scene one : meeting you

5 Centimeters Per Second



   5 centimeters per second   )

chapter one : cherry blossom
scene one : meeting you




She sighed softly as she hesitantly walked through the halls of her new school. A gloomy silence shadowed throughout the entire school as everyone was in their classrooms already. Standing in front of the door to her new class, she hesitated, wondering if she should open the door or wait outside for the rest of the day. The second choice was impossible she thought as a hand gripped her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be fine in this class. There are wonderful students that I'm sure would like a friend like you. I know it's hard meeting new friends, but you'll make some great friends," the principal remarked, placing a hand on the door handle and pushing it open, revealing a classroom full of children, listening to a lecture their teacher was saying.

When the door creaked open, the children quickly faced towards the door with looks of question on their face. Her face burned when the children gave their undivided attention to her. She lowered her head as she was not used to so much attention before. The teacher softly smiled before placing a hand on her shoulder and led her towards the front of the room.

"Thank you for bringing her here," the teacher spoke towards the principle who nodded and closed the door. "Class, this is your new classmate. Please introduce yourself."

"Annyeonghaeseyo, Kwon Kyung Mi imnida. Please treat me well," Kyung Mi mumbled shyly as she bowed at a 90 degree angle towards the class and towards her teacher. The teacher smiled once more before looking around the classroom for an empty seat.

"Your seat will be over there next to Lee Byunghun. Byunghun, raise your hand so our new classmate knows where you are." A boy whose seat was near the window reluctantly raised his hand before he dropped his hand. Kyung Mi quietly walked down the aisle towards her desk as the teacher went back to her previous lecture. But some children couldn't concentrate as they kept turning their heads to where Kyung Mi sat and watched her. Girls whispered and pointed towards her as they were curious or making fun of her. The boys kept silent whenever they turned around and watched. 

"Children, you will not learn if you keep turning in your seat and watching your new classmate. I promise that you will all have time later to go and introduce yourself. But for now, please concentrate on this lesson," the teacher reprimanded with a smile. The children groaned but nonetheless turned back around and gave their attention back to the teacher, who continued on. Looking to her left, she saw that Lee Byunghun wasn't concentrating on the lecture but rather at the cherry blossoms that were dancing in the wind outside. A small smile decorated his face as he watched, quietly drumming his fingers on his desk in a rhythm. Turning his attention away from the cherry blossoms, he caught Kyung Mi staring at him and gives a smile. Responding with a small smile, Kyung Mi turned away while thinking to herself that this year might be an interesting one.




AUTHOR'S NOTE : I hoped you liked the first chapter. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be but we'll see how it goes. So we meet our lead girl, Kwon Kyung Mi and our lead male, Lee Byunghun. Please comment and subscribe :)



credits to fallen angel

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X_Wolf_Angel_X #1
Chapter 4: Please update I love this so much it's so sweet .
Chapter 3: I love it! It's swwet and simple :3 I'm looking forward to your process ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author ^^
Keep on with good work. Up until now, it's very sweet