Rules And How To Join

Odd One Out Entertainment | NEW and OPEN! | Join now! | Hiring admins!
Rules & How To join


1. Subscribe to the aff 2. this is an AU rp, no 'annyeong I am Kai from Exo' 3. Talk to everyone, please 4. no OOC drama, IC is accepted to an extent. 5. Everyone is allowed up to 2 characters 6. The pass is #skintag 7. Stay out of pms so often; use the groups and  8. leaving or going on hiatus? post a comment 9. Comment the person you want, reservations last 48h. 

How To Join: 

1.Comment with the application 2.Wait for an Admin to accept you 3. You have three days to make your account, make your alt name T O-(your job) 4.Add the Admins and groups (groups can be found in forward) 5.To be posted in the admin notices group before adding people 6.Have fun!

Full name:
Job: (Manager, Trainee, Model, Actor)
Position: (Trainee only; dancer, vocalist, soloist, ect.)
What makes you odd:  (Look at the 'What makes you odd chapter and choose one of those are add your own! This is optional for Paparazzi and Mangers)


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ChiNoNeko #1
Chapter 1: Full name: Park Hyojin
Job: Trainee
Position: Vocalist, backup dancer
Age: 17
uality: Lesbian e u e
What makes you odd: Munchausen Syndrome (a type of factitious disorder, is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick).
Password: #skintag ew.
lauralikesfishies #2
Chapter 1: Full Name: Kim Taehyung
Job: Model
Age: 18
uality: Biual
What Makes Me Odd: Mythomania- a condition involving compulsive lying by a person with no obvious motivation. The affected person might believe their lies to be truth, and may have to create elaborate myths to reconcile them with other facts.
Password: #skintag
YukioJiro #3
Chapter 2: Full name : Jeon Jungkook
Job : Trainee
Position : Vocalist, Dancer
Age : 15
uality : bi
What makes me odd : Windigo Psychosis: is a disorder involving an insatiable craving for human flesh, coupled with the fear of becoming a cannibal.
Password : #skintag
Chapter 2: full name ; kim jongin
job ; trainee
position ; dancer
age ; 20
uality ; bi
what makes me odd ; anterograde amnesia
MaeRis06 #5

Kris is here!
MaeRis06 #6
Chapter 2: Full Name: Wu Yifan
Job: Model
Age: 24
uality: Bi
What makes me odd: weak immune system
Password: #skintag

Eva huuur
Chapter 10: Full name: Eva Cheung
Job: Trainee
Position : Singer
Age: 20
uality: Gay
What makes me odd: Capgras Delusion: a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Will happen on and off with those he is close too.
Pass: #hashtagskintag
Chapter 1: full name: byun baekhyun
job: model
age: 21
uality: gay
what makes me odd: eating disorder (bulimia)
pass: #hashtagskintag