
The Day We First Met

I took Onew to a fast food restaurant nearby and bought chicken for himself. I watched Onew eating by himself. Then I felt my phone vibrated. It was from Jonghyun.

"Are you okay? Who's that guy?"

"He's my neighbour. The one I told you just now. Why, jealous much?"

"Yep, a bit...^^"

"Don't worry, he's not my boyfriend"

"_________-ah, why are you smiling?" I saw Onew wiping his mouth with a tissue. Man, he's a fast eater.

"Nothing, why?" I shoved my phone inside my pocket.

"It's obvious you're text messaging you're boyfriend" He smirked.

"What? Who?"

"You know, the guy just now.."

"YAH, HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled at him. People were staring us.

"Come on, let's go," I got up and pulled Onew outside. Then we walked home. It was already dark outside.

I went inside my house and take a quick shower. I wore my pajamas and my phone vibrated. "Jjongie oppa<3"

"Are you asleep?"

"Nope, why?"

"Can I come over? Anyone at your house?"

"Sure, come over. No, just me,"

After a few minutes, I heard the sound of a motorbike outside. I went to look when I saw Jonghyun in front of me.

"What? Do you think a stranger is going to kidnap you?" He smiled. What a charming killer smile.

"Aniyo, how come you arrive here so fast?" I put a curious look on my face.

"I'll explain it later. Can I come in?" He looked at me.

"Sure, come in. Did you have dinner?" I asked him.

"Aniyo, I didn't." I saw him went straight to the sofa. He looked tired.

Jonghyun's POV

Should I tell her?

"I'll cook for you. Is kimchi fried rice okay with you?" She can cook?

"Aniyo, just cook. So you live alone huh?" I looked at her. Her smile fade away. Then she smiled again.

"Ne, but sometimes my neighbour Onew sleeps here," I stared at her with shocked expression. But I hide it.

"Well, can I stay here?"

"Uh, waeyo?" she raised her eyebrow.

"I got kicked out of my house. My omma told me to find a new home then I can take my things," I looked down.

"Ah, gwenchanayo, our house got plenty of rooms. You can pick one." Plenty?! Is she a daughter of a billionaire?!

"How many rooms?" Just curious.

"Five upstairs, three at the back and four downstairs,"

Wow. She is a daughter of a billionaire.

"You can shower upstairs. I got some of my fathers clothes that will fit you perfectly," She threw a towel at me.

I went upstairs and went to the bathroom. I rearrange my clothes properly on the toilet seat. I pulled the shower curtain and turned the shower knob. Then I heard someone open the door.

What the heck?

________'s POV

I turned the doorknob. Probably it was Jonghyun showering. I don't want to look there. I took Jonghyun's clothes from the toilet seat and replaced it with my father's clothes. Then I closed the door.

Jonghyun's POV

I heard the door closed again. After I finished, I saw the clothes on the toilet seat. Where's my clothes. I wore the clothes and looked at the mirror. It fits me perfectly. I went downstairs and I saw _______ with another guy.

Is he really her neigbour? Or her boyfriend?


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Chapter 5: Yeah , FINISH IT , OR ELSE *glare*

Lol XD
Please finish it!!! :) And Yes, Sungkyunkwan Scandal is adorable!!!
AliyaKpopfan95 #3
I'll make sure I'll finish this ff!
NONONONONO. Update it. :D Finish it please?
yah!!! I've already watch it!! the drama was so cute!!!
evalala #6
update soon!<br />
this is good for your first ff!^^
Update soon!!! love your fanfic! congrats on your first fanfics!
Update soon~ :)