Xiumin, The Master of Frost Spirit

The Guardian's : Return

-A week later, around 11pm-


            Minseok look up at the red banner of the club and fidgeting around the red door with complicated pattern. He is still unsure to come in but his curiousness beat it so he slowly walking through the door.

            The corridor he walking in is glamourous with a tint of mysterious aura around it. The music can be heard now and Minseok see a man in black suit with muscular body standing in front of two black doors. Minseok pull out his ID card and show it to the said man, but the said man eyed him before spoke to him. ”Are you the one that called Minseok? Can you show me your right arm please?”

            “Huh?” Minseok furred his brow, but without any notice, the man grab his wrist and roll his sleeve until the tattoo come in sight. The man bow respectfully then he open the black door with a weird word that look like a latin but a bit different, in golden vortex and gesture him to come inside. Minseok come inside that look like a grand hall and find it in dominant black and red colors, while still in confusion because usually the tattoo can’t be seen by other than him. There is a black furniture and bloody red sofa arranged neatly and the lamp glow beautifully that make the hall gave out a y feels but in the time glamourous and elegant. The room filled with strange but familiar mixing scent but he can’t recall what it is exactly. He observed the surrounding but didn’t find the weird stranger anywhere. He walked further ahead and found the bar in the corner of the hall beside the stair to the dance floor.  When he heads to the bar, there are four guys block him and sniff him like it is a normal thing to do.

            “What’s your name, dear? Your smell is so delicious…it’s like a fresh morning dew and first snow! It’s similar with frost child but yours indeed mouth-watering…do you want to join us? I’ll make sure you will taste a great pleasure” the red haired guy told him with annoying smirk all over his face. Minseok ignore him and try to pass them but a strong arm make away in his waist making his body pulled toward the red haired man. He tried to pry the arm but the latter is stronger and minseok froze when he felt a in his neck. He really scared and can’t think anything. He struggle and shouting like a mad man but the other just stare him boringly, seeing that he really furious and his anger boiling inside him. He felt a burning inside his body, like the last time and somehow the guys that surround him move away in inhuman speed except the red haired guy who becomes an ice sculpture.

            “W..wha..who are you! What you’ve done to him! He is the type that dodge any physic damage to him!” scream one of the guy and the room filled with a murmur that confuse about him. Some people once again surround him but the different is that now he is surrounded by a bunch of people with a fight stance. Minseok recovered from his shock and close his eyes when one of the guy is about to attack him. But nothing come like expected and the hall that firstly loud of cheers and laugh, now become an eerily silence. Minseok open his eyes slowly, slightly afraid that someone still want to attack him but finding no one look at him anymore. All the people is a bit trembling, most of them had their eyes on the floor and the other look directly at the bar where there is someone standing.

            “What all of you doing now? … I hate to have a fight in my place” come the sound Minseok recognize belong to the weird stranger he searching this whole time.

            “Kris, this guy is dangerous! Kwanhee become an ice sculpture because of him! He must be some agent of negative force in disguise” a short guy with a soft feature glare at Minseok. Minseok didn’t understand anything that guy say and decide to ignore him then walk closer to the weird stranger that guy called Kris.

            “Kris? Your name is Kris? Anyway, now I’m here, hurry and tell the truth to me and did you the one that put this damn weird tattoo?!” said Minseok completely ignore the other who got speechless with his attitude toward Kris.

            Kris lips twitch upward, but in an instant make an indifferent face again. “Hmm… I think we should neutralize him first before he really frozen to death by your uncontrolled power”

            “What??? I don’t do anything to him! When I open my eyes, he already becomes an ice sculpture… I didn’t do that!”

            “Bull! Don’t lie, you damn descendant of yuki-onna!!!” shout the short guy and in instant Minseok already pinned down and got chocked. Minseok gasp for an air desperately before the one that chocked him got yanked harshly by Kris.

            “Jin, don’t be rude to him. You’ll just become an ice sculpture like Kwanhee if you push him to his edge” warn Kris before help Minseok to stand and whispering Minseok something.

