
Angel's Love


Leeteuk’s POV

I had a sleepless night last night. I was thinking about what Heechul had suggested to me yesterday. I really think I should confess to her. I’ve been seeing for one month already. Isn’t that long enough?  No..No.... I can’t.... It’s too early. “Teuk-ah... Just do it!”, suddenly, Heechul’s face popped into my head. “What the hell?Aish... This guy.. Always everywhere....”

I reached for my phone to send a text when a message came in


*one text message*


“Oppa.. Urmm... I was wondering... Are you busy next Friday???”


I blinked at the text none-stop. “What is this??Is she asking me out??”



“Oh....Urmm... I think I’m free..why?”


I replied her and I wonder what makes her ask such thing.


SooHae’s POV

My phone buzzed.I looked at the screen and saw that Teukie oppa have replied my message. I click on the icon with eagerness



“Oh....Urmm... I think I’m free..why?”


I was mentally flipping I saw the reply. Well, I was happy cause this means I have a partner for my reunion dinner this Friday. I have a school reunion dinner this Friday and the dinner requires all of us to bring a partner. I felt like dying when InYoung told me about it. Not until I remember Teukie-oppa. Well,better bring him rather than not having anyone. This can also be a good time for me to confess my feeling. I’ve made my mind about it. No matter what happen, I’m going to confess to him. Even if he rejects me, at least he know how felt.


“Good.. Can you accompany to my school’s reunion dinner that night?”



“Please say yes”....

Leeteuk’s POV

*one text message*


“Good.. Can you accompany to my school’s reunion dinner that night?”

I was dumbfounded by her invitation. Suddenly, “Just say yes hyung...” Donghae appear out of nowhere and was reading the message. “ did you.....?”  “You forgot to lock the door”, he answered simply. “Yeah..but how give you the permission to read my message?” “I saw it..hyung,stop changing the topic. I know you want to say yes.. Just go for it” “Such a busybody”, hearing that, Donghae pout like there’s no tomorrow.



“Sure.... Tell me the details and what I have to wear^^”



I said yes because this means I get to go out with her again. Also,this might be the good time to confess to her.

SooHae’s POV

*one text message*



“Sure.... Tell me the details and what I have to wear^^”

Omg!!I can’t believe it!He said yes!!!!!!!! I was dancing like a lunatic when I read the message. WAIT! Why am I so happy??? Uh-oh...SooHae-ya, calm down girl..Before I can answer the text I have to call InYoung first. I’m telling her that I’m going! She’s gonna flip when she heard about it!

I had a long conversation with InYoung on what we are suppose to wear and all other details. True enough, she went on a screaming frenzy when I told her about my attendance. After hanging up, I remembered to text Teukie oppa. “Eh... I think I just call him and thank him.. Besides,he wanted to know the details.. Why don’t I just call?”. I dialled his number and with excited-ness and nervousness, I waited for him to answer.. Then........

Leeteuk’s POV

I was talking with the boys when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and I froze. It’s SooHae. The boys must’ve seen my condition cause the scoot closer to take a look at my phone. “Oh!!Hyung... It’s her!Aren’t you going to answer it?”, Ryeowook asked. “Ah..Ne..”  I picked up the call..


SooHae: *Silence*
Me:Hello... Soohae ya... Are you there?”
SooHae: Urmm.... I called just to say thank you for agreeing.. Also,since you asked me for the details..I called tell you about it..
Me:Ahhh...Ne....spill it..kekekeke.....

