painful past and the forgiveness(part 1)

Angel's Love


Leeteuk’s POV



I arrived home feeling helpless. I just hurt the girl that I liked and there’s nothing more painful than seeing hurt face and receiving cold replies from her. MY dongsaengs bombard me with all kind of questions once I set my foot in the dorm but I reply none of them. I was frustrated and angry at myself for dragging and embarrassing her.


I plopped myself on my bed tearing up when I heard a soft knock on the door. I don’t have the energy to answer the door. The knocker came uninvited into the room. “JungSoo ya, what’s wrong? Shopping gone wrong?”, it was Heechul. He sounded worried. I only shook my head, not wanting to answer and also not wanting to give way that I’m crying at that time. Sensing something is not right, Heechul turned me over and was shocked to see me crying. “Ya...what’s wrong with you? Something bad had happen isn’t it?”, Again, I just shook my head. “Don’t lie.. I know you all too well teuk-ah”. That’s it. The moment Heechul called me Teuk, I just burst out crying. He would not called me that unless he is really worried about me.


“I...I ruined everything Heechul. Everything!”, I finally burst out like a time bomb. Understanding my outburst, Heechul wrapped his arm protectively around me and I cried my heart out. After calming down, I finally told him what happened. Heechul can only give me comforting words. I thanked him and told him not to tell the others about this as I don’t want to worry them.



SooHae’s POV



I’m not sure what makes me so angry. Is it because Yoong Joon sudden appearance or Leeteuk’s outburst. I just can’t think straight right after he dragged me away. I was so angry at both of them actually.. That Yoong Joon, he dumped me and now he had the heart toa say that he misses me and even hugged me! What the hell?!




It was around 5 years ago when Yoong Joon and I were still in high school. They had been together for 6 months during that time. It was Valentine’s Day when Yoong Joon decided to confess to me. I accepted his offer because everyone kept telling me that we look good together. SO we decided to give ourselves the chance to get to know each other. Within the period of time, Yoong Joon had been extremely nice to me. He pampered me and showered me with love and presents. I felt appreciated during that time. But everything changes when a new girl called Min Young came to our school. Yoong Joon changed his attitude towards me. He became cold and seldom talks to me. He was often seen hanging out with Min Young. One day, I went to the rooftop to clear my mind when I saw the most obscene thing in my life. Yoong Joon and Min Young were kissing and they were oblivious to my presence. I cleared my throat and went to them. I felt like slapping Min Young when Yoong Joon suddenly spoke.


“SooHae-ya, let’s forget about us. It’s over. I like Min Young now. Sorry for whatever I did.” “Is this how you want to end it??”, my voice trembles when speaking. I was so angry that I started crying. “SooHae.. please... not the tears.. It won’t work for me you know” “This tears is never worth crying over a bastard like you! These tears is far TOO precious to be cried over a bastard like you!” “Then why are you crying?” “I’m just so angry and felt pity for Min Young because she chooses to date a jerk like you!” “Pssh... Don’t kid me.” My hand was ever so light that time that it flew straight onto his face. Fast and hard. He doubled over in pain. Min Young turned her head and a slap landed on my face. “YA!!! How dare you!?!!”. I didn’t say anything, instead I went downstairs and went straight to the toilet and cry my eyes out. I’m not sad. I’m just angry. The anger boils inside and eat me on the outside.


-Flashback ends-


the memory of that stupid jerk never fail to hurt me. Those memories reduces me to tears. I was so stupid for believing him. I mean,who am I kidding? I snapped back to reality when my phone buzzed. It was a call from my sister. I reluctantly pick it up. I told her what had happened and she just keep on saying that I should call him and tell him it was ok. How can I call him when I acted so cold toward him just now?? I just can’t....



No one’s POV



It’s been three days since the shopping mall incident. Neither Leeteuk nor SooHae wanted to call each other. They only have two days left before the dinner night. Leeteuk was afraid to call SooHae cause he’s afraid that she’ll never pick up the call. While SooHae was to embarrassed by her outburst the other day.


