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Chapter Eight: Answers



"Auntie.. I'm going to talk to him...and about your question, I'll think about it."


I said after the momentary silence I acquired after his mom gave me shocking news.


"Ok dear... I hope it will be soon. I am hanging up now"


After ending the call, I was staring at Jong-In's phone for a long time after digesting what his mom had just revealed.


Turning my head towards the stoned figure beside me, I can see how awfully distraught he is. His palms are covering his face but I can see glistening liquid coming out from his eyes.


The image of a strong person who I thought he was... I can't see it now.


The only thing I can and wanted to do is to hug him. This isn't the first time I saw him in this state. The first time this happened was when we were still kids when the only thing he wanted was taken away from him. He looked so helpless.


Gathering up enough courage I finally hugged him. Giving him some strength is the only thing I can do for now. The moment I embraced him, I can feel his barriers crumbled down and he started shaking. I think all the emotions he had been keeping for himself for days, he finally releases them all.

"Eugene..... I'm such a worthless person" he murmured.


"Shhhh.... I know you can never be worthless." I tried to console his shattered soul.

"But I really am....." he whispered.


"You know very well that everything happens for a reason... for now, I am really confused with what has been happening... uhmm... so care to tell me the reason of your break down...? You know you can share to me anything and everything that's been bothering you...” I straightened up releasing him from my embrace then cupping both sides of chicks unto my palms.

"Every night when we go to sleep I can hear you mumbling a girl's name... Care to tell me who she is to you...? Your mom said she is your wife.... but I want to hear it from you..." I started.


"She...was my wife"


Was....? Past tense?


"Errr.... so what happened that she became your ex-wife....?" I am totally confused with everything..


"I filed a divorce...."


"Ohhh... if you were the one who filed the divorce then why are you acting like... this?"




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