SooHae:Well,it’s a dinner party actually.... All of the guests are required to bring a partner.. So,I thought of you.... Anyways,It’s a formal night.. So you need to wear a suit...
Me:Ahhh...... I see... kekekeke.... But SooHae-ah, I don’t have a”
SooHae:Ahh.. Me too... I mean, I also don’t have the right dress for the occasion..Hmmmf....
Me:Urmm.... Why don’t we go on a shopping?
Me:Ne... Since both of us had nothing that’s suitable, why don’t we go for a shopping?
SooHae:Hurmm...sounds like a good idea..Ok.. then... When?
Me:Urmm....tomorrow...around 12?
SooHae:Ok.. See you tomorrow then...thank you^^


I hang up the phone while smiling to myself,the boys must’ve heard my conversation cause Heechul was busy ranting about why is he still single and such. “Ya...Jungsoo ya, are you for real?”  “What?”  “Really going shopping with her tomorrow?”  “Of course...why?”  “Nothing...”  “Wahhhh Hyung... You are so cool....” Ryeowook cooed. “Look’s like our leader is lovestruck now”, Kangin said. “Aish... No....” “Yes you are”, Kibum quipped. “Ya... why is everyone turning against me?”, I said while pouting.

“Hyung... You can’t pout anymore from now on”, Donghae said. “Yeah hyung..” and the others just have to agree.... “Why?” “Well,women don’t like cute guys.. They like bad guys.. So if you pout, She might just leave you”, Yesung the turtle explained. “what do you guys know? You haven’t even met her..” “But hyung, this base on our experience”, Eunhyuk said. “What experience?” I narrowed eyes, “Uhh..nothing..just stop pouting will you?”, Eunhyuk snapped. “Fine.. Anyway,I’m going out with her tomorrow. But after our practice that is.” “ But hyung,aren’t we not suppose to date?”,Shindong suddenly asked. “Ahh.....well, it’s not like I’m dating or anything right? So, there’s nothing wrong.” “But what if you both like each other? Will you date her?”, Siwon suddenly bombard me with that question. “What’s with all these questions guys? Seriously, it’s just a shopping outing. That’s it. Stop interrogating me like some cops”, I snapped and return to my room.

What Shindong said is true. We are not allowed to date. Regarding to Siwon’s question, I’m not sure. I wanted to be an Idol but I really like her. Is it possible for me to love her secretly or be open and risk being kicked out? I’m not sure myself. Suddenly, something genius came knocking in my head. I can just be in a relationship with her secretly and also become an Idol! No one will know!! WAIT!!No.... I can’t... The risk for such relationship is higher... Imagine if the paparazzi caught us............... Aish........


SooHae’s POV

After hanging up, I was smiling from ear to ear. We’re going shopping tomorrow! Yeay! It’ll be fun! I remembered to call my sister and told her about it. Since she’s going too, it’ll be polite to inform her..Hehehehe.. I dialled her number


Me:Eonnie~~~~~~~ Guess what?!
Eonnie:What’s with the squelling girl?
Me:Nothing.... but guess what?
Me:I’m going to the reunion after all!!
Eonnie:Really?! With who??
Eonnie:WAIT!Let me guess... Leeteuk!
Eonnie:Really??!!!How did you manage to...
Me:I’m not sure myself.. I just asked him and he agreed.. Also,
Me:We’re going shopping tomorrow!
Eonnie:What the.... Are you for real?
Me:Well,yeah. Actually, We don’t have the suitable attire for this Friday, so, he suggest that we go shopping and look for everything needed^^
Eonnie:Wow.. that’s so sweet of him... I wish my boyfriend is like that..
Me: Aww.... Don’t worry.. I bet Hyun Bin oppa will be as sweet..kekeke... I got to go..hehehe
Eonnie:Arasso... I’ll see you on Friday then...

I ended the conversation with a happy heart. Tomorrow will be another good day for me...


-The Next Day-

SooHae’s POV

SooHae set her alarm half an hour earlier than the usual. Well, getting up late once was enough. She had learned her lesson.. hehehe.. She cleaned herself carefully. Making sure she washes every inch of her body with her expensive soap which will only be used for special occasions. She also washes her faces thoroughly. She felt clean and then she rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something suitable and comfortable to wear. She found her pair of black shorts that was bought by her sister. She pair it with a white cotton t-shirt.Her lips tainted with lip balm and she sprayed on her favourite Victoria Secret’s perfume. To top it off,she put on her black vest and put on her heels. She looked comfortable yet stylish in those. She looked at the wall clock and it was only 11.30.

