The Guardian of Howling Whisperer

The Guardian's : Return

Madness in this life of mine makes me more excited

Just like that howling that always whispering in every heart, disturbing yet addictive

Pulled me to be closer to you


In Early February of 2009, South Korea

            The crowded place always make most of people feeling annoyed or stressful while other felt happy surrounded by other. But not like others, the boy that look like a normal 17th years old teenager make an expressionless face while strolling in fast pace because his long leg. He wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans and carried a deep blue bag in his shoulder. His face is handsome and stand out among the crowd, making others side-glance him or whispering compliment.

            Outside the gates, there is a tanned teenager waving his hand toward the expressionless boy while shouting “Sehunnie! Hunnie! Ya, Oh Sehun!” because the said boy didn’t respond his call, instead he walk carelessly.

             “oh, kkamjong hyung… you came” said Sehun to the ‘kkamjong hyung’ when his shoulder got smacked by the said boy. His expression got nothing but blank and dazed, making him look like a statue, while the other teenager making a hopeless and frustrated ones.

            “Really… why can’t you seem happier to see me around? And my name is Jongin, call me that! Anyways, how is your parents? Did they okay? Any change?”

            “My step father still got wasted at his homes, I think, and as always my mother flew from other country to others again… Nothing much going” Sehun blantanly tell without much care. Jongin frown a bit, he actually can predict it will still the same as before, but he had a small hope to see Sehun parents to change for the better.

            “Well then, why didn’t you come with me to have a bubble tea you love? I will treat you and after that we can hang out with my dancing team” said Jongin that make Sehun face light up. If there is one thing he loves, it is Bubble Tea.



            Sehun stare at the starless sky while relaxing in the rooftop of his home. He lives alone mostly, his dad has already been passed away when he still in the Kindergarten, his mother rarely, even close to never been in home for a long time, while his step-father have another mansion that his mother bought for him. He actually glad about his step-father lived far away from him, because he really hates his step-father. His step-father is the one who push his mother to throw him in the mental hospital 3 years ago, even though he know that his mother also abandon him while he struggle in there. He know his mother saw him as embarrassment of family and his step-father saw him as an eyesore, so he come to accept his fate to be unwanted child.

            One year locked in mental hospital change his entire lives. He became expressionless, depressed, withdrawn, slightly unresponsive, and dropped his talking ability that makes him have lisp and ruin his confidence to talk and react. He knows that he is a freak because he can hear a thing that’s no one can’t. But he still can’t handle the way of mental hospital treat him. He got locked in a windowless white room, treated like a thrash, sedated when he talk a bit too much, get a yucky food that resulting him to drastically lose weight, and many more memories that he want to buried, while in reality even until now he still wakes in the middle of the night because of nightmare about returning to that place.

            He can remember a few days before he discharges from there, he committed suicide because he can’t take the madness anymore. The whispered sound of everyone at first makes him think that he just have a sensitive hearing, so he checked it to hospital but the result didn’t indicate of something abnormal about his hearing. Day by day, his hearing turn to be madness, he can abruptly hear screaming, laughing, or other sound making him to freaked out. Since then he always wear headphone and turn on his music loudly to muffle it. But still, his ability sharper and become more unbearable, also he realize that his ability actually comes from his ability related to air to the point he can know what that air contain, like sound, smell, even it is substances but it is unstable, uncontrollable.

            While in the hospital, he tries a few of suicides, but that attempt failed because of the air protect him or got founded by the nurse. In the end, he used his ability to max and when it gone berserk it cut him to death, but then the miracle happen. In the midst of dying, he saw a figure come from the door and walking to him, he can only see the red glow with beautiful golden streak in that eyes. That eyed stare at him and then he can faintly hear a deep-husky voice that tell him to rest and said everything will be okay. When he opened his eyes again, he can see the ceiling of his hospital room still fine like nothing happen, he lift his hand that should be covered by scar the night before but he can’t see any trace of wound in it. But the more amazing thing is that there is no weird whisperer anymore. He still can hear a bit of sound the air carried, but nothing like piercing ear or anything like that. When he slowly get up, he felt his right biceps burning and the skin behind his ear twitching like a pulse, so he trail his finger in that place but there is nothing unusual, but he became speechless when he see there is a tattoo in it. There is a tattoo look like a hexagon in his biceps glowing in blue while behind his ear there is something like a claw wound in black. He thought he really got mad in this state because there is no way a tattoo can be glowing and appear out of nowhere. But, then he found that no one can see it beside him, and so his attitude got improved in doctor eyes and got discharges soon after.

