

~Minhae's POV~

I noticed a tear fall off his cheeks.

"Don't cry." I let go of him and wiped off the tear.

The subway left us standing there.

"Don't ever dare to cross over the yellow line ever..." I used my stern voice on him and dagged the dude with me.

"Why are you dragging me with you?" he finally broke the silence.

"Because I don't want you to suicide. I was frightened when I didn't see you at the cafe for like a billion years."

"You mean six months." He corrected me.

"NO!! IT'S A BILLION YEARS IN MY WORLD." I kept holding tight onto his hands.

I saw him smile a bit through the corner of my eyes.

"Why were you out? Were you starving to death? You have gotten skinny.....LIKE REALLY BADLY...." I asked.

"No....I just thought that if I lost wait a bit then people wouldn't ignore me."

"Then tell me.....When you started drugs?" I asked him another personal questions.

"It's none of your buisness." he said a bit rude.

I paused and stared straight into his eyes.

"It is....Cause then if you're dead then I wouldn't forgive myself for saving you or drag you out of the living hell."  I went back to dragging him with me.

He didn't say anything until I got to the chicken house again.

"Annyoung has sae yo. What would you like to order?" The person asked me.

"2 whole extra gangjang chicken and 3 whole extra yangnyeom chicken please."

"That is 82man-won." The cashier gave me my recipt.

"What are you going to do with that much chicken?" the bartender asked.

"Ha ha. You will know..."

"I know your name, but you don't know mine." the bartender said.

"Oh..It's.....Nah I don't know." I joked around.

"It's Kim Minseok. You can call me Xiumin if you like."

"Oh.Okay." I make and okay sign with my hands.

"And call me oppa." He cooed.

"Oppa????? How old are you?" I asked him.

"25." He chuckled, "People say that I look like a high schooler so I understand that you might be freaked out."

"Hul!!! No way........." I looked at his face intensely adn tried to see if he was lying or not.

"Yes way." he started laughing.

"I don't know if you are lying or joking or telling the truth." I shrugged and dragged him with me again to buy beer from the convenice store that was next to the chicken resteraunt.

"Do you want one?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.


The cashier stared at us when we put down five packs of beer.

"Uh...May I see both of your license?" the dude asked.

I gave out mine and Minseok gave him his.

"No way... You both look really young. Are you seriously 22?" he asked me, "and are you seriously 25?!" he asked Minseok.

"Hul!!!! WUT?!" I took Minseok's license from the dude.

It was...

"So you weren't joking when you said that I should call you oppa??!!!!" I flipped out on him.

"I told you." He told me as if he was singing a song.

"Mwoh? You both don't know each other?" the cashier asked as he started scanning.

"No. He's my favorite bartender at this cafe and we met coincidently, so we are having a chicken party." I said not caring about the cashier dude staring at us as if we were crazy people.

"Well, have a nice chicken party." the dude said as we left.

"Thanks!" I shouted back.

"Seriously? Chicken party?" Minseok said.

"What you don't like my idea? Well I can't wait, until the feast starts." I said sitting down at a bench and taking out a can of beer.

"I mean still.. What the heck is a chicken party?" He chuckled again at my silliness.

"Don't judge me when it comes to food." I handed him a beer can.

"Who says I am. I'm just staying. You could have said we are having a chicken feasting party." we both took a sip of our beer.

"THAT'S A BETTER IDEA!!!!" I shouted out and stood up suddenly.

"Minhae-yah???????Are you drunk already??" Minseok asked.

"No. I think my chicken is out there waiting for me." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me till I got home.


"Yah. I need to go back home. I need to sleep." Minseok whined.

"No. You are having a chicken feast with us." 


"I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!" I shouted as I opened the door.

"Oh!! MINHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHYUK FOUND YOU DRUGS!!!!!!!" Haejin ran over and paused as soon as she saw Minseok.

"MINHAE!!!!!!I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO..........." Minhyuk ran over too and paused just like Haejin.

"What the heck? Why are you guys standing there?" I looked at where they were staring at..... "Oh.. Come and say "Hi" Minseok."

"Aren't I older than you?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I mean Minseok oppa."

"Annyoung ha sae yo. Kim Minseok ibnida." Minseok oppa bowed poitely.

"Annyoung ha sae yo. Ju nun Kang Mihyuk ibnida. And this is..."

"Annyoung ha sae yo. Ju nun Im Haejin ibnida." the two bowed back poitely.

"So Minseok oppa is 25 years old so he is older than all of us. Haejin, you have seen oppa before at that cafe I like to go to. He's the bartender." I gave her info.

"WHAT??!?! " She stared at him up and down. "HOLY !!!!!! YOU GAVE ME THE LIGHT TO HAVE HOPE FOR LOSING MY WEIGHT!!!!!!" she bowed.

"Minhyuk? Is she drunk?" I asked.

"No.......I think she's just either fangirling or crazy about her diet..."

"You're not even chubby though." Minseok oppa pointed out.

"I need to lose weight o' God almighty!" she kept bowing to oppa as if she was an involved religious person and oppa was the God.

"All right. All right. Enough with the religion you are creating and let's eat chicken!!!!" I held out chicken and gave beer to oppa, Haejin and me.

