, backup dancer
Age: 17
uality: Lesbian e u e
What makes you odd: Munchausen Syndrome (a type of factitious disorder, is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick).
Password: #skintag ew.
lauralikesfishies #2
Chapter 1: Full Name: Kim Taehyung
Job: Model
Age: 18
uality: Biual
What Makes Me Odd: Mythomania- a condition involving compulsive lying by a person with no obvious motivation. The affected person might believe their lies to be truth, and may have to create elaborate myths to reconcile them with other facts.
Password: #skintag
YukioJiro #3
Chapter 2: Full name : Jeon Jungkook
Job : Trainee
Position : Vocalist, Dancer
Age : 15
uality : bi
What makes me odd : Windigo Psychosis: is a disorder involving an insatiable craving for human flesh, coupled with the fear of becoming a cannibal.
Password : #skintag
Chapter 2: full name ; kim jongin
job ; trainee
position ; dancer
age ; 20
uality ; bi
what makes me odd ; anterograde amnesia
MaeRis06 #5

Kris is here!
MaeRis06 #6
Chapter 2: Full Name: Wu Yifan
Job: Model
Age: 24
uality: Bi
What makes me odd: weak immune system
Password: #skintag

Eva huuur
Chapter 10: Full name: Eva Cheung
Job: Trainee
Position : Singer
Age: 20
uality: Gay
What makes me odd: Capgras Delusion: a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Will happen on and off with those he is close too.
Pass: #hashtagskintag
Chapter 1: full name: byun baekhyun
job: model
age: 21
uality: gay
what makes me odd: eating disorder (bulimia)
pass: #hashtagskintag