Going Out

Made From Heaven...

Everyone was around us, trying to stop me, stop me from beating his face, he was bleeding, I was on top of him, beatting and beatting him again and again, I heard police guard comming in the street.I knew they came for me but I couldn't control myself anymore, what he said to me just made me more insane than I already was.


Just before the fight :

I was waiting in front of the highschool, anxious, angry, ready... Waiting him to go out, I knew his face as I looked for him in internet after asking his name to Jihyo. I clenched my fist when I saw him getting out. He was smilling peacfully, that smirk on his face remind me of Jihyo's tears, that's bastard... I got out from my car and walked toward him. He must pay !


Seven days before the fight :


I went in Kim doctor's office, I knocked the door and he told me to get in.

-"Gary-shii, what's bringing you here ?"

-"Annyeonghaseo, soengsegnim" I said as I bowed to him.

-"Take a sit" He told me pointing the chair in front of him, and I sat down.

-"Sir, I wanted to see you because I'm going out in fives days from here and..."

-"You're worried for Jihyo-shii ?"

-"Yes..., I think she's better now, when will she be able to go out ?"

-"Erhm, well, I don't think she's alright. She refuse everyone to touch her, she refuse to speak about her feelings, about her trauma and she doesn't always want to take her medecine, she's not ready yet."

-"Sir, there are things that you don't know, she let me touch her, we tried little by little, she held my hand, it's just that she doesn't like the personnels here. I mean I know you guys aren't bad and are just doing your job but I don't know why she closed herself when she's with nurses and all. With me she's not like that."

-"Young boy, I trust you when you say that she made progress because she did, but the problem is that it's not that she close herself in her own world when she's with us it that she only open up to you. This is one of the things that make me a little worried because she has to get better and she can't always be depending on you. See, how will we do when you'll leave ? She won't even let us do her check up like it was in the beginning."

-"I see... Sir, then can I come everyday to help her ? Can I just keep being with her ? I'll continue to help you doing her check up and all seriously I don't mind !"

-"Erhm you're a patient here.. We'll have to see with my collegues about her treatment. But I can't say more to you."

-"And if I tell you sir, that she did told me what hapened to her..."

-"She did ?"

-"Yes, she did."

-"Well that's an huge progress, I think we'll held a meeting, with her and other doctors. Thank you for telling me, this is a huge proress for her and I did not except her to do it that fast, seeing how she's closed with us."

-"Sir ? Can I ask you what happened to that man ?"

-"Hum... The report at the police station did not go anywhere because he was support by to many powerful people."

-"So he's free and not paying for what he did ?" I yelled unconsiously at the doctor.

-"Calm down young man, I'm sure he will gets what he deserves one day. Life isn't easy."

-"You're right." I said to him before leaving.


I joined Jihyo's room, knocked at the door and without waiting for her answer made my way thru her bed.

-"Oppa, you could wait till I asnwer !" she scold me smiling when she saw me.

-"Sorry but I want to tell you something really important." I sat nex to her bed.

-"What ?"

-"I... I'll leave this place in fives days." I said to her shuttering. Her smile fadded away.

-"Oh, really... It's good for you then." she said.

-"Will you be ok on your own ?" I asked her full of concerns. And she looked down.

-"Don't worry, I'll come by everyday to see you, I'll still try to help you doing your check up ok ? And if you're scared at night then you can just called me and I'll be there for you"

But she still looked down and seemed affraid. I held up her chin for her to look at me. It also was the first time I held her chin but for once she did not flinched.

-"Hey... It will be ok, don't worry. I'll still be here for you and I'm sure you'll go out soon ok ?"

She nodded to me. Suddenly two doctors entered the room followed by one nurse, the one Jihyo did really hated.

-"Jihyo-shii, come with me, we'll have a meeting in my office to see how you're doing and watch your progress ok ?"

Jihyo looked at me, then looked back at the doctor. "I don't want to follow you in your office"

-"But every patient do it, I'm a psychologist doctor, you know that. I have to see how you're doing, when you'll be ready I'll maybe put you in a psychological support group and then when you'll be totally better, you'll be able to go out and never come back ok ?"