            “This is crazy… Are you sure Kris, because it makes nonsense at all! If it failed I swear I’ll strangle you to death!!!!!!!! Ugh… this will make me look like an idiot” threaten Minseok to Kris who just shrug it off. Then Minseok grumbled while come closer to Kwanhee and do what Kris said to him. He put his right palm to Kwanhee forehead and he inhale before he let out a commanding sound that make other tremble even without Minseok himself know. “Oh, the frost spirit who hast been with me all along and dwelled in the core of my soul, heed my word! I, Xiumin, One of the chosen ones shall bestowed him forgiveness and take back my curse upon him! Thee the one who beseech forgiveness of what thou hath wrought, I release thou from thy curse”.

            Suddenly, the air pressure make other chilled and there is a bluish light surround Kwanhee body before the body becomes normal again. The light form into some figure of women and bow to Minseok and Kris before it disappear into a thin air. After that, there is a commotion and finally some of them speak up a loud. “My Goddess…One of the guardians came back to us!”


            Minseok felt dizzy and terrible before he stumbled to Kris arm, who support him at the right time. “As you know, He has been reborn but he doesn’t strong enough so keep silent about this. Yuri, I will head out home first…you handle this mess, okay” Kris help Minseok walk to the door but Minseok can’t help but faint.



            Minseok open his eyes and gasped out in amazement. ‘Did I already been in Heaven? Wow so beautiful’ he thought looking to his surrounding that is a big room filled with a crystalize ornament. The lamp, night stand, frame, even his bed head,  made by some blueish crystal that looks fragile yet solid when he touch it. Minseok daze off because that room look so much like the hall in his dreams but his thought interrupted by the sound of woman.

            “Ah, I’m glad you gain your consciousness! You make me worried that your body right now didn’t suitable to use that power yet, but Kris said that it will be alright”

            “Who are you? Where am i? Did I already in heaven”

            “I’m Yuri, you can say I’m a friend of Kris, you are in our mansion so, no, you’re not yet in the heaven” Yuri chuckle and close the distant between them. “How are you feeling now? Did you feel nausea? Oh my, I forgot that you must be hungry right now”

            “Huh?” Right after Yuri remind him about his hunger, his stomach growl shamelessly. Minseok faces become red of embarrassment where Yuri’s just smiling.

            “Let’s go to the dining room! I bet that Kris already prepare our breakfast” Yuri says holding Minseok hand and drag him to dining room that really is huge. The dining room shaped like a circle, there is a round table that filled with twelve seats and a weird thing is that each seat, have a different cushion and embroider. There is a red cushion with golden dragon embroider, green one with somewhat like a brown wolf embroider, and many other thing, but what catch his eyes the most is the one with white cushion with snow embroider that very elegant and familiar so he sat in that seat just like it belong to him.

            “Why did you must bring other seat? The other seat is vacant, right?” ask Minseok when he saw Yuri suddenly brought other seat from somewhere at the back. He can’t help but looking around the room with the corner of his eyes because to say it frankly, the room is so grand and look like some palace in the fairytale.

            “Hm…you will find out later, we will explain it. Let’s eat first, wait… I will help Kris for a bit” Yuri walk to the kitchen and find Kris still making the pancakes. She tug the hem of Kris loose shirt and whining, “Yah…I’m hungry! Faster please”.

            “Don’t whine like a child, it’s making me goose bump…remember your age” Kris brush Yuri off where Yuri pout. “It’s your fault for not wake me earlier! Just help me make my Americano coffee…you and Minseok will have a tea right? I already make that”

            “So rude! I don’t wake you earlier because you will obliviously in a bad mood for a day…well, forget it! Let’s just be hurried” They chatting happily while Minseok stare at them with an obvious face of curiousness. When Yuri and Kris set the breakfast in the table, he can’t help but asking them,

            “Are you two…uhm…”

            “Please don’t say anything that is in your mind right now! Ugh…why everyone that saw us will think something like that, it makes me frustrated” Yuri cut Minseok word and inhale deeply. “No, Minseok we’re not. This guy is not my type… anyway we are a good buddies and you can say that he is my guardian in here and so in the other side”

            “I think we will discuss it when we are done with the breakfast… I know that you’re confuse as hell right now, but maybe it will take a long time for us to explain it to you so it is better to fill our stomach first” said Kris immediately before Minseok asking another question.



