Why are you pushing me away?

Our guitar's love story


Song: Though i call




Jinyoung's POV


There were only five days left before the sixty days is up. I visit her often to make her smile. However, I could tell that she is becoming weaker.

"Jinyoung, I think its time for you to stop coming here." ~~~~ said.
I was shocked by what she said. I remained quiet as I did not know how to answer her. I turned around and closed my eyes.
"Why are you pushing me away?"
There was silence. She did not answer. I turned around and grabbed her hand. I was angry at her for pushing me away. I love her and it’s hard for me to see her in this condition.
"Please let go! You're hurting me!" She screamed in pain.
Several doctors and bodyguards rushed in and took me out of the room.

Her father did not ban me from going to their house but he asked me not enter her room because she didn't want to see me. I was upset and I locked myself in my room for four days. Soon the sixtieth day of our contract arrived and I was crying in my room.

My dad came in and talked to me. The gap between my dad and I had vanished after his accident. He became a good father and I guess it’s because he realized that we only have each other in this world. I told him about what happened at ~~~~'s place, how I felt about her and the whole story about how we met.

"Son," he said as he patted my back,
"do you really love her?"
I looked at him and thought of her.
"I do, I have never felt this way before."
"Then what are you waiting for? Go there my son! You told me that you are her only friend. I know she needs you. Girls tend to be vulnerable when they are in pain. That might be the reason why she acted that way. You are a man and you should fight for her. No matter how hard she pushes you away, never give up and never lose hope. Don't ever let her go."

I rushed to her home after hearing what my dad said. It was raining but I didn't care. All I know was I needed to be by her side. It might have been the last day of our contract but I decided that I'll still visit her at her house until she gets better. I will also tell her how I feel.

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Awwww, that was so sweet
chas_ssmentrok #2
Omagash @___@<br />
the last chapter gave me goosebumps :0<br />
this story is so daebak!<br />
<3<br />
you scared me ahha anyways nice ! :D
awww :)