I never told anyone this before...

The Day We First Met

Sorry for late update! Busy with school.

Again, sorry for any typing errors!


"Hello, my name is Kim Jonghyun. Nice to meet you," He held out his hands, smiling at me. Gosh, I think I'm dead. He killed me with his smile. I blushed.

"N-Nice to meet you t-too, Jonghyun," I blushed while I shaked his hands. OMO, I don't want to let go of his hands! So soft! Is he wearing lotion or something?

"You know, you're different from the other girls. The girls would come up to us and keep asking do we have girlfriends without introducing themselves. But you, you're the shy type. Wonder if you have many friends,"

"Well, I love being alone. But sometimes being alone ,"  Tears began rolling down my cheeks. Jonghyun offered me tissue. Key saw that and began patting my shoulders.

"_______-ah, tell me what's your problem and why are you crying," Key whispered to me.

I tried to focus hard on the lesson but the memory of the car accident keeps popping in my mind. Should I tell them?

Jonghyun's POV

Why is _______ crying? Did I say something wrong?

"Nothing, nothing really," I saw ________ wiping her tears from her cheeks and she took a deep breath.

"________, did I say something wrong?" I asked ______ politely.

"Aniyo, it's just...will you guys please not tell anyone?" _______ look at Key and me.

"Yeah, sure! Tell me!" Key started to sit closely to her. Why do I feel jealous?

"My parents died when I was 9 in a car accident. Since then I had to rely on myself. I live alone at my house. The house is the last thing that I can recall all my sweet memories with my parents. I was just a small girl. All the people around me told me that my parents ran away overseas. Until I was 12, I realized my parents are gone. I know that because my neighbour told me. Until now we hang out together. He lives alone too. But his parents is still alive. I just needed someone to rely on," _______ told us both.

No wonder she was crying just now. __________ needs me. I need to help her.

Key's POV

OMO! Poor _____! She must be lonely! I need to be at her side. She needs me!

______'s POV

Ah, feels so good to share this. Like a weight has been lifted off me. I saw Jonghyun write on paper and pass it to me. I read it.

"Don't worry, count on me! I promise to be by your side!" I can't help but keep smiling. I replied back.

"Thanks Jonghyun-ah. Promise?" I passed the paper back to him. After a few seconds he replied back.

"Promise! Hey, how about call me oppa?" I look up and saw Jonghyun staring at me. I nodded.

"Jonghyun oppa! It's study time! Pabo me, I should focus too!"

"Haha! Hey, you have phone number?"

"Of course! Why, you want to call me at the middle of the night?"

"What? _______, let's exchange our phone number!

"Okay! Here's mine!"

We both exchanged phone numbers. I saved his number to my phone. I typed "Jjongie oppa<3" .

Then my phone beeped. Aish, Jonghyun!

"Hey, wanna go out after school?"

"Sure! Where to?"

"Well, how about Starbucks then?"

"Awesome!" I sent him and put my phone at my pocket.

"Wow,  I got a date with Kim Jonghyun? We just met!" I muttered to myself


Author's note: Well, how was the story? I need some opinions! Please leave some comments okay? I'll try very hard to make this a good story! Oh yeah, I needed a poster for this story! Hehe, if you guys willing to help I'll give you.....Hugs and Kisses?? Eeeww.



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Chapter 5: Yeah , FINISH IT , OR ELSE *glare*

Lol XD
Please finish it!!! :) And Yes, Sungkyunkwan Scandal is adorable!!!
AliyaKpopfan95 #3
I'll make sure I'll finish this ff!
NONONONONO. Update it. :D Finish it please?
yah!!! I've already watch it!! the drama was so cute!!!
evalala #6
update soon!<br />
this is good for your first ff!^^
Update soon!!! love your fanfic! congrats on your first fanfics!
Update soon~ :)