            The chilly air pulled him back from his reverie and he decided to go out because he becomes boring and hungry. Not long before he lock his house, his cellphone ringing and Jongin face pop up in ID call. “Ne, hyung… Aniyo, I’m about to go out… I got it, I’ll be there… hmm… yes, bye”.



            Music already can be heard behind the club front door where the bouncers scan the people. Sehun stare boringly into the empty air while standing in line to go to the club where Jongin and his dance crew hang out right now. This club is very famous beside the fancy club near it, and he already a regular in this place thanks to Jongin, also the food is delicious too so he often had a dinner there. Not too long after that, there is a hush tone of warning, “GO MASTER, RUN!!! I’LL GUIDE YOU AND I PROMISE THIS TIME I’LL PROTECT YOU!” then a gush of wind out of nowhere come and push him to move. Sehun shocked a bit, but his instings tell him to follow that voice so he run like the end of life hangs in there. A second after that, a bullet rain come down and pierce few of people behind sehun, and that it chase after him, making Sehun horrified, but the bullet never graze him even a strand of his hair because the wind shelter and protect him, making something look like a barrier while he still run in guide of the wind also. After a few block he run like a crazy man, he found himself in the door of a fancy club he know, the most famous and grand club where only a VIP can get through, even some famous or richest people can be rejected in there. At first, Sehun didn’t want to come in there, but the intensity of bullet rain magnify that making a crack in his-somewhat wind barrier, so he just open the door and run through the glamourous corridor.

            His breath is shallow and his head feel light after that crazy marathon, but after he realize the attack stopped, he slow down his pace and just walk slowly, unsure. He actually never step in this club because it’s too fancy and there is a rumour about this club being a black market base or something like that, so he didn’t want to set a foot in here, but the wind still push him to go through this corridor that have a very interesting wallpaper. It shaped like an old tree, there is also some kind of pattern he never know or a mythical beast also, ‘God, is the owner like this kind of fairytale? He must be a… wait, there is a hexagon thing similar to my freaky tattoo! Did the wind guide me here to meet my tattoo creator? I can ask what the tattoo secret of glowing and undetectable by other… not that I ever see it glowing again after that day only, but still’ before he know, he already in front of bouncer but not like any bouncers, this one is very neat in the black suit, muscular but not too bulky, attractive, also have a dignify aura around him.

            “You’re attacked… Deathblood’s after you? Are you the one that make that barrier? Wizard or Pureblood Vampire or other?” ask the man that furrowed his brow and have a tint of concern.

            “I.. I’m indeed attacked but I don’t know any deathblood, wizard, or something like that… Are you high? Well, you don’t look like that, but…” Sehun stop his mouth when he look at the man, now lean on him and sniffing.

            “You’re not anything like that, different, but… Ah, can you show me your bicep? I know there is some incantion there… maybe you’re a mate of someone who put that mark on you… I must know before let you in that door” The man lightly said while pointed two doors behind him.

            Sehun still unsure but the voice come again, louder and clearer now, it sound very husk almost like a growling “Master, it’s okay! Show him and also tell him, you want to meet Master of Vrgard in the name of Wyrha”. After repeating the word, the man imedietally bow in respect, open the black door in the left and tell him to go into the counter bar beside the stair. Before he go, he can hear the man whisper ‘Deathblood come near, hunt them! Lord, must want to see them, so at least let’s capture one ’. When he comes, he can hear a loud music muffled every sound in the air, but the scent is really weird yet nostalgic. The place is full of unique people, even their behavior is different than the norms, some is a neck or some just drink a mixing he never look before, the color is very cool.

            ‘Oh wow, this really a fancy place! Is that really drinkable? It’s sparkling like a galaxies, whoa so cool, I want to try it’ Sehun look around the grand place in awed, but his face expressionless still. He finally saw the counter bar in the corner of this spacious hall, so he stride to there but he doesn’t know who he looking for. “Excuse me, do you know Master of Vrgard?” Sehun asked the bartender that mixing some drink.

