Dating Her

Made From Heaven...

"It's because I love you"

She flinched hearing that, and started to panick, ok maybe I shouldn't have told her yet, maybe I should have wait.

"Oppa, I... I can't....."

"It's ok Jihyo-ya, I'm not asking anything from you, it's just the truth."

"Anio, how can you love me when you know... when you know.."

"I don't care Jihyo-ya, I don't care of your past. I love you and I want to help you ! I know you're freaking out right now and I'm sorry, I shoud have wait before telling you but it's ok, I don't exept you to give me an answer of something, I just want to be by your side and help you going out of here. I'll take it slowly ok. ? I won't ask anything from you just you to let me stay by your side."

"Oppa... I think I have a meeting with Kim-Seonsaengnim, can you leave I need to prepare myself ?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Arrasso, oppa will go ok !? But I'll come back later." I said to her and made my way to the door. In the corridor I met Kim-Seonsaengnim.

"Seonsaengnim !"

"Oh, Gary-shii ! What are you doing here ?"

"I just visited someone" I said smiling.

"Oohhhh... I see" he grinned to me knowing I met Jihyo.

"Is she doing great ?"

"It's ok, I know you like her but I can't tell you more, she's a patient and you're not her guardians."

"I understand, thank you Seonsaengnim." I bowed at him and he did the same then he leaved I so did I.

Next day I came back to Jihyo, she greeted me happily and we did not talk about my confession again, nor that day nor the next other months.


Once month later we finally acheive her goal, going out of the hospital. I wanted to accompagny her out but she told me not, because her mother was here to bring her home. So that day I waited not too far from the exit of the hosiptal and I saw her leave, she was smiling talking with her mother and to just see her smile made me happy. After she leaved I went back home and I texted her:

-Jihyo you're home now ?-

-Yes I am ! Finally, I'll sleep in my own bed !-

-Yes, that's great! Oppa wanted to see you but I guess you're tired and need to rest... Tell me when you're free ok!-

-Ok, mianhe oppa to not see you today-

-It's ok, I understand. Enjoy your time with your family and I'll see you later ok!-


I tried to make myself busy in order to think of something else than her. Since I met her I felt like I was becomming crazy, only thinking of her all day, I just needed to see any item and that would make me think of her. After that she hadn't contact me for three days. I was waiting patiently and nervously her message when it finally came.

-Oppa, you're free this afternoon ?-

-Of course I am ! What hour ?- I agreeded to see her even before she asked.

-Hum... 1.30pm is it ok for you ?-

-Ha... I have to wait 2 hours more.....-

-kkk so it's good ? Where should we meet ?-

-Yes it's good. I can come and fetch you, send me your adress. I recently got my car !-

-Already ? I thought you fail at your licence exam....-

-No, I thought I had fail but I received my licence so I haven't fail ^^-

-hum.. Is it really safe to get in your car ?-

-Ya ! you're not believing me ? Oppa's heart is crying.....-

-Hahaha.. arasso, arasso, I'll get in your car ^^ Here's my adress: XXXXXXXX-

-Good ! See ya~~-

I looked at my watch. Two hours more to wait....  Each second felt like minutes for me and those two hours felt like I waited for an eternity.
Two hours later I was waiting in her street when I saw her going out of her house, she turned around looking for me and I made light signal, she saw me and waved at me, then she ran to the car and got in.

"Annyeong~~" she greeted me with a smile.

"Look like you're really happy now that you're out of the hospital" I said to her.

"Well, it's as usual, It's not like something big has change, because my mom can be worse than doctors and nurses, she doesn't wanted me to go out for the past two days, even after leaving the hospital I don't feel like I get back my freedom yet".

"Really ? Well, you look like you're really happy, always smiling".

"It's because I'm happy to see you oppa". She told me like it was nothing but it made me feel weird, I felt something in my stomac. I cought avoiding her eyes.-"Hum, hum, let's go !" and I started to drive away. I stopped the car next to a park, we got out of the car and sat on the grass, under a big tree.