Her phone beeped and a message came in.



SooHae-ya, are you ready?Kekekeke.... Where do we meet?”

I smiled to myself



“Oh... I’m ready^^... Urmmm, why don’t we meet at your workplace? The ice-cream parlour. I felt like having ice-cream... kekekeke”




Leeteuk’s POV

I finally finished practicing. I immediately asked to be excused for a few hours and I was allowed. I rushed home and clean up myself. I have to look neat and smell good. After bathing, I ran through my closet and found something nice to wear. I decided to wear my jeans and white t-shirt. Since she complemented me before about looking good in vest, I decided to wear my black vest today. I sprayed on my BVLGARI AQVA perfume.


“JungSoo, you look good~~”, I thought to myself. Then I heard someone snicker, it was Heechul. “What?” “Nothing...” “Yeah... Right” “No... Look at you.. I remembered how you use to deny that you like her and such, but now, look at you. You even sprayed on your precious perfume. She must’ve been really special to you.” “Well, Heechul, I’ve been thinking.” “About what?” “Well, about what Siwon and Shindong said” “Oh.. That.. Don’t worry... It’ll be fine.. Besides, If you like her, just go for it. I know that she meant a lot to you” “Thank you Heechul. Thank you for understanding” “Welcome.. Hurry up and get ready. Don’t want to keep her waiting like last time” “Right”. Heechul left the room.

I’m so grateful to have such an understanding friend. Even thought he can be quite the princess, but he’s a great friend. I looked at my phone and it was 11.30..Then I texted her..



SooHae-ya, are you ready?Kekekeke.... Where do we meet?”



Within minutes, I got her reply.



“Oh... I’m ready^^... Urmmm, why don’t we meet at your workplace? The ice-cream parlour. I felt like having ice-cream... kekekeke”

I smiled reading her reply. As I was making my way to the door, ALL the boys screamed good luck to me. “Guys... don’t scream.. You’ll rock the whole building!” “Well hyung, you need all the luck. Kekekeke.....”Sungmin said with a chuckle, “Yeah.. what ever.. thanks by the way” “ok...bye hyung!!!”. I left the boisterous crowd and make my way to the ice-cream parlour


No one’s POV

Leeteuk was walking towards the ice-cream parlour when a saw a familiar figure standing in front of the shop. He tempted to call out her name but he wasn’t sure if it was really her. If it’s her, she look different. Well, nice different. She’s wearing a black short that shows off her milky white skin and her long limbs.The shorts was  paired with white t-shirt and a black vest and she had her shades on.Her hair was down loose. Come to think of it, she and and him are wearing the same colour code. When he got nearer to her, it was confirmed that the person really is SooHae. He was stunned by her look.”Uhh.. Hi there.. Have you wait for a  long time?” Leeteuk asked. “Oh... Teukie oppa... kekeke... Aniyo... It’s only been 10 minutes since I arrived..hehehe.....” “Oh...O..K...” Leeteuk was stuttering. “Urmmm...Oppa? Are you ok? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost. Don’t tell you saw one cause I’m sure there’s no ghost in such broad daylight” “I do... but not exactly a ghost” “Then?” “You” “Me? What do you mean me?” “You look different..” “Oh.. You don’t like it?Sorry” “Ahh...Aniyo... I Like it. You look pretty.” “Ahhh...Thank you.” SooHae answered while blushing. When SooHae observe Leeteuk’s clothing, she was a bit surprise cause they wear nearly the same thing with the same color code. The vest, the t-shirt and his dark coloured jeans. They looked almost like a couple. Oops!

“You said that you wanted to eat ice-cream right?”, Leeteuk asked. “Well, yeah... I’m craving for ice-cream.. heheheh” “ok..Let’s get your craving satisfied before we start shopping” “Ne~”. We made our way into the shop and into the line. Once it was our turn, Leeteuk’s boss was serving them. He smiled and took their order. Because Leeteuk is their staff, they gave discount for their ice-creams. They ate the ice-cream and talked about the things that they’ll need for the dinner. Leeteuk definitely will need a tux while SooHae need a nice dress. Leeteuk will also need a new pair of dress shoes and SooHae needs a pair of heels that’s match of dress later. They decided to buy the dress and the tux first. Only then they’ll buy the heels and shoes.