Fate has it’s own plan. On Wednesday evening, the two unknowingly went to the same park. While walking, they accidentally bumped onto each other. “Oh.. I’m sorry.. I didn’t see you coming” Leeteuk apologize. “Me too.. I’m so....” SooHae stop talking after realizing the guy that she knocked was Leeteuk. “O... Oppa... Are you ok?” “Oh? SooHae.. Y... Yeah.. I’m fine.. You?” “I’m fine too.. Uh...where are you heading to?” “No where in particular.. You?” “Me too..”. Leeteuk dared himself to ask. “Uh.. Do you want to come with me?” “Why not?Uh... let’s go”. They walked silently. Leeteuk was praying inside hoping that the awkward atmosphere will be gone.


Guess the god in high heaven is still awake when his prayer was answered. “Oppa.... I just wanted to say sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t get mad at you.. I...” “Shush... It’s ok... I was the one who is supposed to apologize. I shouldn’t just drag you. It was very rude of me.” “Ah..ani.. I actually wanted to thank you for dragging me away that day.” “Why?” “Well... That guy the other day was my ex” “Oh....” “Urmm.. Can we not talk about him?” “uhh... Sure... So, am I still your date for this Friday?” “Friday??Oh! Yes! Of course!^^”. SooHae immediately lit up which made Leeteuk smile. He was grateful that she doesn’t stay mad for a long time. “Uh.. SooHae..” “Yeah?” “One problem” “what is it?” “I still don’t have the right shoes for my tuxedo” “Ahh.. that.. me too...”. They walked again. This time, SooHae spoke. “Uhh... Oppa... Since we are out here, why don’t we go and buy ourselves the shoes? We might not have any other time” “Oh... Sure.. Good idea”.


They walked to the nearest shopping mall in hoping to fiund the right shoes that fits their attire for this Friday. They went into a shop to find SooHae’s shoes first. When she found the shoes that she likes, Leeteuk will take it and put it on her. SooHae blush at his action. After finding the perfect shoes for both of them, it was already night. Both of them were hungry so they decided to have dinner first. They had fun talking over dinner and all the preparations needed for this Friday.


After finishing their dinner, Leeteuk offered SooHae to drive her home which SooHae gladly accept it.


SooHae’s POV



“Ahh.. What a pleasant day”. SooHae said to herself when she entered her house. I finally made up with teukie oppa and we are going to the dinner party together.. Hehehe... I looked at the shoes that we bought this evening. Teukie oppa chose the shoes for me. He was such a gentleman. He even paid for the shoes although I insist on paying it myself. Then we went out for dinner and he still paid for it. Aigoo... where can I find a guy who is a s nice as him?


I laughed at our silliness for the past few days. It was very stupid for us to ignore each other.



Leeteuk’s POV



I felt so happy today. I felt as if I can fly to the moon. SooHae finally talked to me and we had an awesome time at the mall choosing shoes. I paid for her shoes even thought she insist on paying it herself. I also paid for the dinner. I did all those in hoping that I could redeem myself for being so stupid the other day but I can see that SooHae really enjoyed herself today. She keep on smiling. Those smile that made my heart flutter.






It’s already Friday and SooHae can’t wait for tonight. But first, she need to go to her faculty to sort some stuffs. Leeteuk as usual, have his practice. Him and his band will debut soon so he needs to practice. He was also made the leader of the group. Their group name is Super Junior05.


SooHae was running some errands when he phone beeped


*one message received*


From:Teukie oppa


‘SooHae-ya, what time are you leaving and should I pick you up?”



SooHae smiled receiving the text. Knowing that they are going out together tonight for a dinner, she felt excited as ever. Also, she had made up her mind to confess her feeling towards Leeteuk. During the days when they are not speaking to each other, SooHae felt empty. She felt so lonely. Going through the day without hearing anything from him.