She did not answer and though about what Kim-Seonsaengnim told her. That doctor was really a good person, he perfectly new how to handle his patients and help other. But the nurse in the room was not like that she rolled her eyes seeing Jihyo did not answer, I knew why Jihyo hated her.

-"Jihyo-ya, it's true, I did it too. I went in Kim-Seonsaengnim's office, we talked a lot and now I'm better and able to leave in fives days. You have to do it too and then we'll be able to see each other outside, ok ?"

She looked at me, nodded and said : "But can't you come along ?"

-"Jihyo.. I.." I hesitated because I remembered what the doctor told me berfore, she had to do well without me or she won't be able to leave. Still in my though Kim-Seonsaengnim said : "Ok, we'll do like this because it'll be your first real therapy as before you never wanted to speak to us ok ? But after you'll have to do it by yourself, not with that young man ok?"

She finally smiled and nodded. I saw in the doctor's face that he was surprised, surprised by her smile because it was the first time he saw her smiling since she came here. We followed the doctor in his office.

He made Jihyo sat confotably in his therapy chair and he sat not far away from her onto his own chair, while I just stood near the door, watching them.

-"So, Jihyo-shii, how are you feeling today ?" he asked her with his book and pen in his hand.

-"..... I'm.. fine"

-"Well it's good to hear that. What do you feel about life ? Do you think you can enjoy it ?"

-"I felt like I stated to live again. Because it became fun again sometimes."

-"And do you still feel sad ?"

She did not answer to that and just looked the doctor mongly.

-"Do you still have nightmare? Waking up in sweat?"

She shook her head and the doctor looked at her trying to see if she was saying the truth: "Nurses told me you couldn't sleep and also that when they start check patient on early morning you two are always awake and sitting on a bench" he then looked at me and I said : "Doctor, she slept almost peacefully yesterday night, she did not wake up in sweat. It's been two nights since her last nightmare." I assured him.

-"How do you feel when you have those nightmare? Do you remember the incident?" Kim-Seonsaengnim carefully asked to her. She bend her head down and nodded, she's always dreaming about that. Seeing her like this, I saw her sad face once again and it just made me burnt of anger for that bastard.

-"How do you feel when remembering that incident?" I wished he would not asked her that, because I knew she was hurt but it was his job to help her and he had to asked for her to heal later, I just clenched my fist and watched her. But she did not answered to him, she glanced at me once to see if I was still here.

-"If it's to personel, maybe the young man should wait outside so you can try to answer my question, is that what you want?" He asked her thinking she would be unconfortable talking about that in front of me but she shooked her head. "If he's leaving I go to." she answered coldly to Kim-Seonsaengnim, then she looked at me: "Oppaaa..." she said affraid, I smiled at her a conforting smile and walk toward her. "It's ok Jihyo, I won't go anywhere ok? Try to tell him, if you want to go out you have to get better and this is the way to get better ok?" She kept staring at me :"Hey, I thought you were strong ! Remember that the first time we met you almost killed me and then we've been shot by a stun gun ? And the second time you stole my cigarette and then threatened me." I laughed as I remember, what a curious meeting I thought, she smiled too, "sorry" she said smiling to me. The doctor cought as to make us remember that we were in his office, blushing I got back next to the door and Jihyo accepted to answer to the doctor's questions.


During my last days at the hospital, Jihyo made great progress, she did her therapy everyday, her condition was to be able to leave anytime she wanted of the office, and I was waiting her in front of the door. Finally, it was my day out. I went to see her a last time in her room, I knocked the door and she saw me, I entered.

-"Oh, anyeong oppa." her voice sounded sad.

-"Hey, Jihyo." I tried to smile

-"So leaving today hu ?" she added.

-"..Yes..." I felt bad to leave before her and to leave without her. "Jihyo-ya you have to promise me something !"

-"What ?" she asked confused.

-"Promise me you'll keep getting better even if I'm not here, promise me you'll do your best to get out of here as soon as possible ok ? In exchange oppa promises you that I'll come to see you, everyday if I can, also I'll wait for my friend outside for sure !" I smiled at her.