"Seriously? When I told you to stop drinking?" Minhyuk asked.

"I wonder how a goody two shoes can stand us." Haejin giggled like a child.

"I'm not a goody two shoes!!" Minhyuk whined.

"Sure. Okay." I sarcastically laughed.

"So Hyung. Which college were you in?" Minhyuk asked Minseok oppa.

"Oh I went to Seoul University." He shrugged.

"NO WAY!!!!" The three younglings including me had said in unison.

"What? No...Don't tell me you guys did too!!!" Minseok guessed.

"We went to the same college too!!!!" I held my hand up high for Minseok oppa to highfive me.

"Which classes do you guys take?" Minseok oppa asked.

"All three of us have buisness." Haejin said.

"Don't tell me you guys have Mr.Lee." Minseok oppa pleaded.

"Oh. We three are in his class." Minhyuk frowned, "Why?"

"Holy !!!" I stood up.

"Minhae!!! How many times have I told you not to swear???!?!!" Minhyuk flipped out on me.

"Oppa!!!! You're Mr.Lee's favorite student!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I pointed out.

Minseok oppa flinched at the words,"favorite," and "student."

"No way!!! Oppa is the one that he keeps talking about??!!!!!" Haejin laughed.

"Seriously what's up with all the stuff he talks about you, hyung?" Minhyuk asked.

"Long story, so to make it short, let's just say that he asked me out and told me that he was gay because of me......" Minseok hid his face.

"HUL NO WAY!!!!!!!" I shouted.

"I suspected that." Minhyuk laughed.


"I'm not!!!! I said no." Minseok oppa was really red.


SO yeah....

That's how all of us got really friendly.....It was really fun too, but it was after a month that I noticed something going wrong.

~A month after we all met~

"Haejin!!!" I called out to her.

She looked confused for a second then surprised.

"Is something wrong?" I asked Haejin.

"No..." she said looking away.

"Oh...It's okay. Tell me when you feel ready." I told her.

"Hmmm." She nodded.

"So.. I haven't seen you in a while. Were you out at the country to visit your parents?" I asked her.

She seemed like she was keeping something from me as she nodded.

This clearly bothered me.

"Let's go grab luch at Minseok oppa's!!" I shouted happily.

"Uh...Minhae.....I ....I can't I don't really have an appetite and I promised that I will eat with Jaemin oppa(her boyfriend)." she smiled bitterly.

I started pouting. "You chose your boyfriend instead of me?!! I will never forget about that." I laughed as I joked.

"I really need to go, but let's meet up later!!" She waved.

"Okay. Bye!!" I waved back as I saw her turn around with her back facing torwards me and leaving.

I started walking over to Minseok oppa's.

"I wonder what's wrong with her. She seemed sad.....and....secretive...It feels like as if something happened as she went to her family....What am I thinking?!! It's none of  my buisness....Well I hope that she will tell me later..." I thought.

"Ding DIng." The bell on the door rang as I entered the familiar cafe.

The place was a bit noisy because of Minseok oppa's fangirls.

"Oh!! MINHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Minseok oppa came over to me and grabbed my bag to put it in the staff room like always.

After many people started to come to the cafe because of Minseok oppa and his friends. Who started calling this cafe the Exo planet.

Pft....i know how childish does it make them look like???

Well yeah.

"Luhan! I'm taking a break!" Minseok oppa shouted back to the deer.

Luhan gave a thumbs up to Minseok oppa as we sat down at a corner to talk to each other.

The fangirls gave me a disapproving look and looked disappointed as well as jealousy.

"Minhae......I feel like the sasaengs are going over board...." Minseok oppa sighed making sure no one heard them.

"Oppa it's because they love you, but I mean I agree that they sometimes go overboard. So how have you been doing?!" I asked.

"Not much, just tiring days......It feels lonely without you guys here....Don't tell the others that I said that." He added.

"LOL...Sure yeah yea.. I mean seriously oppa, don't you think that you are going overboard with your work?? I feel like that there are a like a million customers that come into this cafe."

"No really??!!" he asked.

"Wait....Really??! Is it that much?!!!!" I asked him.

"Yes...Why?" he dragged me with him to the coffee making machines.

"YOU guys are like rich...I bet.." I wriggled my eye brows.

Oppa started laughing, "I never knew that you would do those cheesy stuff." 

"Why can't I?" I laughed along with him.

"Yeah." he started making coffee for me.

"Well you're nice." I scoffed.

"Yeah I am." he said very sarcastically.

"Hyung don't make fun of Noona." Kai slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah." Sehun did the samething, but only took my arm and linked it with his.


"I swear you guys can be weird." I shook them off.

"Minhae's mine." Minseok oppa pulled me away from the guys.

"I'm no ones." I replied back.

"She's my customer." He frowned.

"Oh...." I started cracking up and so did the others including Kai, Sehun and Minseok oppa.

"Here." Minseok oppa handed my americano, "Get to class." he sended me off.

"Thanks oppa!!" I ran off.

As I entered from the abandoned side of the university I saw a girl coughing badly.

"Are you all right?" I went over and patted the girl's back.

Then I saw the face...and the bloodied hands.


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