To:Teukie oppa


“Urmm.... the party starts around 8. So, we should be there around 7.30. Sure.. I’ll wait for you at my place^^”




Leeteuk was resting after practicing when the text came in. He smiled at the message and Heechul nudge him. “Well well, looks like you are going out with her after all.. Hehehe...” “Shut up Heechul...”, Leeteuk playfully punched Heechul on the arm.


Leeteuk finally finished his practice around 5 in the evening. During that time, SooHae had already finish running her errand and was on the way. She need to hurry because she needs to do her hair. She cleaned up herself for so many times today. Making sure she use the right amount of shampoo and body wash so that she won’t smell. She made a whole lot of fuss when her hair style does not match or so does she think. She finally got everything settled out after fussing like an ahjumma.


Meanwhile, Leeteuk, after finish practicing, dashed home leaving the others to get ready. He jumped straight into the shower after reaching home and not bothering about Donghae’s plight that he need to wee wee. He only got out from the shower after hearing Heechul’s scream for him to come out since Donghae practically lost his sanity. Donghae shot him a death glare after emerging out from the toilet and immediately run into the toilet.


He put on his tuxedo and admired himself in the mirror. He saw another reflection behind him and turned around. It was the others and Donghae was there too. He is still pouting though. “Aigoo.. Donghae ya, I’m sorry but tonight is very important”, Leeteuk said to Donghae. “You could at least let me use the toilet first *pouts*” “Aigoo... I’m sorry” “Not talking to you”, with that, he left leaving the others still admiring me. “Ya.. What are you guys gawking at?” “You..”, Ryeowook answered. “You look so handsome tonight hyung. If I were the girl, I would’ve fall for you for sure”, Eunhyuk said. “Ya... Don’t say that.. You sounded so.. gay~” “Whatever hyung..” “ but it’s true”, Donghae suddenly creeps in. “Eh? I thought you said that you don’t want to talk to me?”, “I don’t want to be left out you know!” “-___-‘’ “


Leeteuk immediately rushed out the dorm when Heechul screamed the time. It was already 7.10! He’s so late! He drive as fast as he can but without breaking the speed limit of course. In 10 minutes time he arrived at SooHae’s house. When SooHae came out, his jaw drops....



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ughhh...sorry bout this laptop is alksdfkdfsj ughh..sorry readers ;~;


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 22: Pleaseeee~ Update! It's so interesting! *o*
MrsPark_ELF95 #2
Chapter 22: update!!update!! ><
minn95 #3
Chapter 22: e.e. APPAAAAA!!! your dimples!!! ;~~~~; GIMME GIMME!!xDD asdfghjkl *SALEEE SALEEEE XDDDD UPDATE SOONER OR LATER..xD appa is a sale too xDDDD LOLLLLLLL
Chapter 22: kyaaaaaaaa!!!!! i was afraid that he would not like it!! but it was the exact opposite!! XD kyaaa i'm so happy!!!

thank you too! for a wonderful story!! :D i'm looking forward for the next chapter!! :D
minn95 #5
Chapter 21: Dear appa, I'm your future daughter xD and OH EM GEE GYUGEEGEE! xD how can you not figure that out.. -_-''
Chapter 21: someone's preggy!! XD i wonder what's going to happen next,, :)
leeteukbaby #7
Chapter 21: Is she pregnant? :D
minn95 #8
Chapter 20: how can a human actually squeal like a whale? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD RLAB update sooooooonnnnn! *shoot daggers* :PPPPPP *flies away with Kai and Tao*
1004ica #9
Chapter 20: Please update soon!! :))) I love your story.. :D
It makes me blush kkkk. Since I'm a Leeteuk biased, I really love it kkk. Update update soon please *puffy eyes* <3
Chapter 20: i'm glad that you finally updated!!! :D how long has it been?? anyways i'm glad that you're back!!! :D