"Hum ?"

"Omma.... She wants me to go back to school...."

"Really ? Well she's right you have to get your diploma. Why you don't feel ready yet ?"

"I... I don't think so... I don't feel like going to school yet..."

"Why ?" and she stayed silent to my question.

"You're affraid ?" I tried my luck but she still didn't reply me.

"Ok, if you don't feel to speak about it, then don't I won't force you but I'll be here when you need to speak ok ! Remember what the doctor told you, it's better to speak of what you feel to someone than keeping it for yourself, at first you didn't wanted to speak to anyone but when you decided to speak with me you felt better right ?"

She nodded and lowered her head down, I heard her sob.

"Hey... What's wrong, why're you crying princess ?" But she kept sobbing so I side-hugged her.

"What's if, it's start again ?"

"What will start again ?"

"Rumours... people speaking behind my back..." I patted her back to help her calm down. I didn't knew how to make her feel better, I couldn't swear to her that those kind of thing would never happen agin because I didn't knew it for sure but I hopped and prayed for it to not happen again.

"You just need to change of highschool, you change of highschool, end your schoolar year and get your diploma, it's will only be a matter of few months, people won't talk behind your back because they won't know you. You know that I'm in the same state as you, I deceided to change my university, I applied in an other one where I'll study the law and also keep doing what I like : boxing but I'll have to wait until the next university year to start again my second year of college, next to my new university there is the coffee shop where I'll work while waiting to be able to get back at school and there also is an highschool maybe you can see and go there, like this oppa will be next to you and I'll come and take you home everyday".

"That would be good, I'll look for it and ask my mum" and she stopped sobbing. We spent our afternoon listening music, talking about our life and joking around.


Jihyo got back to school for the last few month of the scholar year, while I was working in the coffee shop next to the university, not far from her highschool. Every morning I fetched her to school, went working, on lunch break she would leave her shcool and come eat in the coffee shop, that's when I would take my lunch break and we would eat together.

"You have a pretty girlfriend" said my boss, on day, while serving us our food.

"Ah, thank you" I smiled, I knew she wasn't my girlfriend yet but as I love her I didn't bother deniying the fact. When my boss said that Jihyo choked with her juice and looked at me with round eyes. I smiled to her and muthered a "sorry". She rolled her eyes and kept on eating.

After our lunch I would always accompagny her till her Highschool gates and then leaved to work again. After she finished school and I finished my day I would always fetch her home.

"Jihyo-ya, wanna go out with oppa this afternoon ?" I asked her through the phone.

"Yes, why not oppa".

"Then should I come take you ?"

"Ok, but where will we go ?"

"It's a secret ! Be ready at 2pm. See you" And I hang out before letting her time to respond. I was smiling excited by my date plan with her.

At 2pm I waited for her not far from her house and I saw her running toward my car. As usual she was stunning. I parked the car near a café place and we got out of the car. I held her hand tightly and she looked at me in surprise but I smiled at her like as if it was nothing and I started walking towad the café still holding her hand in mine. We sat at a table near the window where we had a great vue on the park next the café. We ordered some cake and she asked for an Iced Americano while I waited for my Caramel Machiato. I stared at her face and I couldn't get enough of what I was seeing. I decided that today I'll be a little more agressiv with her. I decided that I wanted to show her my love again and I wanted to make her think about it once again. Because since that day at the hospital I never told her I loved her again. She caught my stare and looked at me confused.

"Is there somehing on my face oppa ?" she asked mongly

"Ani, you're just s pretty that I can't get bored looking at your face" I cheesly ansered her and she became more confused. Just then the waiter brought us our cakes and coffees. As soon as we got them we dug in the cake and started eating. When I looked back at her after finishing my cake she had cream on the corner of her lips. I smiled and leaned in front, I brushed her lips with my thumb and cleaned her. Surprised she flinshed a little but I got to clean her tottaly. I smiled at her while getting back on my seat as I waited for her to finish her cake none of us spoke nor that she looked at me. She had her head down.