After half an hour, the left the place and head to the shopping mall. They went to get SooHae’s  dress first. When they entered the first shop, one of the shop assistant came to their aid. She showed her some of the dresses that they were selling. It was pretty but none of them suits her tastes. It either too short or too revealing. Also, the colours a quite boring. Nothing fun in the colours. They move on to the next shop. There all the dresses is beyond her budget. Her budget for this shopping is only $1500 but the dress itself is already $2000. It was absurb. Leeteuk just follow her without saying much.

Finally, the third boutique. The place is a bit small, only enough for 10 people at a time. The shop assistance came. “How can I help you?” she said. “I’m looking for an evening dress. I’m going to this formal dinner. Do you have any suggestion,” “Yes.. We do have a variety of selections for evening dresses and gowns.. Here, this way”, she led Leeteuk and SooHae into the shop. She showed her the dresses and SooHae was particularly attracted to a scarlet coloured dress. I hangs on the shoulder with a single sling over the chest and it was a body length dress. “Oppa.. What do you think of this dress?”,SooHae asked for Leeteuk’s opinion. “Hurmm...It’s nice..Go on and try it” “Ok”. While SooHae was trying, Leeteuk looked around the shop.

Then SooHae emerged from the changing room with the dress. When Leeteuk turned around to see her, his jaw dropped. She looked stunning in the dress. Even she shop assistant complimented her. The dress shows just the needed amount of skin and without revealing too much of her cleavage. “You look gorgeous.. Just gorgeous”, Leeteuk said unknowingly. “Ahh...thank you..”, SooHae answered and blushed.  “I’ll take this then^^” “Ne”, she went back into the changing room. “Your girlfriend sure is pretty”, the shop  assistant said to the unsuspecting Leeteuk. “Ahh...No... You got it wrong. She’s not my girlfriend” “Not your girlfriend? But look at your couple attire.” “Ahh..This.. It was a coincidence that we wear nearly the same thing” “Ok.. But I see the way you look and complimented her.You like her”, Leeteuk was about to reply when SooHae got out from the changing room and went to pay for her dress. When they’ve finished paying, they thanked the shop assistant and left. Before leaving, the shop assistant mouthed ‘Fighting’ to Leeteuk. He just smiled.

Now, they’re looking for Leeteuk’s tux. They went into a men’s boutique which is 4 shops down the dress boutique. Both SooHae and Leeteuk went through all the tuxedos there. They finally found one black tuxedo. Soohae made Leeteuk try it. While he was trying, SooHae still looking for the right tux. When Leeteuk got out from the changing room, Soohae went over to him to check the tuxedo and to see whether it fits him or not. SooHae was fixing the bow when their eyes met. SooHae felt Leeteuk nearing to her she felt her heart hammering in her ribcage to the point of painful but they broke contact when the shop assistant cleared his throat. “uhh.... this bow.. I mean, this tuxedo is kinda big. Do you have something slightly smaller?” SooHae said. “Certainly miss.. just wait for a moment”, the shop assistant left and SooHae and Leeteuk were standing there. Awkward silence filled them. After much fuss about the right size, they finally agree to buy the one that he tried earlier.

