Trainee Ben

Odd One Out Entertainment | NEW and OPEN! | Join now! | Hiring admins!
Age: 22
Oddity: Deaf
Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear.

Ever since he was a young boy, Ben had always wanted to be an artist. Even as an infant his mother would often find him rhythmically jamming on the keys of a children's' piano he had gotten for his first birthday. His mother had always found it strange, after all, most babies Ben's age would only smack a piano three or four times with a fist and then move on to the next colourful object within reach. But not Ben. Oh no. He had a natural ear for music. 

It was the opening night of his play, and they were already at halftime. In the next scene Ben was to run out onto the beam which was secured between the two buildings and leap down the stairs on the other side. He'd done it a million times, of course and plus he'd be wearing a harness so Ben wasn't scared one bit. A bell chimed from on stage, that was his cue. Ben hauled himself onto the ladder begun to climb. One on the beam he produced a wide smile and looked out at the audience. "They'll never catch me!" he hollered, placing his hat back on his head and starting to run across the beam just as rehearsed. Suddenly, the speakers below him began to emit a loud wailing noise. Ben let out a screech and covered his ears as he watched the audience do the same. He tensed up, foot slipping from the beam, and began to fall. As the ground came plummeting towards him Ben felt a sharp jerk that knocked the wind out of him. He felt himself bounce in the air like a cheap yoyo, swinging and swaying in above the circle of loud speakers. What the heck is happening? He thought. He'd done this before, you were supposed to slow as you approached the ground, not bounce around like a chew toy. SNAP Ben yelped as his body was sent plummeting towards the ground again and towards the screaming abyss below him. He hit the ground hard. Right in the center of the orcastra pit where the speakers were located. Ben screamed, it was a high pitched scream burried by the waves of sound slithering all around him. He withered into a ball, covering his ears as he let out another scream . It was so loud...It was so loud... Why did it have to be so loud? For only a split second, there was a POP. It was louder than the speakers had been, and Ben thought that maybe they had finally blown themselves out, but when a cascade of frenzied adults begun to approach him, all of their mouths moving in silent unison, that's when Ben knew, he was completely deaf..

By the time he was eight years old, Ben was an active member of his local theatre and played in almost every production they had. He had always been a very posotive and happy child, who loved to laugh and play. When he became deaf, however, he became distant. That was, until he met Godfrey Gao, who recruieted him for his training programme. Now, Ben is back to his normal self and spends most of his day working hard to achieve his dream.



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ChiNoNeko #1
Chapter 1: Full name: Park Hyojin
Job: Trainee
Position: Vocalist, backup dancer
Age: 17
uality: Lesbian e u e
What makes you odd: Munchausen Syndrome (a type of factitious disorder, is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick).
Password: #skintag ew.
lauralikesfishies #2
Chapter 1: Full Name: Kim Taehyung
Job: Model
Age: 18
uality: Biual
What Makes Me Odd: Mythomania- a condition involving compulsive lying by a person with no obvious motivation. The affected person might believe their lies to be truth, and may have to create elaborate myths to reconcile them with other facts.
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YukioJiro #3
Chapter 2: Full name : Jeon Jungkook
Job : Trainee
Position : Vocalist, Dancer
Age : 15
uality : bi
What makes me odd : Windigo Psychosis: is a disorder involving an insatiable craving for human flesh, coupled with the fear of becoming a cannibal.
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Chapter 2: full name ; kim jongin
job ; trainee
position ; dancer
age ; 20
uality ; bi
what makes me odd ; anterograde amnesia
MaeRis06 #5

Kris is here!
MaeRis06 #6
Chapter 2: Full Name: Wu Yifan
Job: Model
Age: 24
uality: Bi
What makes me odd: weak immune system
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Eva huuur
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Job: Trainee
Position : Singer
Age: 20
uality: Gay
What makes me odd: Capgras Delusion: a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Will happen on and off with those he is close too.
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Chapter 1: full name: byun baekhyun
job: model
age: 21
uality: gay
what makes me odd: eating disorder (bulimia)
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