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Chapter Five: MOM



Taking the next possible flight back to South Korea I feel my energy went to drain. I'm hungry and my head hurts big time! Walking out of the airport I can see alot people passing by staring at me. Who wouldn't? My eyes are puffy, the eyeliner I put the other day smudged down from my cheeks and I look like a star from a horror movie. Even the white dress I'm wearing with a lot of creases turned to a shade of dirty white. My outside appearance is no way better than what I feel. I am emotionally distraught. I never thought that falling in love can be this much pain in the neck. Argh! Hailing the cab I told the driver my address and hollah! I'm back home.


Stepping out of the car I felt my vision swayed. My head is throbbing in pain. Slowly making my way to the grandeur entrance I gripped at the metal railings for support. Reaching out for the last and final step I noticed a familiar car parked in front of the foyer. Finally stepping inside the front door with both of my hands on my head trying to massage to ease the excruciating pain I heard someone shouted...


"YUN-JIAHHHHH!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCHHHHHH!!!!".... then all turned black.




"Goodness Gracious! WHAT HAPPENED?! CALL THE DOCTOR! PPALLI!!!" the authoritative voice said."SOMEBODY CARRY HER AND BRING HER TO HER ROOM NOW!" Those were the last words I heard before unconsciousness takes me.




"What happened while we were away, Nana?" I asked the old maid who had been serving us at the mansion for three decades now. She is the only one I trust among the people here, that is why I can put my mind at ease even though I am away.


"The little lady had been sickly after the young master went missing." She softly said.


"He.... he... what..?" I asked surprised. "What exactly happened?" I impatiently asked. But she just shrugged her shoulders meaning she has no idea what happened between the young couple. "How long has it been?" I want to know more details. I feel disappointed, I was expecting more from her than this.


"For more than a week now" She whispered.


What? That long? This is very unusual. Why will my son leave Yun-Ji here... the love of his life? Knowing him, he guards her like a hawk, so now what made him leave? When I left everything was totally fine or so i guess. I am even excited to see my grandchild hoping they made one again. The first one was.... *sigh*


"Madam Kim....?"Interrupting my thoughts I heard the doctor called me. I stayed outside so that the doctor can have a thorough examination on my daughter and have a little talk on Nana.






 I can hear muffled voices f

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