They left the boutique and got silent after what happen. Then, their stomachs rumbles and they looked at each other and smiled. Both of them were hungry. The decided to eat first before buying the shoes. On their way to the restaurant, they finally talked to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. While talking, a tall figure suddenly came towards them. SooHae gasp at the figure. “Why?” “That guy.. the one coming our way..” before SooHae even finishes her words, the tall guy reached them. “SooHae? Is this really you?” “I’m....” “It is you!”, the guy said and immediately hug SooHae. Leeteuk can feel himself flaring at the guy’s action. Leeteuk broke the hug by pulling SooHae’s hand. “Oh? Who are you?”, the guys asked. “I’m... I’m.....” “He’s my friend.. what are you doing here?” SooHae answered.Well, that’s not what Leeteuk wanted to answer but since she answered faster, there’s nothing that he can do about it.  “Well, I’m just walking around.. What about you?” “Same”, Leeteuk just stand there and flare up even more cause he felt neglected. “I got to go..”,SooHae said. “What..but we just met..I miss seeing you”

“WHAT?! Missed seeing SooHae?! Who is this guy?!”, Leeteuk screamed mentally. He can’t take it anymore! He took Soohae by the wrist and drag her from the tall pestering guy.. He can hear the guy’s “Hey” at leeteuk’s outburst but didn’t care. He don’t like the guy one bit. “ouch oppa!Let me go”,SooHae struggle and let loose of herself. “What’s up with you?”, Leeteuk asked. “What’s up what with me?” “That guy.. Who is he? Why did he say he missed you?” “What.... Ughh.... That useless guy is my ex.. His name is Yoong Joon.. but why are you so angry?”, Leeteuk who now only realises about his outburst, felt embarrassed. “Ahh..N..Nothing... Let’s just buy the shoes and go.. I don’t the appetite to eat anymore” Leeteuk said. “You know what.. I don’t I have the mood to go shopping anymore.. Let’s just go back. I’m tired”, SooHae said and turn around and left Leeteuk. He had to run for a bit to catch up with her. “She must be angry at me for rudely dragging her away”, He thought. In the car, the drive back was quite. “SooHae-ah, I’m....” “Oppa.. I’m not in the mood. I’m want to rest. Wake me up when we arrive at my place”, SooHae cut’s Leeteuk’s word with her cold reply. Leeteuk just obeyed and drive silently. They arrive at her place and she just got down from the car took her bag and left without saying a word. Well, she just said thank you but that’s it. She did not even wave. She just got in the house and closed the door without looking back.

“ JungSoo!! You screwed it! You stupid! stupid!!Ahhh!!!”, Leeteuk scolded himself. He drive home and arrived home with sad expression. “Hyung.. What happened?” “Teuk-ah, wae?” “Are you ok hyung?”, He was bombarded with questions upon entering the dorm but he reply neither and went straight to his room...



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ughhh...sorry bout this laptop is alksdfkdfsj ughh..sorry readers ;~;


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 22: Pleaseeee~ Update! It's so interesting! *o*
MrsPark_ELF95 #2
Chapter 22: update!!update!! ><
minn95 #3
Chapter 22: e.e. APPAAAAA!!! your dimples!!! ;~~~~; GIMME GIMME!!xDD asdfghjkl *SALEEE SALEEEE XDDDD UPDATE SOONER OR LATER..xD appa is a sale too xDDDD LOLLLLLLL
Chapter 22: kyaaaaaaaa!!!!! i was afraid that he would not like it!! but it was the exact opposite!! XD kyaaa i'm so happy!!!

thank you too! for a wonderful story!! :D i'm looking forward for the next chapter!! :D
minn95 #5
Chapter 21: Dear appa, I'm your future daughter xD and OH EM GEE GYUGEEGEE! xD how can you not figure that out.. -_-''
Chapter 21: someone's preggy!! XD i wonder what's going to happen next,, :)
leeteukbaby #7
Chapter 21: Is she pregnant? :D
minn95 #8
Chapter 20: how can a human actually squeal like a whale? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD RLAB update sooooooonnnnn! *shoot daggers* :PPPPPP *flies away with Kai and Tao*
1004ica #9
Chapter 20: Please update soon!! :))) I love your story.. :D
It makes me blush kkkk. Since I'm a Leeteuk biased, I really love it kkk. Update update soon please *puffy eyes* <3
Chapter 20: i'm glad that you finally updated!!! :D how long has it been?? anyways i'm glad that you're back!!! :D