Once she finished I paid and stood up. I gave her my hand and after few second she took it. We then walked toward the park next to the café. I was walking in front and she was walking behind but we were holding hands. It made me remember of those night in the hospital where we would walk in the coridor all night, her always behind me, because she couldn't sleep.
In the park we sat under a big tree and I let go of her hand.

"Jihyo-ya ?"

"Hum ?"

"Remember what I said to you that day ?"

"Wh-What ?" she stuttered and I knew she know what I was talking about

"I still think like this, I'll wait for you and I'm not asking you for an answer or something but.."


"I know.. you're not ready but I just want you to know I'll always be there for you and I'll wait for you, I don't want to put pressure on you and I'm sorry if it's what I'm doing but I just  want in the future we..."

"I'm scared oppa...."

"Of what ?"

"I don't know, scared of everything, of the days to come because I don't know what will happen in the future." Her eyes got watery

"Hey.." I said as I rubbed her hands in mines. "Nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow, but you know what... What I know for sure is that we will face up the future together ok ?" I letted go of her hands and brushed her cheek.

"Oppa... Will you really stay with me ? Won't you leave me ?" she asked looking into my eyes.

"Of course not ! Why would I leave you ? I won't ! I'll stay with you forever." I cupped her small face with my both hands and looked at her sincerly. I leaned my face toward hers and she closed her eyes, I took it as an approval for my comming action. I landed my lips on hers, our lips touched for a few second before I released her not wanting to abused of her. When I leaned backward she opened her eyes and looked at me, she was sighlty blushing, I could see her cheeks turning pink, I bet mines were too. She smiled to me. It was our first kiss.... Although it wasn't a deep kiss or a passionate one and that our lips only sightly touched for a few second before we parted, I couldn't help but to feel bless and happy. It was a big step for her and it was for me an answer to my confession from before....


For you to not be confused I'll explain few things I did not really mention clearly in the story:

Gary is four year older than Jihyo, Jihyo is 18yo and Gary is 22yo. Jihyo is in her last year of highschool.

Gary, after he finished his highschool life worked from 18 to 20 yo to pay his own appartement, because his father didn't wanted him to leaved the house so he wouldn' t pay for his son. After wroking for two year he started studying law in an university where he met his grilfriend, he passed the first year, but in the second year he stopped because of his breakup and because he was depressed and that's when he was brought to the hospital where he met Jihyo. Now that Jihyo's out of the hospital too she keeps on her last year of highschool to get her diploma, while Gary works in the coffee shop waiting for the school year to end.

After Jihyo get her diplome she'll go in the same university as Gary. She'll start her first year in college while Gary will start again his second year.

And sorry for the long time before the update and for the short chapter. I'll come back with a new update asap.

Next chapter: Three years later...

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prettychim #1
Chapter 11: Great job.great ending.authornim jjang..but i am just curious about kang gary's mom and dad.
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 11: Great ending! Glad they ended up happy with each other.m Thank you for writing the story. I hope you will write more stories! :)
Chapter 11: fortunately im alone in my office.. hahahhaa
smiling non stop hahahhaha
thank to you for making this good story ;)
keep writing :)
iamrainy #4
Chapter 11: awesome...
mongae #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating authornim..... I've been waiting for so long.... this a really really great chapter authornim... keep on writing authornim... authornim saranghae :-D
nurfitrianits #6
Chapter 11: finally you're back authornim I need to read previous chapter before I read this :D
yeeay happy ending and good for both of them also, but authornim I feel like the plot of this chap is so fast, but I really like your ff
hope you can update the other ff of yours or maybe make a new ff about mondaycouple
fighting authornim o∩_∩o
iamrainy #7
Chapter 10: please update
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 10: I really live the story! I find the plot really interesting. I look forward for the next update! :)
iamrainy #9
Chapter 10: thank you author
fireheaven #10
Chapter 10: Finally they are together again haha
Next chap will be the last already? Can't wait