Card II

Tarot Card

“Be careful of the broken heart. Wow Doc, I never knew youre into this kind of stuffs.” A junior said out loud after she examined the tarot card she had just picked on top of Taeyeon’s bundle of clothes. Not liking to be associated with such things and most importantly be called weird for having the card, Taeyeon immediately grabbed it off her junior nurse’s hand and defended herself, “Im not. My mom is.”

“Well, your mom probably will have problems in her lovelife then.”  The  junior nurse commented which made Taeyeon stopped folding her clothes which she needed to put inside the small cabinet next to her bed.

“What did you just say?”

“You don’t have any idea what’s that, do you?” Taeyeon shook her head in a cute way that doesn’t went unnoticed by the junior nurse. “All I know is that the old woman uses this card for fortune telling. I have no idea what’s this exactly.”

“Well first, that’s the Two of Cups. In the Minor Cana of the Tarots Cards, it represents love or relationship. Depends what youre trying to read in the person anyway.” The junior nurse took the card again and held it to Taeyeon’s face and said while pointing at the scribble at the back of the card. “See this? Its written in the card upside down. In Tarot cards, when the card is reversed, it means the opposite. Im just not sure what your mom was trying to ask for but I think it meant something opposite to whatever she wants to claim.”

Taeyeon took the card again and inspected it. She was too busy sleeping in her ride to the island to even remember the card, more so look at it and examined it.

“How did you know that?” Taeyeon queried.

“I was a potter head when I was a kid.” Her Junior answered as she flopped onto her own bed next to Taeyeon’s.

“And Harry Potter is relevant because?” The junior nurse rolled her eyes as if what Taeyeon said was the most idiotic thing she ever said.

“I was into magic and stuffs. Point is, Ive read about Tarot Cards before so I know.”

“Ohh okay.” Taeyeon fell silent after that, staring intently at the card in her hand.

“Do you have any idea what your mom asked from the Tarot Card.” Taeyeon shook her head as she resumed folding her clothes. “My lovelife.”

“Well, youre doomed Doc..”

Taeyeon would be lying if she wont admit that she’s threatened, cause she is. Firstly because its her lovelife that’s at stake here and there’s a possibility that she wont be getting her happy ending, if the card is indeed saying it correctly, she have to be careful of that person with a frozen heart.

But why?

Who exactly is that person with a frozen heart?

And if there’s even such a person?

“I think you need to pay that old woman a visit Doc. You know, for better explanation. I just happen to know the card but reading it is totally a different case.”

“I just might.” Taeyeon replied and before her junior can say more, she hurriedly took her things and went straight to the door.

“Wait Doc, surely youre not going there right now, are you? I mean we have assembly at 5, all Docs should be present there.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Chief. Beside, its just a boat away. I’ll be back even before the assembly starts.” Taeyeon didn’t wait for her Junior to say more as she head out of the room. She passed by some summit attendees and some of her co-workers and only gave them a simple “Hi” and a quick “Bye” and when she didn’t meet the chief along the way, she hurried out of the big house they where they’ll be staying at for two months.


After an hour of a boat ride, Taeyeon reached the shore of their province. And a bus ride to get to her home town where the old woman was living at. She knows her way. She had been going there since she can remember, even after they moved  to the city, she and her mother still goes there, so she can never get lost. And after half an hour, she was already in the front steps of the old woman’s mansion.

Its only been a week but the manor greatly changed in Taeyeon’s eyes. It looked so old now, scary even. The atmosphere around the mansion was so dark, so sad and so heart burdening for her to take.  It felt so different , unwelcoming. Her feet was so eager to move, to ran away from the place but she cant. There’s something inside her that was burning for her to stay so she did.

There were a lot of people and Taeyeon thought they were there for some reading and something about the color of their clothes gives the doctor an eerie feeling, like there’s something wrong but she pushed the feeling aside as she knocked on the door. A moment later, it opened and revealed an old woman she never seen in the house, probably because she always stays outside when her mother goes for a reading.

“Ahh good afternoon. Im here to see Elder Liu?” Taeyeon asked.

“She’s gone.” The old lady answered.

“When will she be back? I need to ask her about the card she gave me yesterday.”

Surprise was evident on the old lady’s face. “What did you just say?”

“Ahh” Taeyeon paused and rephrased, “Elder Liu came by my house yesterday and gave me..”

“That cant be.. Elder Liu cant possibly go to you..”

“But she did.. She even..” Taeyeon was starting to get annoyed because the old lady keeps on cutting her sentence midway and she never really like someone who does that specially to her.

“She cant, she’s dead. Elder Liu is dead. She died a week ago.”


“She’s dead child.”

“Okay.. But I..” Taeyeon is confused but at the same time things started to make sense to her, the sad atmosphere around the manor, the black clothes the people were wearing… It make sense now..

“Do you want to talk to her immediate relative? Her daughter is around out there somewhere, probably talking to the guests and her granddaughter is here inside the house..”

“Ahh no thanks.. I’d probably just go.. Thank you again.” Taeyeon didn’t wait for the old lady to respond as she turned around and started walking away from the manor, she didn’t even looked back when she’s being called out. She just needed to get away from the house.

How is she to believe what she just heard? How is she to believe that the elder Liu is now dead when in fact she just saw her yesterday? How is she to believe that the elder Liu she met yesterday is probably a ghost?

Everything is confusing her and at the same time make sense to her.

But she has one more problem now..

How is she to know what the card says about her future love life when the fortune teller is now dead?



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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon