Don't Fall In Love With Me

She went downstairs to look for Mark but he wasn't anywhere in sight. It seemed he just magically disappeared out of no where. She walked around slowly inspecting her new house that she would be living in. It wasn't too grand or too small. It was perfect. It was perfect for a bridal home. It was probably even perfect to raise a child.

She heard someone in the kitchen. She peaked in to see an unfamilar person.

"Madam, you're awake? Would you like to eat anything?" The maid bowed.

She ignored the question. "I didn't know Mark had a maid here."

He giggled. "I didn't get to introduce myself but my name is Didi or at least that's my nickname I like to be call. I had been a maid here ever since Mark was a teenager. I'm very close to him. He's a master I treasure very much."

Soojung smiled. "What kind of a person is your master?" 

"Oh boy, let me see." He putted his hand against his waist. "He's a very kind gentlemen. He's thoughtful, loyal, sweet, and caring. If I didn't see him as my master, I would make him mine already." He replied.

*Is that even true?* Soojung thought.

"Well, I'm going to continue to look around." She said.

He nodded and got right back to his duty.

"At least there's someone else in this house I can converse with." She mumbled, as she walked away.

She noticed one of the cabinets in the hallway was propped open. She went over to close it but saw a cardboard box sitting inside. She opened the cabinet door bigger and pulled out the box a bit to see what was inside.

Her heart fell.

It was picture frames of Mark and Hayoung.

She looked at one after another.

"Don't touch these!" Mark yanked the box away.

"Who told you you can touch this? Why did you think I hid it in here? So you won't be able to find it!" He yelled.

She dropped the glass frame that was in her hand. It shattered into pieces between Mark and Soojung.

"Why did you marry me?" She asked, softly.

He turned away. "I don't know."

He walked away with his box with his precious pictures inside.

Soojung took another deep breath, holding her tears.


Mark placed the box inside his trunk and drove out. He stopped at the corner and started hitting the stiring wheel. 

"Hayoung!" He screamed.

He continued driving. There was one place he wanted to go right now. Hayoung's grave.

He took heavy steps to her grave and fell on his knees.

He buried his face. "I thought you said we'll be together forever? But what happened? What happened Hayoung? Why did you leave me?"

He started punching the floor.


She came behind Mark and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

She whispered against his ears. "I love you Mark." She quickly stole a kiss on his cheek. 

He smiled. He grabbed her arms off of him and pulled her into his lap. He kissed her trying to steal her attention as he was secretly pulling out a surprise.

"Open your eyes." He said between the kisses.

Hayoung pulled away and saw what she was finally waiting for. She cried. "Mark."

"Hayoung, will you marry me? I love you and I can't see myself spending my life with anybody else but you. I promise I will always love and cherish you." He said.

She nodded happily. "Yes."

He hugged her tightly.

"We'll be together forever." She said.

His tear dropped onto the grass. He suddenly wiped his tear as he noticed someone was beside him. He looked up and thought he was dreaming. He rubbed her eyes again and she was still standing before him.

"Hayoung!" He cried, as he jumped and hugged her.

She pushed him away. "My name is Dayoung."

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lustal28 #1
Please update soon authornim :) :) :)
lustal28 #2
Please.. Update soon authornim :)
Chapter 6: haha soojung cracks me up :P
70V3LY #4
Chapter 6: Haha Soojung is so silly! Love this fic!
Haeysoo #5
Chapter 6: I want more jackson and soojung moment
luvylily3 #6
Chapter 5: Oh?Who is Dayoung?And what happen to Mark?Please update!!
70V3LY #7
Chapter 5: Oh no, Mark is hurt! I can't wait to find out who Dayoung is!
LinLin_09 #8
Chapter 4: Where is Hayoung? Is she die?
LinLin_09 #9
Chapter 5: This chapter really interesting...please update more author