-"Arasso, I promise all of this to you." She smiled at me.

-"Can I asked you one more thing before leaving ? You can say no if you don't want to ok ?"

She nodded once again. "Can I have a hug now ?"

She shyly smiled to my resquest and nodded, I stupidly smiled from ear to ear and went to her, took her in my arm, not to tightly because I didn't wanted to scared her, she did not respond my hug but still she let me hold her in my arms and this was enough. I quickly broke the hug and waved to her "Bye".


Finally at home, I was living alone in Seoul, since I started highschool and now I would be able to start over my study that I stopped when I felt depressed in the college. But before that I had things to do, important things. I needed to find that bastard. I spent two days to find more information about him, I looked for Jihyo's highschool and decided on a plan to make him confess what he did. Then I went to see him...


I was waiting in front of the highschool, anxious, angry, ready... Waiting him to go out, I knew his face as I looked for him in internet after asking his name to Jihyo. I clenched my fist when I saw him getting out. He was smilling peacfully, than smirk on his face remind me of Jihyo's tears, that's bastard... I got out from my car and walked toward him. He must pay !

-"Excuse me ?" I asked politly and he turned to see me : "Yes ?" he asked.

-"Are you Teacher here ? Is your name Kwon Chunyul-shii ?"

-"Yes, it's me.. Why ?"

I clenched my fist, I found him... But now I wanted to kill him right now. But I couldn't do that, he had to confess, Jihyo wasn't the liar in this story, he was and I needed to show it to the rest of that rotten shcool, teachers and students.

-"I know her." I said to him.

-"What ? Who ?"

-"The student a bastard  like you ." I grethed my teeth.

-"What ? YA ! Who are you to accused le like this are you crazy ? I don't even know you !"

-"Song Jihyo" I said her name angrily at him. Then he smirked.

-"Ya, do you know that ? I did not her ok, she was my student, I spent so much time trainning, spent so many of my own time, so many hope in her, she hold it to me, but what she didn't wanted me to touch her ? After all I did for her ? I never spend so many of my time for someone without receving anything back, it was just a payback time."

Damn I couldn't belive what I just heard, was he talking about Jihyo, what payback time ? Just because he's doing his job trainning girls, that son of bich though that he could just abused someone like that.... Anger boiled up on me, I couldn't control myself anymore, I puched him with all my force in the face, he fall back down on the ground, his nose started to bleed, I jumped on top of him and punched him on the face again. "WHAT DID YOU SAID ?" I started yelling at him while grabbing his collar and holding up his face. "PAYBACK TIME ?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME ? DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH A GIRL'S LIFE ? YOU RUINED HER !!" As I said that it made me angrier and I started to punch his face again. "WHY DID YOU DID THAT TO HER ? WHY ?? ING BASTARD !"

Everyone from the school were around us, trying to stop me, stop me from beating his face, he was bleeding, I was on top of him, beatting and beatting him again and again, I heard police guard comming in the street.I knew they came for me but I couldn't control myself anymore, what he said just made me more insane than I already was....


After the police men stopped me, coffred me and called an ambulance for that teacher we were both brought in the police station. There, that bastard threaten me, he yelled I'll be in jail for what I've done and he called his friends working here, surely the one who help him to not go in jail and not be guilty after what he have done to her. His friends came to us, one of them was the deputy chief of Gangnam police station. When that bastard saw the deputy chief he smiled ear to ear and told him to put me in jail for a long time also, he told him the way I beat him and all, cursing on me. The deputy chief came near to me, smilling and telling his friend to not worry that I'll be in big trouble only till he saw my face. When he saw my face his smiled faded away immediatly and he bowed to me. Now I was the one smiling.......

-"Omo, Ga.. Gary-shii, what are you doing here ?"

-"Your man brought me here..." I simply answered while the bastard was yelling : "Ya ! What you're doing hu ? Why bowing to that son of , he beat me ! put him in jail right now !"