            “Who are you? You look new to me” The man ask him in return. Sehun shocked to see the bartender eyes that has a slit and he finally notice that the man skin filled by a tattoo.

            “Uhm… I never come here, so of course I’m new. I come here by the guide of Wyrha?”

            “Oh god, tell Lord Kris that the boy is finally here! Something serious must be happened if The Exotic awakened out of nowhere! Where is Sia that responsible of him!” shout the other man beside him. The bartender clicked his tongue while punching some number in his phone.

            “Kris, the boy is here and with exotic… I know, I think Liam and the guard is hunting that’s why I didn’t receive any message… yes… okay” The man hang up the phone then swirled to face Sehun. “Kris will be here soon after taking some pre-caution, I’m Faust and you can sit here for awhile, and also this man is Jackson” said Faust while introduce him to the man that shouted before, beside him.

            “Can I know what’s going on? If what you mean by Liam is the bouncer, I heard that he tell someone to hunt deathblood or something and want to capture it… not that I know anything though” Sehun stare at the cake and the drink he want before being brought to him. The cake is chocolate devil which he likes and the galaxies drink he’d curious about. “How can you know I want this”

            “Margareth, the cook, is mind reader. It is an honor to meet you, the choosen ones” Jackson lightly smile but then change to look uneasy now. “Aish, how can Lord come here with deathblood in tow… even though I know it will never come lose from his cage but still it’s creepy as ”.

            “Faust, we will close the bar down for tonight… call the other here and fix Liam and the other! Jackson, call JB and the pack, I know they got something I want to know. And Sehun, just finish your dessert, Xiumin will fill you what you want to know” Faust, the bartender look at the man who command him in a worried glance. The new man is tall, neck short blond hair that tied in half, and have a slender frame; he wore a red jacket with black leather, white t-shirt, black leather pants, booth in black also, and Sehun notice the horn earing. He strolled calmly while there is a commotion cause by something Sehun bet is the thing he dragged with black metallic chain that screaming and trashing. “Shut it. You’re noisy” said the man and the thing is quite.

            Sehun can hear the sound of other whisper and the color of his face quickly faded. ‘Lord Kris really capture the deathblood! Oh god, what is in his mind? Even though I know the thing will never escape that hell’s chain, but it is disgusting’ ‘Oh, look at that poor thing, even though he is soulless but I bet he will regret to be born after fall into Lord hand’ ‘Lord really will make that thing his source of information? How?’. The said Lord Kris eyed Sehun and smirk a bit.

            “Wyrha, I’m glad you can protect him in time… Unfortunately, my men that should protect him died. Wait, everyone, the bar is closed for now, so the one that isn’t the head, go back, I have some meeting here” Kris said it in the normal tone, but surprisingly everyone heard him and vanish in an instant. “I think you can show yourself now, Wyrha!” After there is just a few people there, out of nowhere there is a gush of wind beside him that come and shaped in the white tiger.

            “Lord Kris, the master of Vrgard, nice to see you again. Tiesha told me to send you her regard, said that thank you for protecting our master and her” That white tiger, wyrha, lowered his head that come up like a bow to Kris.

            “My pleasure. So, did he awaken his full power? I can’t feel the mark yet”

            “No, not really. I break the codes to protect him, that’s why my barrier and my power not strong enough to defend other people”

            “It’s okay, I already handle that issue and I will exclude your behavior. But, I think we should seal you again, for now. The power is still overburden his body”

            “Thank you, Lord Kris” Then from Sehun back appear a blue strings that attached in Wyrha neck, then the white tiger suddenly vanish to along with the strings. Sehun really confuse with the event and then there’s cute guy that look like a baozi patting his head.

            “I’m the one that called Xiumin by Kris before. I know your mind is in a chaos now, so I will fill you the situation a bit. Don’t worry, you are not crazy and in some weird dream or something like that. Also, don’t afraid of Kris, he just had a bit different world inside his head, he will not harm you, so just continue eating your dessert… This place really has a good chef” Xiumin said and smile mildly while sitting beside Sehun and drink a glass of something look like a cold water with crystal snow inside.


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Chapter 4: it's been a long time since your last update, author-nim
keep up the good work and fighting :)
DinojiRyeo #2
hope u update soon :)