            Yuri chuckle after she looked a tense up face of Minseok, “Kris, I think you better explain it now or someone will die in confusion! Look at his face…it’s amusing yet I can’t laugh out loud because how serious he is”

            “What do you want to know?” ask Kris sip his coffee while look into Minseok eyes directly that make Minseok realize something weird.

            “Wait, are you some cosplay freak?! Your eyes… ughhh, Whatever… Just tell me all you know about this matter I’m involved” Minseok give up trying to think with his logic now, because from the moment he meet Kris, there is nothing that can be solve with his logic anymore.

            “All of it will be take a whole year to take it… Simply put, in our system there is 12 planets that divided into two dimension, each planet have their guardian who protect their balance energy with the source of the power system who tangible like a tree. The guardian power, come up from the tree too and it choose one soul each represent power who will bear the power when our universe unbalance by negative force. I’m one of those guardian and you too even in your previous life”

            “So I’m not a human being?” Minseok paled

            “Your vessel right now is a human, actually… And you will be a human if you wish it…but it will be pain in the if you can’t use your power at full force in the future though”

            “What future?? Did I must use my power? Even though I don’t know what my power is, I still refuse to use it! Can you just make it gone or take it from me?”

            “No one can take your power because you’re born with it … oh wait, there is someone who can take it but then you will die after it taken. But maybe after you finish up your task as a guardian, you can be a human again without being dead… it is if you still wish it” Yuri point out. “Oh, by the way, your power is consist with ice and temperature. With times, I’m sure all of your concern will be answered”

            “How can you know and so sure that I have a power even I didn’t know it! And did Yuri is one of the guardian?”

            “We, a guardian, have some link with each other present. I sense of your and the others reincarnation, even when you are still in your mother womb, but I know I must wait until you all awaken and no, Yuri isn’t guardian, she more like elder” said Kris with the same expressionless face but somehow Minseok can feel some tint of sadness in it, but it quickly change to mocking ones.

            “Yaaa! Don’t you ever say I’m elder, I don’t like it!!! Did you know that you are the old ones, wait not old but ancient!!! You are made by the core of Vrgard so you are as ancient as it!”

           “Yuri, Aretsu said that don’t forget to make sure to activate your defense and regenerating skill, He look offended by your choice of word and I really recommend you to be careful, he can be nasty sometimes” Kris smirk while Yuri look a bit pale and flustered.

          “B..but I didn’t mean it to him! Aish Kris, you must use fushion for awhile and make me look..” before she finish her complaint, Minseok hold up his hand and said weakly.

            “Please… I think for today it is enough… let me digest it. But still, I have another question about this matter later and other thing… Many of it”

            “Oh well, but I think it’s better if you stay here for now on. You must be trained so you can control your power without that restrain. About your absent, I’m already handle it, to be frank. Umm, tomorrow you can back to school normally.”  Yuri said to Minseok before she remembered something urgent. “And Kris, I think we must begin our movement. That child, commit suicide this time and there is a word from the pack that they sniff the rotten but failed to trace it, it’s not good… we must push forward our hunting”

            “Hhhh… well, I expect it will be like this after Xiumin got his power back. Okay then, I will fix him up a bit and please notice others that ‘the head assembly’ held tomorrow night in this mansion. Send Vic and Yoona to The Clock, I will warn Kevin. And I want all pact to be here! All of them must bring their companies, I will give them their share of work. Oh, and Minseok, we will advance your training, so, you better prepare. ” Kris said before he took off somewhere leaving Minseok behind with his jaw dropped to the floor while Yuri smiling in amusement.



I'm sorry it's not an update... but this edit have an extra so please read it again...

so sorry for neglect this fanfic... i have a disease... they called it writerblock kekekkekee

anyways, i will try to update again soon...

please suscribe and please comment and also who do you think that commit suicide??? kekekekke the next chap will revealed it

thanks so much for my lovely subscribers! arendelEmy_567ReiSamabuterflybackDinojiRyeoxuan947xing_honey2Yaone_Lhafarinfinsmileasyoucanchachiibluellelee200Amanda91xingtaeatieqahyusofhahahaharlequinxiixao_s__rintintin, and SUJU5253

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Chapter 4: it's been a long time since your last update, author-nim
keep up the good work and fighting :)
DinojiRyeo #2
hope u update soon :)