But the deputy chief turned to his friend and whispered to him : "Ya ! you stop do you now who's that kid? If you don't want to have troubles shut up and let me do my job !" and then he turned to me : "Gary-shii, you can go now, I'm sorry that my man took you here"

-"What, you want to let him go ? YA !! YA !!" but the deputy chief covered his mouth and said him : "Shut up, he's the nephew of my boss, he has the power to fire us and also to put you in trouble ok !". The bastard looked at me and I smiled to him : "Now you know how it felt, when people uses the people they know to not have troubles and also do never come near her again ! And wait because till you're not rotting in jail I will not be done with you !" I said and leaved.

It's true that my oncle is someone with a very powerful work in the police. But I am not in good terms with him. Still I wanted to asked him for help to put that bastard in jail as he deserved it, also what that teacher did not know was that I recorded all our conversation a while ago, when he said it was just a payback time.


The day after I went to visit Jihyo. I entered her room as usual, she was on bed, reading books, she was cute and seemed to be ok. I approached her and when she saw me she was surprised and then smiled warmly.

-"Oppa !! What are you doing here ?" I sat next to her on her bed.

-"Just comming to see you, as I promised, don't you remember ?" I pretended to sulk.

-"Of course I remember, oppa today the doctor said me I did well in therapy, he also said that if I keep being fine like this then I'll be able to go out soon !"

-"Really ? That's great !!"



-"Is it true ? I heard nurses saying you were in jail yesterday" she asked me worried

-"What ? What did they said ?" I panicked

-"One said : "Ya, do you remember a patient name Kang Gary, he was your patient right ?" the other answered :"Yes, he leaved two days ago why ?" and the first one : "Cuz I heard he beat someone and he's now at the police staion."

-"Jihyo... Actually.... This is true." Her face changed, she was shcoked. But I kept going on : "I told you I'll make him pay and I did, I went in front of your highschool yesterday and waited for him, then I tried to make him confess for what he did to you and he actually kind of confessed but what he said made me angry and I couldn't control myself I just punch his face... He needed to pay for what he did."

She looked at me in confusion, tears started rolling down her cheeks and I panicked : "Why are you crying ? Why ?"

-"Oppa... You're the first one who belives me, you're the only one who made him pay... Thank you oppa, but I don't want you to do more, I don't want you to go in jail because of me... Oppa... Why did you do that ?"

I smiled at her cuteness, wiped her tears with my thumps, cupped her face and made her looked at me, she stopped sobbing and stared in my eyes in confusion.

-"It's because I love you." I finally confessed.



Hey guys, so this is the third chapter ! Hope you'll like it and as promised I updated before sunday :p This one is a little longer because it's more than 3300 words. Enjoy, Give my your impression in comments, subscribe if you like and you even can show that story to your friends ^^

See you soon for the next update I hope, love you and thank for all the supporte you gave me till now !

Also for those who have exam, those who work hard everyday and all the other FIGHTING !

By the way, tomorrow I'll be live screenshotting RunningMan episode 213 on my twitter account @MongJihyoFrance. Like I do every sunday.




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prettychim #1
Chapter 11: Great job.great ending.authornim jjang..but i am just curious about kang gary's mom and dad.
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 11: Great ending! Glad they ended up happy with each other.m Thank you for writing the story. I hope you will write more stories! :)
Chapter 11: fortunately im alone in my office.. hahahhaa
smiling non stop hahahhaha
thank to you for making this good story ;)
keep writing :)
iamrainy #4
Chapter 11: awesome...
mongae #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating authornim..... I've been waiting for so long.... this a really really great chapter authornim... keep on writing authornim... authornim saranghae :-D
nurfitrianits #6
Chapter 11: finally you're back authornim I need to read previous chapter before I read this :D
yeeay happy ending and good for both of them also, but authornim I feel like the plot of this chap is so fast, but I really like your ff
hope you can update the other ff of yours or maybe make a new ff about mondaycouple
fighting authornim o∩_∩o
iamrainy #7
Chapter 10: please update
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 10: I really live the story! I find the plot really interesting. I look forward for the next update! :)
iamrainy #9
Chapter 10: thank you author
fireheaven #10
Chapter 10: Finally they are together again haha
Next chap will be the last already? Can't wait